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Everything posted by Dispatcher

  1. If you can get this to Eve, depending on where you land, you may be able to return to Kerbin with it. It would need parachutes to descend to Eve's surface: The TWR was optimized for Eve; hence why its high for Kerbin.
  2. Happy (Belated) Russia National Day! Happy (Belated) Mexican Independence Day! Happy American Independence Day! Etc., Etc.!
  3. Another level: Eat the Path. (And maybe drink the lava.)
  4. It seems that the OP equates rocket only SSTOs with vertically launched craft. Here is a pic of my runway-launched SSTO spaceplane, which has only rocket engines (in this case, aerospikes): Of course, most SSTOs seem to use a mix of rockets & jets (and more recently many use the RAPIER engine). Edit: the pic is of an early version and my piloting skills, such as they are, left me without fuel. But the mono propellent allowed me to deorbit anyway. Edit 2: I forgot that I also had to fire the separator at the nose (exposes the docking port); the orbit was highly elliptical and the maneuver was done at periapsis.
  5. I had experimented with transparency and translucency for my translucent fueled adapters. In this case, the trick was to give the illusion that a liquid could be in the tank before use, and after use could look empty (since the game does not draw fuel or oxidizer as liquids which can be seen draining from transparent tanks). BTW, these adapters have reduced drag too. Currently my adapters are not available (were at SpacePort). After the KSP version 0.24 update, I'll probably make them available at Curse.
  6. IMHO, "camping" and sniping is a fine and fun activity. On the other hand, spawn camping is what I frown upon. I attribute part of the problem to level design and most of the problem to said behavior. Thankfully, most modern games support moderation protocols which can reduce/ penalize spawn kills (or moderators can do so by dealing with spawn killers).
  7. ...waits to see if Squad likes my write in.
  8. While these videos are not by me, they show cooperative play in Bungie's Marathon Infinity: We pick this up with the level "Foe Hammer"; their play thread is .If you'd like to play for free, Aleph One is for you. If anyone's played in cooperative mode (or even multiplayer or solo mode), share your experiences here. If you haven't played, here's to you enjoying videos of the game. Lots of people who like Bungie's games also like KSP. No surprises there. See ya star side!
  9. A poll by decades would have been interesting.
  10. Why between Venus & Earth? A portal between Venus & Mars might actually be productive. Each world might benefit to some degree, at least in terms of atmospheric density and temperatures; with the idea of ultimately terraforming both.
  11. While not dwelling on whether or not the original object (or creature or person) is perfectly reconstructed at the destination, these touch on some of the perils of teleportation: Live long, and prosper.
  12. If your mouse and/ or keyboard are battery powered, change/ charge the batteries.
  13. Simple tool: Nobody calls a game on account of rain ... or seawater:
  14. Level variation on a theme, but no talk of divergent timelines: Play it on your favorite computer for free! For iPad & iPhone too! !
  15. I'd like to give it a kick! Edit: the futbols are separators. And thanks for the nice flags, Squad!
  16. Darn, too bad you're not into horror; " " would keep you busy!
  17. If I was a trillionaire, I'd pay real money for a real starship that looked like that.
  18. Take a tour while getting comparisons with some Halo levels: For those who would rather play than watch. For iPad & iPhone too. See ya star side!
  19. For those of you with PS4s, your Destiny arrives in September (or beta in July):
  20. Very good video. I've recently encountered such rotation for the first time. I thought it might have something to do with my using the new NASA parts but now I understand how to fix this. Thanks!
  21. Something both strangely familiar and strangely strange:
  22. As to your comment: if you want "to try design and solve many of the aspects" of such an endeavor, perhaps real science and aerospace forums would be better suited to the task than this game forum. Have you attempted that? As to a sub-mod of the "Real" mod to attempt to simulate conditions at Venus, that would be interesting. I do not oppose sending probes to Venus. While I would love to see a Venusian floating colony, the technical and human challenges are daunting when compared to the relatively easy task of establishing a Martian surface colony.
  23. Once you've mastered landing on and launching from Minmus, then you will be ready to take on the Mun.
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