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Everything posted by LostElement

  1. Only if you use them on short missions. I am constantly transferring crew, setting up fuel lines via KAS mod, that eventually I run out.
  2. Now, some of us has lost kerbals because they ran out of EVA fuel. Why not whenever you EVA, you have a tether? But if you would like to leave farther, there would be an option saying 'Detach Tether'. This would be a nice idea. If your kerbals EVA fuel runs out and is on tether, there would be another option saying 'Retract Tether'. Thoughts?
  3. There are some pretty good videos out there that can explain this. Take a look at Scott Manley's videos. He gives a good tutorial
  4. This is not a suggestion, it's just a question. Will squad ever implement mining? I really like the kethane add-on, it adds purpose. but it'd be nice if they did implement this. I saw this suggested many times, and it made me wonder if they ever will add it. Thanks!
  5. Well, if you don't mind addons then download Mechanicl Jeb. It has a surface information that will tell you exactly how high you are. Mechjeb is great, Its nice to have the orbital information the surface info. it can do more. Go check it out!
  6. Yea, but those are a bit tricky to use when you are trying to get into orbit on an atmospheric planet or something else. I use them Only for interplanetary uses
  7. I have solar panels, and they are very reflective. They do have tinted glass. or at least it look tinted
  8. How about texturing certain parts in KSP? like adding gold/copper foils? They would be mainly for cosmetics but it would be cool. I was always frustrated that some of my probes and satellite didn't look like probes and satellite. And shouldn't solar panels reflect more light? They seem a bit on the Matte side.
  9. No Alien, No weapons. Solar storms? No but Solar flares would be a better idea. I would hate to see aliens and weapons in this game.
  10. I've looked at KW rocketry and NovaPunch, they have multi engine boosters. Would squad add Engines with like 2-5 boosters on it? It would be kinda nice but I guess I can understand if it isn't planned. After all KSP is only in Alpha!
  11. Let's make a space-plane megathread! I haven't seen one anywhere so let's just make one! Post your space plane pics!
  12. Hi everyone! My name is LostElement! I am a moderately experienced player and LOVES to play KSP. I am a nice guy and I try my best to support and help others! I do not like Facebook, and I am a science man, meaning I am not religious. But I do have twitter , its @TheForgivin follow me if you wish. I also have A steam account its TheKahless. That's where my KSP pics are! that's a little about me. Fly safe!
  13. Rings wouldn't be too hard just use some nice looking decals with reflectors and shadowing.
  14. I don't like those mods, they take a little too long to navigate around it. The page number thing would be faster and I have yet to see any mods that do that
  15. That's a bit kruel. But I do like the idea. It having a bubbly/Liguidy surface with solar flares and such. That would make kerbol a much more hostile place.
  16. When you run multiple mods like, KW Rocketry, NovaPunch, B9 Aerospace, It gets over whelming to navigate the pages. Instead of arrows, why not a list of numbers on the top? Ex. Page1 Page2 Page3, and so on. Using the arrows takes a little long and gets frustrating. Directly jumping to a certain page would safe time and hassle. What do you think?
  17. I like building rovers to send off to planets/moons like Minmus, Duna, Tlyo, ETC. But I think the parts for rovers are a little lacking. Such as the wheels. Now I like mods, but some of them like to conflict from my 'Must have' mods. Omni wheels are out of the question. Why not more wheels like dual tired wheels, and curiosity rover wheels. While at it, why not special types of solar panels and cosmetic camera/ science equipment. more body parts, cosmetic mining equipment. I like mods but they like to conflict with other good mods. How about that? I personally think it'd be great to have more rover specific parts And, why not its own hanger? When you press 'Launch' there'd be a little testing track. A small little pool to test buoyancy, some little cliffs to test the strength of the rover, and inclines. Obviously it'd have to have turns to test how well and stable you rover runs. And it'd have to be large for those monster sized rovers. What do you think? I personally love to see this implemented.
  18. Ok, I have a problem. I have 5 Atomic Engines. One has a decoupler in this middle. Whenver I decouple this, the fairings on the atomic motor eject and blow up the rocket engines. Its most annoying. I even put the 'Even Heavier' Novapunch struts on the engines and it didn't work. I am unable to post a picture. Any help on this would be great.
  19. KSP may be in alpha, but it's friggin fun as crap! I can wait.
  20. For some reason It won't let me post pics, but the largest one I've built was about 3000 tons. As far as interplanetary goes, 100 tons. Post a pic!
  21. My part limit? I dunno. I've built a very complex space station and a didn't lag much. It was 1500-2000 parts. Felt like 20 FPS. I am just experimenting with different launchers. If I wanted something in space, I will get it to space.
  22. I have built asparagus staging many many times. I've went so far to rebuild this rocket. 8 TIMES. I think its got something to do with the decouplers transferring fuel when I don't want it to.
  23. I primarily use Mechjeb to land in a certain spot, like a base or when Im looking at the orbital info and such. Since I use Novapunch I use the struts that have 22million strength, A bit much but I don't want 500 struts on my rocket.
  24. Thats good. I do need some imput on how to make this work. The fuel levels are always uneven. Whenever I eject one stage, the 2nds fuel levels are all unbalanced and uneven. One booster would run out making the entire rocket flip.
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