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Everything posted by SaturnV

  1. That's what I suggested in another thread, kerbals need unique reason to explore, true science data
  2. Only interested in clouds (and volumetric clouds) and city lights, tried the clouds & lights pack from Better Atmosphere and Astronomer's Visual Pack Interstellar and KSPRC. Feel sorry to BA & AVPI, but if I have to rate those pack, then it looks like this: EVE default: 40 points BA: 60 points AVPI: 70 points KSPRC: 300 points
  3. R.I.P. Jeb I imagine he's thinking "Finally I'm here, touching you..." before he pass away;.;
  4. First let's talk about the main purpose of space science. All those crafts, what are they for? To discover unknown target of course. We sent a Mars satellite because we don't know how Mars really looks like, we sent a lander to Moon because we want to know the difference between a Moon rock and normal rock on Earth. Kerbals, however, can check almost every detail of any planet in the map view, without telescope or sending satellite. Then kerbal space exploration seems more like a tour, rather than a must. I know we have science achievement for players currently, but that's only some non-essential things like candies ("Laythe landing, sweet"). What I want is a strong reason for kerbals ("How thick is the air on Eve? Does it contains oxygen?") Do you think something like war fog that can prevent player knowing detailed thing about space object is needed? Example: All planet remains a question mark (like asteroid) before any of your vessel enters its SOI, all you know about the planet is the orbit info (AP/PE etc) of it. You get more information about the planet by flyby, orbit, do science, land, take surface sample, etc. Maybe you can generate surface map of the planet you send probe to (a simplified version of ScanSat), before that, the planet in map view looks like a placeholder, you can't tell if there's a mountain out of your sight in map view. Studying surface/atmosphere sample of that planet will boost the resource you can mine (as Karbonite is coming for 1.0)
  5. Real-time craft = real-time simulation = full texture & model loaded = more RAM required = more crush = Squad hates
  6. You should do this on the wiki of KSP (not to mention there is one already), this forum does not support TeX or MathML
  7. Check the forum of Cube World, that's how a dying game's community looks like...oh wait, their forum is dead already, a /r/cubeworld on reddit is all they have
  8. Maybe true after they implemented construction time. Then time will becom another important resource on Kerbin
  9. x64 version will continues, but no for 1.0. Squad said they will take care of it Soonâ„¢.
  10. Right click on it then you can check the real-time drag of air intakes. It won't make a difference under current stock aerodynamic since the true drag is an weighted average number not only related to drag but also the mass of each part. Air intakes are really lightweighted.
  11. There're a few suggestion thread in the Suggestion sub-forum. The craft manager need a buff, I agree on that though
  12. How about career (start from barn) / custom (all settings have a checkbox, including a sandbox option that overrides all above) The good thing is, it automatically support future features. New resource? Just add an option in custom mode New kerbal skill tree? Another checkbox Infinite universe mode? One more slider War & weapons & FPS? ONE MORE button, that's it
  13. Science and reputation are not CASH. The strategy works because those amazing kerbals found a way to gain extra rep/sci/fund by sacrificing another. Example they bargain hard to reduce the cost while losing some rep. How can you SELL your reputation directly for kredits? Or is it possible to BUY reputation directly with shinny kerbal coin? If that works, the president of U.S.A. should told us the price of it so we can BUY it if we have enough money.
  14. I think 1.0 will release in 2~4 months, I wish Squad got more time to testing though
  15. For creating a surface node? Then the Cubic Octagonal Strut should be a better choice, it's cheaper and weighs only 1kg (it's a massless part in fact), besides IIRC Micronode cannot be attached radially. For connecting things in intersect point? We can simply put anything on then use the rotate magic or add more girder if you prefer. The point is, it's too HEAVY! I think that thing was made from pure solid steel or something. A tiny node weighs 150kg, can you believe that? It weighs the same as TWO grabbing units! It's small, suitable for small crafts, but its incredible weight made it bad for small crafts, that‘s why I never use it.
  16. Just made a big one named M.A.R.S. short for Military Aerodynamic Relocation System, he can do nothing but crush himself, however.
  17. I hope they give a stupid but cute name to LV-T30, I really love using that thing
  18. A kerbal walks near the rocket then manually turn on the valve of liquid fuel line? Sounds very...Kerbal
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