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Commander Jebidiah

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Everything posted by Commander Jebidiah

  1. I play without eve because a really useless computer but I might try your suggestion boomerang. Also would it not of been easier for them to just put an all light blue sky till you got upto 10km then have the sky fade to dark blue until 30km up then it fades to black. or better yet make so the sky is all blue. also im not against mods, if I was I don't know why I would have B9, but then again I only use it for making C-17's
  2. Anyone know why stock kerbin sky goes blindingly white, the light blue and then an even darker blue
  3. Why not copy the parts missing from .25 that are in .24.2 into .25 Then change the names of the new modelled parts it's what I'm gonna do. If you want I can do it for you?
  4. Pastor prop monitors for displays in iva. If your getting b9 it'll also be helpful to get the hanger extension mod aswell as active texture management. And if you want clouds get environmental visual enhancements. Oh and texture replacer for better skybox, kerbals without helmets on kerbin and maybe laythe not to sure about laythe.
  5. After the release of .25 the standard control surface has disappeared. Anyone know why it's not there any more aswell as the mini version of it
  6. Is it possible to model a part in Autodesk Inventor? Blender has driven me Insane
  7. To zoom out in the VAB use the mouse wheel and Shift at the same time and to change the angle at which you see the craft hold right mouse button and move the mouse also if your having trouble with clipping ALT + F12 then check "Enable Clipping In Editor" and "No Crash Damage" and "Unbreakable Joints" these will make it so when your rocket de-couples it wont blow up and the objects you got rid of will just bounce off. This could be seen as cheeting. To place rockets on radial de-couplers you have to line your camera up with on of the de-couplers then place the part. This is basic knowledge by the way.
  8. It's still a shame that on the landers maiden voyage I managed to break it. Matlorf has been warned that if he breaks any other part of a ship he will be the first man on Eve or Tylo.
  9. Mines just hapened within the last few minutes. After Landing on the moon and planting the flag . Then when Matlorf Kerman got out he decided to fly sideways and smash one of the solar panels. This was my landers maiden voyage to.
  10. If you press both left and right mouse buttons at the same time it should work
  11. Less CPU usage plus that's how it looks like from low earth orbit Already got texture replacer but don't know how to install skyboxes
  12. well how do you do it because i just want a black skybox
  13. I can answer your question. She didn't point it anywhere the chinese space station was de-orbiting anyway so she didn't need to use the engine.
  14. The only reason for probes without remote tech is to search for landing sites and then landing at it before endangering any kerbals.
  15. I made my first KSP video today Jeb's Stories episode 1 Any tips, comments or constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, insults will be ignored.
  16. Thanks EtherDragon I looked up badicam and it looks like what I'll use. Also thanks for all the other suggestions. Commander jebidiah
  17. [ANSWERED] I have a few questions for people who do videos on ksp These are; What recording software do you use? Is it for Windows 7? Is it free or cheap but good quality? Is it easy to use? Can you play KSP full screen while recording? I ask this because I'm looking to get into making YouTube videos myself so any tips are greatly appreciated.
  18. The Void mod offers this if you have the info windows up then it'll show up when you go on EVA
  19. Here's a suggestion for people with extremely sensitive mouse's like me. I find it really hard to move my mouse in the VAB without accidentally picking up parts. I'm suggesting a way to lock parts by right clicking to go to the tweakables menu and at the bottom there could be a button that says Lock Part then if you moused over the part it showed up red instead of green.
  20. Here we go. Two banners and Two flags. and heres the Download. Download at MediaFire
  21. I'll make a logo for you And welcome to the forums
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