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Everything posted by Dispatcher

  1. Marathon series Myst series Myth series World of Padman Portal series
  2. As discussed above; this practice forced the cashier to give change, and the customer likely saw the money paid go into the cash drawer: also, the difference of from about 1 to 5 cents (or whatever currency is used) from a whole number also has the effect of making the price being perceived as different. Its the lowest perceived difference. The practice is most obvious at petrol or gas stations; the price per liter or gallon down to tenths of a cent (or other small unit).
  3. Obviously your OP was intended to invite "discussion", and your position on the movie is clear, as is the view of everyone who has posted in reply. So we each go away with the same opinion of the movie as we started with. That's fine; we also understand each other's opinions on the movie a little better. Thanks.
  4. Whether one likes the movie or not, it sure inspires discussion. I think its on this Tuesday evening on TCM, in the US.
  5. The question the OP should ask is, "what game would I want to play?". If there is no answer to that, then perhaps the game is not worth making.
  6. There are lots of movies out there. Many are hardly worth the time to watch. Others are well done and entertaining or informative. Some are original and cause reflection during that evening. But rarely one comes along which is nothing less than profound. Such a movie inspires thought which continues throughout one's life. To me, "2001" is such a movie.
  7. I'm not fond of most remakes. To me, it demonstrates a lack of creativity; unless the original director (obviously living) were to do a remake in order to take advantage of better production technologies, or the remake were more true to its inspiration (i.e. novel, etc.).
  8. Shameless plug. My nose "cones" and adapters are fueled. I'll be adding some more and will have to put them up at the cursed site.
  9. Its not a quote; some people who enjoy "2001" seem to want someone who doesn't appreciate the movie to step into the airlock (for the excitement maybe. :-) I don't recall HAL telling Dave not to go into the airlock, but if he did, it was due more to reduce a threat to himself rather than any concern for Dave.
  10. The actual video is about 14 minutes long. Beyond that it runs blank.
  11. You'll recognize this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74198-Which-games-do-you-play?p=1052304&viewfull=1#post1052304 I think the suggestions there may still be of use to you.
  12. "2001" is not only classic; its one of the best science fiction movies ever. And the book is good.
  13. One of your suppositions is that the Universe may be "just some cosmic plaything". Perhaps its much more than that. Of course if its a dream, its My dream instead of yours. Ignorance may be bliss, but learning the truth about the Universe may in fact enable us. Perhaps such knowledge will give meaning to "Life", rather than remove meaning.
  14. Mention is made of the number of mods installed; a few are shown. Plus taking on Dungeon boss:
  15. Nice work. For practical purposes, it seems that quantity reigns over location. I've tended to space out reaction wheels to give some kind of balance between the command pod and the starting primary engine, so sometimes thats near the CoM and at other times not.
  16. I think your approach is good. I have no suggestions for you to consider adding. I hope your boss goes for it.
  17. Well, if I had the right ingredients, maybe like this:
  18. I think that some of the differences of opinion regarding reaction wheel placement stem from the fact that most command pods have torque (reaction wheels) built in; since the pods tend to be far from the CoM during launch, its easy to get the idea that craft benefit from the placement of reaction wheels away from CoM in terms of the length of the craft. I've done this myself with acceptable results. However, my understanding is that the placement of reaction wheels closer to the CoM should be more efficient.
  19. If you don't mind "littering", replace decouplers with separators. I use those so that I'm not stuck with useless mass on either my landers or rovers.
  20. I agree. A lot of videos out there (including tutorials) tend to be too long to suit me, and some of the creators seem more interested in gaining and entertaining a following rather than producing concise tutorials limited to 5 (or sometimes 10) minutes, depending on a topic's complexity. It is a challenge to produce short videos, and it requires more editing, which many "You Tubers" can't (or don't want to) do, usually due to time constraints. There are some You Tubers that I used to watch, but I stopped due to the ever expanding bloat of 20 and 30 minute episodes out there. I think a good niche would be to target the 5 to 10 minute range tutorial (even if it means a short series sometimes), without pumping for likes or obtusely building a following. Those who are into that sort of thing will find no shortage of videos out there, and many are entertaining. Don't get me wrong; there's no reason why a short, well done tutorial can't be entertaining as well. Good luck!
  21. A little one: The wheels are under water: Wheels? We don't need no stinking wheels: Uh, OK, wheels:
  22. Depends on what your preferences are. I've tried both.
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