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Everything posted by Dispatcher

  1. Are you playing the latest version? (Really, this shouldn't matter, but you might as well be playing the ARM updated version.) There are parts which are not fuel cross feed capable, and that is indicated in the VAB/ SPH. Edit: ninja'd!
  2. A video: Play it free! On iPad & iPhone! See ya star side! Edit: the following episode also.
  3. KSP's inventory system is definitely not as tedious as MineCraft's. These from Narcogen & Blackstar: ... and ...
  4. Heheheheeheh! You could even take this little rover with you!
  5. Yeah, I see there is beginning to be update activity at the Wiki. I had roughly calculated the TWR of the new engines, but I'll wait and include the published TWR for consistency. As for flight tests with ships fully maxed in mass, and with half that mass being usable fuel, I think that's a reasonable stress test. That fuel fraction is halfway between launching, and using, most of the mass as fuel (and having no payload to speak of) and either hovering or sitting on the pad and going nowhere.
  6. Looking like a hodgepodge mix of games and genres, notice its physics will include orbital mechanics: Apparently it will Kickstart early this year. Check out the home page: http://www.aloftstudios.net
  7. I haven't started a career mode game with the ARM update, so I'm hoping that the new parts are largely (pun intended) doled out high up in the tech tree. I've been using sandbox mode to try out these new parts. For me, its now a trivial thing to get into orbit with a decent payload. Without them, I've considered getting a reasonable payload into orbit a challenge.
  8. As it happens, there is another Mars sized body in the solar system: Mercury. Their mass is similar. Why waste Mars when "all you have to do" is slam Mercury at Venus and see what happens? Yup.
  9. I don't know which is my single favorite, but I dug deep into prehistory and found this and I can imagine some creative KSPer (not me) duplicating the props for in game use:
  10. There isn't a MineCraft mod for Marathon, but these guys are using a variety of mods for MineCraft to try to eventually build a reasonable facsimile of the Marathon. I don't know if they will try to duplicate various levels of the game or not, since the Marathon was built (mostly) in the Martian moon Deimos. It would take a lot of work to do those, so they might just make a big chunk, hollow it out and call it good enough.
  11. Video: Play on your computer, free! Free for iPad & iPhone too! See ya star side!
  12. For more comparisons, see the graphs linked in my sig line; load tests based on flight tests. The "50% payload" means that the other half is fuel used in the flight. NO need to see the chart yet; I'm waiting on the Wiki to be updated before I put up my latest chart, as I still lack TWRs.
  13. I've only used the ARM parts in sandbox mode so far. I like them. When I do play career mode again, I hope the new parts are unlocked late in the tech tree, as a reward for using the other parts earlier and succeeding to gather "science".
  14. More precisely, the largest (14400) tank is 2.25 orange tanks. The 7200 tank is 1.125 orange tanks. The orange tank has 6400 units of fuel/ oxi. The 3600 tank is 0.56 orange tanks. The LFB KR 1x2 tank is the same as the orange tank. Edit: the Whack is back!
  15. The two graphs are based on Kerbin flight tests of all stock engines, including those released with the ARM update. They show the maximum lifted mass and altitude, wherein half the mass is payload (that is, not used as fuel during the flight). The first includes the RAPIER (air mode) and the second excludes it in order to "zoom in" on the remaining results, but the average is retained. No altitude results are shown for SRBs as their fuel units are at a fixed maximum. However, the maximum mass the SRBs can lift is shown. There are two aero spike results; the best result for it is with parts possessing its same diameter rather than wider fuel tanks. Mass is in metric tons, altitude is in kilometers.
  16. Worked on updating my engine chart. Also tried some of my fueled parts with the new parts released with the ARM update:
  17. Its easier to do so now when using mods such as KER or MechJeb, since these show relevant numbers such as mass, dV, TWR. Prior to my use of such mods, it was easy to use a tank "standard" as a reference when optimizing mission specifics. I don't actually calculate dV, etc., since I use the convenient mods. Everyone has his/ her own approach to this, which is what makes the game fun.
  18. The new largest tank is equal to 2.25 orange tanks.
  19. I'm used to using "an orange tank" as my "meter stick". Its the unit of comparison in a column of my (edit: old) engine comparison chart (see my sig line). I'm currently in the process of testing engines and updating the chart (and some graphs) to reflect the new ARM stock engines and tanks. As I wrote, I've been using the previously largest tank as the unit of full tank mass. However, for my new chart revision, I had already converted to the new largest tank as a standard unit of tankage. Thus the orange tank became approximately 0.444 tanks. I did this as a means of showing the contrast between the largest and smallest tankage/ mass. However, after reading this thread, I'll be converting back to the "orange tank" standard for five reasons: First, because the majority (so far) favors using the orange tank. Second, because the orange tank is ... orange, while all the others are predominantly white. Third, 3 Radial 55 engines can barely lift one orange tank. Fourth, the new LFB combo twin engines and tank holds, IIRC, 1 orange tank mass of fuel/ oxidizer. Fifth, the average for the maximum number of (orange) tanks an engine or stock cluster (or set of radial engines) can lift from Kerbin's surface is just shy of 1 orange tank. Thanks for giving me reasons to revert back to my old "standard"!
  20. Good? Naw! Ah, something Kerbal-ish! ... and something ... different: Early Kerbal land: Seriously? OK, here ya go:
  21. For the sake of continuity, links are provided for some short "dream" levels: " " and " "Next, Narcogen and Blackstar try to stay alive in "Aie Mak Sicur": Play on your computer, free gratis! Also free for the iPad and iPhone! See ya star side!
  22. Perhaps antimatter will have a strange color of charm.
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