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Everything posted by Diax1324

  1. I'm having an issue with this mod in trying to select a different runway. When I click on the launch site selector, it just pops up a little window with information on the KSP runway... And nothing else. Any help?
  2. Please make battleship cannons ;-; I really just want a triple 203MM mount, and a triple 406MM mount for making proper tweakscale battleships.
  3. I know it's inefficient and stupid, but perhaps someone could make a flight mode mod that made ships with sufficient directional momentum degradation abilities able to fly like tie fighters. Basically, what I mean is that in space, Newtons laws apply; however in sci fi movies, ships fly like they're on rails. Essentially if there was a mod that included inertial dampening AI which would activate directional RCS to make spaceships fly like airplanes, it would make unlimited fuel fake futuristic space fighters/frigates more fun, and more interesting to look at for machinimas and whatever other cinematic space fighter scenes (mostly) people would be using this for. (TL;DR, Space Engineer's inertial dampeners in a mod so that RCS can make ships fly like planes in space. They would still use RCS, just in an inefficient yet pretty manner.)
  4. I can't get any of the fresh mods coming off the line because Kerballstuff is down... Reaaaally ....ty time for the website dev to put it offline for whatever reason... I want my BDarmory! >:c
  5. I made an enormous ship but it exploded after about 12 seconds on runway and space krakened the whole universe when I tried to put it in space before it exploded halp
  6. Ammo crates missing.. oh ..... ;-; Bahamuto ;-; I only have 50 cal ammo.
  7. Recommendation: -censored- nuke mod Someone should make a new bomb model with just like a littleboy nuke model, and give it like teh ultimate power.
  8. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that... Eh. Not a big deal. I'll do it later this week and copy over all my files
  9. Are Kerbodine tanks no longer usable on spaceplanes, or are mine missing? I feel like I may have been cleaning mods late last night and accidentally deleted the extra large kerbodine parts somehow... - - - Updated - - - I've decided that all kerbodine parts are missing from my KSP... I don't know what to do.
  10. Okay I have a question that seems impossible to answer for all my googling and calculators: How do you find out how many horsepower each propeller engine should hypothetically have by their KN? :c I kind of want to make a BF-109 replica, but I don't want it to have 6000 HP.
  11. Okay here's something I really need to know, is there anyway to fire multiple gun types at the same time on full auto? I can't figure it out...
  12. I think if there are to be requests, we need a few more generic weapons Most importantly: Fixed MG/cannon. ADEN 30MM fixed cannon, Oerlikon/hispano fixed, and .50 M3/M2 browning
  13. I've noticed an issue, the bullets are white boxes like they are missing models. Help? EDIT: Not bullets, something to do with them though. When I fire there are these white boxes that fall and turn orange. It's not the shells, I can see them. I have no clue.
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