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Everything posted by pxi

  1. It's a classic game indeed. Arguably much better than the last attempt. I'm still waiting for Baldur's Gate 2 to hit a flash sale, which is looking a bit unlikely now. It was part of one of the community votes, but lost out to a bunch of zombie games. Ho hum.
  2. Probably they'd release the next creature creator now as a separate product, same as they did the first time.
  3. Interesting, thanks for the link. (it's the insert video button - third from the end)
  4. Password rollover is useful in some scenarios, such as where a third party may be using an account that is not theirs to maintain access to your system. In that scenario, you should in principle be able to limit how long the non-authorized party may have access to the account. Of course, this is optimal if the password is auto-generated and passed some way to the authorized user, as opposed to having the 'end user' change the password themselves. Considering that if your account has already been compromised, say via a keylogger or RAT installed on your desktop, changing the password on that machine likely will not mitigate the compromise. At that point it's basically security theatre. EDIT: I don't actually mean to come off as being negative about this practise, it is one of many steps that you can take to safeguard yourself. Security is never a one-shot thing, and needs to be a blend of different strategies.
  5. And yet, after all these years, there is still no reboot of Advanced Lawnmower Simulator.
  6. Space Engineers is in the next community choice vote. If it wins, it should be 33% off ~8 hours from now.
  7. Funny, I've heard the exact opposite about windows notepad, wheras using windows wordpad was always suggested instead. And Notepad++ is really quite good imho.
  8. Just because they perform multiple functions does not mean they do them well. My current phone runs dry using the camera in about 20 minutes. I miss the days when I could get 3-4 days on a single charge.
  9. Have to agree, if you're not spawn camping, then sniping is fair game. It's a valid strategy that obviously works. People who complain are not capable of adjusting their playstyle to deal with it. Their problem really.
  10. Can I ask what text editor you used to edit the save file? AFAIK bad things will happen if the text file's encoding is changed from ANSI UTF-8, such as if you use windows notepad to edit the file.
  11. ÃŒn some respect you could apply that argument to just about any suggestion made on this forum. Personally, I think it is worth considering. The fact that difficulty/realism/logistics mods exist and are used at all indicates that there is some demand for it.
  12. I suspect the next community choice is an obvious one for most of us here:
  13. Well Maxmaps did make reference to the 64-bit thread at the end of the last squadcast. He said something to the effect of 'yeah we're aware you guys are experimenting with it' in a tone that somewhat implied that we should possibly expect something. But that's just my optimistic take on the situation.
  14. SE is on sale till the 30th, so if you can keep an eye on the flash-sales, personally I would wait till the 29th and buy it then. Remember when Valve say the sale is ending on the 30th they do not mean that the 30th is the last day of the sale.
  15. That seems to be a fairly common price-point for books like that. Randomly grabbing 3 similarish books off my shelf, here's what we get: US$ 49.99 - Professional PHP 6 / WROX US$ 24.95 - UML in a Nutshell / O'REILLY US$ 49.95 - The Practice of Network Security Monitoring / NO STARCH PRESS It sucks, but that's unfortunately the reality of the situation. You might look into sourcing an ebook version of the book in question.
  16. Well so far: Banished GRID METAL SLUG 3 XCOM: Enemy Unknown The Bureau: XCOM Declassified E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy Papers, Please Shadowrun Returns Upgrade to Deluxe Master Reboot 8 Games & 1 DLC for about €30
  17. Agreed, but I would like to make the case for a cut-down version of something like this: Bear in mind I'm proposing a couple of sentences, no need for the full dwarf fortress wall of text. It's fluff gameplay-wise, but it does add to immersion.
  18. Prison Architect and Space Engineers have both eaten enough of my time to make them worth recommending. Prison Architect is definitely the better deal though pricewise. (Also, I kind of have to like developers that will showcase game-breaking-bugs in their promotional material.) Edit: As for Space Engineers getting a better deal, it is possible it could turn up on a flash sale, but you've an 8-hour window with that if it happens.
  19. Give everyone on Steam a free copy of KSP? Fantastic, a great plan with no obvious drawbacks, least of all for the devs! Oh, wait....
  20. In Ireland, we have a simple plan - tune to Radio 1. Now consider that we in Ireland referred to World War 2 as "the Emergency", and a 3-decade paramilitary struggle as 'the Troubles'. I'm not trying to be flippant, but in the event of nuclear war, I pretty much expect to tune into Radio 1, to find Joe Duffy explaining how to put on sunscreen.
  21. Not only that, but it's generally uploaded between 5 - 7 GMT every thursday. You could nearly set your watch by it. I've seen very few developers that manage an update schedule that reliable though.
  22. I'd suspect that may be because asphalt is somewhat spongey, and absorbs vibration. We had concrete roads in some Dublin suburbs in the 80's, and they were LOUD to drive over.
  23. I think the fact that the spacecraft will come to a halt when the engine shuts down more than offsets the OP nature of the rocket itself.
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