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Bottle Rocketeer
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Heya, always loved vessel viewer, thank you for keeping this going. Having said that I'm having a weird issue I didn't use to have in previous versions (a long time ago). When I decouple a stage, the decoupler that is jettisoned is still considered a part of the craft. So the vessel viewer window zooms out to keep it in frame, rendering the entire view tiny and useless. I have a fair few mods and I'm on 1.12.5. Also this is occuring when using the vessel view window in a raster prop monitor. Please let me know what you need me to provide, regarding logs, mod lists etc. I'm not sure where to find the right log. Heya, always loved vessel viewer, thank you for keeping this going. Having said that I'm having a weird issue I didn't use to have in previous versions (a long time ago). When I decouple a stage, the decoupler that is jettisoned is still considered a part of the craft. So the vessel viewer window zooms out to keep it in frame, rendering the entire view tiny and useless. I have a fair few mods and I'm on 1.12.5. Also this is occuring when using the vessel view window in a raster prop monitor. Please let me know what you need me to provide, regarding logs, mod lists etc. I'm not sure where to find the right log.
Alright thank you for the info. Guess I'll wait till this is more stable. I want to make a career mode out of this
I've looked through this thread in depth and through several other threads and I am curious about what the current bug situation is for this mod? There isn't an up to date bug thread on the OP that I can see. I know there was an issue with solar panels but I believe that has been fixed with the hotfix on Kopernicus. There have also been issues with views in the KSC, but I don't know where that is at. Also there is an issue with the SOI so that it is impossible to orbit suns? And finally adding this to an existing save will displace (and promptly destroy probably) crafts currently in flight. Is there anything else I am missing?
I've looked through this thread in depth and through several other threads and I am curious about what the current bug situation is for this mod? There isn't an up to date bug thread on the OP that I can see. I know there was an issue with solar panels but I believe that has been fixed with the hotfix on Kopernicus. There have also been issues with views in the KSC, but I don't know where that is at. Also there is an issue with the SOI so that it is impossible to orbit suns? And finally adding this to an existing save will displace (and promptly destroy probably) crafts currently in flight. Is there anything else I am missing?
Thanks awesome work!
It occurs to me that since everything broken is probably caused by that glitched node I should see if I can fix that first. So I'm going to start testing mods in order to find the one (or two conflicting) that cause the issue. Will post more info when I find out.
As you can see the nodes on the left are the ones I've unlocked and can see, so they are working correctly. Then that middle section is where the rest of the hidden nodes are. And then on the right we have this whole tree of nodes that are visible but not accessible yet. I do wonder if it is due to that glitched out one in the center that is green. I forgot to mention it before. I selected it so you can see which node it is. It doesn't have an image, is green like it has been researched, but hasn't yet as you can see on the right. It isn't connected to anything else either. Really weird. The mods I have installed are: Action Groups Extended (AGExt 1.33a) Active Texture Management - X86 - Aggressive (ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Aggressive 5-0) B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts (B9AerospaceProceduralParts 0.40) CapCom - Mission Control On The Go (CapCom 1.2) Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.6) Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack 0.4.4) Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator 1.7.6) Contract Pack: RemoteTech (ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech 2.0.1) Contract Pack: SCANSat (ContractConfigurator-ContractPack-SCANsat v0.5.2.1) Contract Pack: Useful Space Stations (ContractConfigurator-UsefulSpaceStations 1.1.1) Contract Window + (ContractsWindowPlus 5.3) Crossfeed Enabler (CrossFeedEnabler v3.3) EVAManager (EVAManager 6) Extraplanetary Launchpads (ExtraPlanetaryLaunchpads 5.2.2) Ferram Aerospace Research (FerramAerospaceResearch 3: Field Experience (FieldExperience 1.0.2) Filter Extensions - Plugin (FilterExtensions 2.4.1) Final Frontier (FinalFrontier 0.8.6-1370) Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.1.4) Fog Of Tech (FogOfTech 0.1) Hullcam VDS (HullcamVDS 0.50) Infernal Robotics Model Rework - Core Pack (IR-Model-Rework-Core v01b) Infernal Robotics Model Rework - Expansion Pack (IR-Model-Rework-Expansion v01b) Interstellar Fuel Switch (InterstellarFuelSwitch 1.17) Interstellar Fuel Switch Core (InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core 1.17) Karbonite (Karbonite 0.6.4) KarbonitePlus (KarbonitePlus 0.5.0) KAS Portable Science Container (PortableScienceContainer 1.3.0) Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.4.0.0) Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 0.5.4) Kerbal Construction Time (KerbalConstructionTime 1.2.2) Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.2.2) Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (KerbalJointReinforcement v3.1.4) Kerbal Mechanics: Part Failures and Repairs (KerbalMechanics v0.6.4) Kerbal Stats (KerbalStats 2.0.0) Kerbalized Flags and Space Agencies (KerbalizedFlagsandSpaceAgencies 1.5) KSP Achievements (Achievements 1.8.1) KSP Interstellar Extended (KSPInterstellarExtended 1.5.11) Landing Height Display (LandingHeight 1.4) LightsOut (LightsOut 0.1.4) Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics (InfernalRobotics v0.21.3) Mission Controller 2 (MissionController2 1.23) ModularFlightIntegrator (ModularFlightIntegrator 1.1.1) Module Manager (ModuleManager 2.6.8) Procedural Fairings (ProceduralFairings v3.15) Procedural Wings (ProceduralDynamics 0.10.0) RemoteTech (RemoteTech v1.6.8) SCANsat (SCANsat v14.2) Select Root (SelectRoot 2015-05-17) Sequencer for Infernal Robotics (InfernalRobotics-Sequencer 0.4) Ship Manifest (ShipManifest StageRecovery (StageRecovery 1.5.7) Surface Lights (surfacelights 1.0) Take Command (TakeCommand 1.2) Targetron (Targetron v1.4.2.1) TextureReplacer (TextureReplacer 2.4.10) ToadicusTools (ToadicusTools 16) Toolbar (Toolbar 1.7.9) Tweakable Everything - Engine Staging Toggle (TweakableEverything-EngineStagingToggle 1.13) Tweakable Everything - Fairing Staging Toggle (TweakableEverything-FairingStagingToggle 1.13) TweakableEverything (TweakableEverything 1.13) TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (TweakScale v2.2.1) USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS) (UKS 0.31.10) USI Life Support (USI-LS 0.1.5) USI Tools (USITools 0.5.1) Hope this helps. Love the idea of the mod btw. Always believes that spell lists or research technologies and things like that should be hidden to allow for the thrill of discovery. Which is why I'm fighting so hard to get this mod to work properly Thank you for the help!
I still have nodes showing up after the default ones. I can take a picture if it would help but it seems to include every modded object. KAS, Interstellar, Karbonite, etc. Any idea what is going on? Do I need to refresh the Fog of Tech mod somehow?
I'm having a weird graphical glitch. I have no idea if this has been mentioned in the past but I did a quick comb through and didn't find anything. The button on the top-left toolbar that belongs to this mod (I am 80% sure) is overlapping with the stock funds/research/reputation button. I have a picture for clarity: Is there a way to fix this? EDIT: It actually seems to do this on every screen. It always overlaps with the first most left stock button. Is this a toolbar issue or an issue with this mod?
I really need help with the toolbar plugin. I don't understand what is going on. Everything works as expected except that on certain screens the toolbar doesn't like having buttons added to it. It starts spazzing and glitching. From what I can see from the flashing it is trying to flip between a size that includes all the buttons and the default size. This makes it extremely difficult to use the toolbar. Attempting to re-size it manually only makes it worse, at best. Certain buttons also don't have graphics and just take a slot (and are functional). This would be livable if it wasn't for the fact that the main game scene is one of the scenes that doesn't work. Any suggestions for how to fix this would be much appreciated. I tried re installing Toolbar as well as using the included versions from mods. Nothing seems to help. I deleted the toolbar-settings.dat but that just led to the same issues coming back. What aggravates me so much is that I see pictures of people using it fine with even more mods than I have.
Pretty sexy work Daemoria. Thanks all for the other suggestions. Yeah the X series is one of my favorite game series but much more focused on combat which I don't really want to deal with right now lol
Thank you for all of these. I especially like the Wayland Corp. Stuff. Thank you Also thank you for linking me to the Active Texture Management. I had no idea this thing existed and it has officially saved my life(game). Brilliant!
Wow this is the first time I've ever double threaded O.o My bad. Glitch in my internet...I guess. Moderator delete one please?
I know I'm probably going to get strung up for this as KSP is a modern technology focused game. But I must ask anyway: Are there any good part packs out there that add futuristic looking parts (not just engines but also structural stuff). I'm really jonesing for a futuristic space exploration game and Kerbal is the best out there, despite it not being futuristic. Anyway, any suggestions are appreciated though I should mention that I know about the Interstellar mod and the Near-future Propulsion one. On a slightly off-topic side note: if anyone knows of any good futuristic 3d (preferably) space exploration games with large ships with hangars and all that feel free to share. But I'm not expecting too much here, I've searched and haven't found anything. Think Firefly, and you are on the right track. (The X series and similar games are not what I'm thinking, I really want more exploration than combat). Oh, and thank you, of course.