I agree. A lot of videos out there (including tutorials) tend to be too long to suit me, and some of the creators seem more interested in gaining and entertaining a following rather than producing concise tutorials limited to 5 (or sometimes 10) minutes, depending on a topic's complexity. It is a challenge to produce short videos, and it requires more editing, which many "You Tubers" can't (or don't want to) do, usually due to time constraints. There are some You Tubers that I used to watch, but I stopped due to the ever expanding bloat of 20 and 30 minute episodes out there. I think a good niche would be to target the 5 to 10 minute range tutorial (even if it means a short series sometimes), without pumping for likes or obtusely building a following. Those who are into that sort of thing will find no shortage of videos out there, and many are entertaining. Don't get me wrong; there's no reason why a short, well done tutorial can't be entertaining as well. Good luck!