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Everything posted by RSwordsman

  1. I doubt it; there's just commas missing before and after "say". I'm pretty sure he meant "is there a better way to use your landing legs, etc. without right clicking them?" The answer to that is yes, above.
  2. I'm guessing this will make it to stock before too long. You're right; while it's possible to eyeball your ship's abilities to some degree, it's so basic and necessary for a serious player I'm amazed the game has made it this far without.
  3. I dropped a rover on Dres once by mistake after missing Duna. It was fun though. Got to trundle around on that far-off rock and got a bit of science from it.
  4. Throwing in another vote for this one. Even without the ability to fix problems like this, neglecting to specialize them usually results in over-correction. At least in the FAR model, that's a one-way ticket to the ground.
  5. I always called the water-filled crater... Crater Bay. Other than that I just recognize KSP's subcontinent as Kafrica. The other geography I don't really acknowledge because I spend more time in space than worrying about the ground hehe.
  6. It is for me. I have a hard enough time on Science Sandbox as it is. Between the extremely frequent CTDs presumably from mods (trying out Scatterer and despite its flaws I want to keep it ) and game updates killing my modded saves, I just can't make any headway in conquering the system. I am loath to include reputation and funds into that.
  7. Kerbal inquisitors maybe? But they'd be heretics themselves if they devoted so much effort towards *not* producing their own explosions. o.0 Seriously though, the explosions' only significant effect on FPS/stability should be the particle effects produced when they happen. I'm guessing if you turn down some graphics settings that problem should be reduced.
  8. Just looking at that pic, what is the purpose of the SAS on the lip of the ramp? It's hard to imagine that the two large units on the bottom aren't enough to turn that thing however you need it. **Regardless it's worth mentioning that that thing looks rad.
  9. Efficient ascent profiles for rockets and SSTOs, Mun/Minmus transfers, interplanetary transfers (barely), rendezvous, docking, orbital assembly, precision landings, reentries... I've never used autopilot and it's probably high time XD.
  10. I'm still having the issue of decoupler fairings permanently attached to engines (I do use Texture Replacer). Despite fiddling around with every .cfg that could possibly be at fault, is there a walkthrough of how to fix this?
  11. I leave debris enabled and make at least half an attempt to reduce or eliminate it from missions. However, occasionally I'll make use of half-spent fuel tanks and such if the debris is at a base rather than in orbit, so I like it.
  12. I've searched high and low for an existing account of this problem, but in a week of looking both here and on the Reddit sub, I've found nothing. I'm also convinced it's something related to mod interaction/load order, because 99% of it works just as expected. Anyway, the problem is that when I'm in the VAB or at service altitude (250k polar satellite equipped with both Scansat scanners and a Karbonite scanner) I simply cannot activate them with a right click, and when I try to make action groups for them, no options come up there too. I've made sure all my mods are updated to the latest version and as far as I know, I have no conflicts. The only thing I found out of place in the output log was below, although I'll find a way to upload the whole huge thing if someone thinks it's necessary. Load(Texture): SCANsat/Icons/SCAN_Toggle (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=1693 w=14 h=12 mips=5 d3dfmt=21 [invalid call] Load(Texture): SCANsat/Icons/SCAN_Toggle_Hover (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=1695 w=14 h=12 mips=5 d3dfmt=21 [invalid call] Load(Texture): SCANsat/Icons/SCAN_Toggle_Off (Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49) d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=1697 w=14 h=12 mips=5 d3dfmt=21 [invalid call] Load(Texture): SCANsat/MapTraq/SCANsat Any help is hugely appreciated.
  13. If a ship crashes while revert is still an option (usually during ascents where the rocket has issues) I'll revert. But if I get to some milestone of the mission where I can switch away and then revert is unavailable, I'll either mount a rescue or remember to add a black stripe to the mission ribbon. I'm more liberal with manned flight than NASA might be, but I sill treat Kerbals like their lives are valuable.
  14. Well yeah, I didn't mean you'd have to edit the default to be your own. I just threw the one in my avatar into the folder also.
  15. If what you're worried about is parachutes, you can already set a deployment altitude for them. You probably know this already, but it is worth mentioning.
  16. I personally wouldn't want to muck with time dilation too much. I can see it making a difference for resource consumption, but other than that I like my universal time and it would get confusing fast to have each ship on relative mission clocks. Lorentz contraction would be pretty awesome. Unfortunately while going at that speed there probably wouldn't be a lot to see, so it would be sort of silly to include. Relativistic effects are so cool to think about. However I can't really see them playing a role in KSP. Maybe something relating to the warp drives would be a better idea, despite that they don't really let the observer see how fast they're going inside the warp bubble hehe.
  17. Pff, I thought almost everyone played with a customized flag. It's what gives your space agency its personality!
  18. I don't have TweakScale, but I updated my Firespitter.dll and Deadly Reentry and one or both of those seemed to have fixed the service compartments. Still working on the fairings though. Solved. Thank you biohazard for putting me on the right track.
  19. I can't say for certain at what point the issues started, but one or two updates ago I lost the ability to use PF. I mean, I updated it to the recent version and the parts are available, but I can neither resize the fairing base (despite having the required techs) nor actually apply the fairings themselves at all. When I try, instead of making the fairing the proper shape it just makes a weird * pattern of the part on the node then does nothing. The same is true for the thrust plate adapter; I can't resize it and it only has one node on the side should I ever have the need for one offset engine. Solved: Compartments work now, thankfully. What may be related is that my Service Compartment Tube doors don't open/close either. Is there some common feature of these two mods causing both of these to break? I've updated both PF and 6S Service Compartments to their latest versions and have the latest version of mod manager. Firespitter.dll maybe? Pics coming soon and I appreciate the help. Pics: http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/46495807117083130/43CDE7B1BB7EBBA34B636CC3A14976A5FB12FE6B/ http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/46495807117082449/7D044A30280E7ADA1277E8E392F32684F4F43A93/ http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/46495807117081868/A5505A5413F84CC8E79EBC50CBC34E7C7FEE0FDC/ http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/46495807117081315/AFB1CB37CC15A78CC31B365DF3F610332D768DC1/ http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/46495807117080414/158C50F0A666C354A7A3EC11A63D8A644010E1D3/ EDIT: Solved by taking out ProceduralFairings.dll and KSPAPIExtensions.dll that had sneaked their way into the main GameData directory. All appears to work as designed.
  20. I didn't set out to make an awesome pic but I noticed that my unmanned laboratory module and its transfer stage have a profile like a Corellian Corvette. Crap, now I have to make a real one.
  21. That is a gorgeous space dock! I've got to use that color scheme when I build my next one.
  22. This is what I do. KSC is located on a little roughly square-shaped prominence right on the equator. It helps to launch into a perfectly equatorial orbit also. Then all you've got to do is time your descent when you're almost to it.
  23. Truth. Unless it's a class full of Kerbal nerds, most of them won't give a quarter crap about orbits. Getting into specifics like argument of periapsis (sort of hard to fathom for the casual listener) is likely to make a lot of people shut the information out. I'd focus more on inclination, prograde vs. retrograde, and the relationship of velocity to the proximity of one or the other apsis. At least it might reduce the notion that somebody gets to space by going straight up.
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