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Everything posted by LostElement

  1. Squad is going to add more planets, I am pretty sure we are getting a ring planet, and possibly and asteroid belt?
  2. HOCgaming, and Scott Manley. Oh and don't forget Danny 2462!
  3. Nukes overheat, but never explode. I have burned a long and tedious 13 minute burn. Never exploded.
  4. Well they do weigh something. I had a very small rocket. It was about 1 or 2 tons. I placed and External Command seat on it and place a kerbal asymmetrically The rocket flipped out of control with out SAS, I tried with out the kerbal and it flew perfectly. I am curious to know this myself.
  5. I have several, I guess you could call them tricks. rendezvousing and docking are like nothing to me. It comes natural for me to do it. Every rocket I build always fly and the majority of the time, get into orbit.
  6. You could edit the .cfg file to make them less powerful and efficient to use as a temporary fix. Im sure SQUAD has the intention of rebalancing RCS.
  7. Landed on it, took off from it, got home. The lander was basically a Huge 400 part asparagus stage lander with one role only: to land on tylo. And it worked.
  8. I hate wobbly rockets. I use Kerbal joint reinforcment, but sometimes it isnt enough. Struts dont even exist in IRL rockets. It's all super bolted or welded together.
  9. Super massive water base? Or a super massive boat?
  10. 1 has been suggested many many times. 2. Elaborate. 3. I don't think its outside unity's engine, look at Kerbol. Unless you are thinking of something else
  11. I've done every planet and back with an ION mother ship. unfortunately I do not have the craft file nor the picture... I guess you can take my word that I built it and went to every planet and back.... took me 2-3 days to complete.
  12. There should be a Easy, Normal, Hard, and Master difficulty. determining whether how much money you start with, the maximum kerbal deaths before shutdown, etc.
  13. I LOVE the tweakables. They are a godsend. But I wish the Booster tweakables were different. For Example. A mainsail has 1500 thrust, a Skipper has 650 Thrust. 650 is too little, and 1500 is too high. What if instead of the 75% thrust bar, we could have a 750-1500 bar. It could be in increments of 25 or 50. A more precise way of tweaking the engines more to your liking without using a lot of math. Because It would be nice to use a Mainsail with 1000 thrust instead of tweaking the .cfg file. Thoughts?
  14. I wish the tweakables for boosters were a bit different. Like for a mainsail has 1500 thrust. A skipper has 650. 650 is too low and 1500 is too much. I wish you could take the mainsails 1500 and tweak it down to 1000. Instead of 75.5 or 90.
  15. Title may be a bit misleading. But what I am saying is that when you look at Mun it looks very 3D. No Light really reflecting off of it. But when you look at Luna it looks like a flat reflective surface, which is awesome, Could we have a similar thing happen in KSP? With all planets and moons? Have minmus be the brightest dot in the Kerbin sky?
  16. I have to say many thank yous. Thank you SQUAD for making the best Computer Game I have ever played Thank you for changing my life, I want to work at NASA! Thank you KSP Community for your kindness Thank you KSP Community for your help for when I was struggling in KSP Thank you for this great game, May it live on forever and inspire many lives to take the path to science. And many more thank yous! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  17. rendezvousing takes me about 1-3 minutes to do. I have accomplished everything. I can do every planet and back, Docking, and other things so easily.... when currency comes out, I will need to learn how to be conservative.
  18. Eve's 'Oceans' are probably molten metal of some sort, and if you do science on it, You'll notice that it will mention the crushing pressure, which is like venus, we launched a Probe in Venus and it got crushed within hours. Eves thick atmosphere; also like venus, the only things that makes eve not look like venus is the oceans, the purpleness, and the lack of thick clouds.
  19. I have no Idea. Before this week, I spent 3 hours trying to rendezvous one ship to another! And now I have seem to have mastered the art of rendezvousing. It's as easy as getting to Jool, (Which is insanely easy to do) Have any of you guys had something similar? Suddenly being good at docking, Interplanetary transfers, etc?
  20. Nit useless at all. I use it alot on my Larger rockets.
  21. I didn't like it. Too weak, I understand it for balancing, I guess I'll modify the cfg file.
  22. The Linear is useful for Monoprop probes. The Radial liquid engine, use it in all or most of my landers, the radial ant engine is useful for probes under 5 tons. Every Part is useful, whether you make it useful is your choice
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