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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. Thanks for this. It was a thing we needed. Something with fixed point in time.
  2. Thanks for keeping this live. I honestly don't understand why it's still not a stock thing. I use it primarily for its inline parachute.
  3. Could heat be transfered by quantum entanglement? It would be an interesting new mode of heat transfer occuring at unlimited distance. There is no way I could do any mathematics of this, but I know there are a lot of smarter people here.
  4. Only the lightest flat parts. But there was plenty of thick material torn away. I suppose it's kevlar or something. Still very stupid to produce so much debris. They were also endangering themselves with potential of piercing the suit, and still are because they're dangling around. All because of one tiny hole.
  5. It's not just mylar. There's more, and there's a lot of small stuff. Where did you get the "week or two" value from? That seems really off.
  6. Who the hell thought this insulation massacre was a good idea? Does anyone see how much orbital debris this is creating? They already made few thousands particles, largest of them being big as notebooks. I know they're harmless for ISS and that they will deorbit in few months, but what about stuff passing through the orbital layer like geostationary transfer orbits, or any other artificial satellites (and other large debris) passing through it? Roskosmos is doing this without proper justification. This is insanity. I'll try to observe ISS the next few days, those large sheets of Mylar spinning next to the station might be visible as glinting.
  7. I was exiting it by pressing the key that cycles through cameras. Target was not selected (after docking, nothing is targeted anymore). However, I've found the solution. Simply going to map view, setting something else as target, then unsetting it, removes the text. Sorry, I don't have the save file, it's been a few days. But I think this is resolved now, at least for me.
  8. Here's an entertaining thought... We can assume the first stage was spinning so rapidly it almost disassembled itself. There's probably plenty of damage from the spin alone.
  9. We've got "ignition". https://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Operations/BepiColombo_now_firing_on_all_cylinders
  10. I think it's even wackier hypothetical solution than dark matter itself. These things are just fancy way of saying: "Let's invent a particle to fit with what we don't know". If I had a coin for every time a physicist did this, I'd have a lot of coins.
  11. For example I'm preparing to start with docking and I press the key to engage/flip through cameras (if there's lots of docking ports, it can take a while to go through all of them). The image is normally gray with the targeting cross, and there's textual data as seen here. However, when I exit the camera view, text is still there, although the cross isn't, and the image is not grayscale anymore. What could be causing this? It's not really grinding my gears, but it's a nuisance.
  12. I've noticed the latest version has an issue with the docking white text remaining on screen after returning to normal view. It goes away if you go to space center, tracking station, or change to an unloaded vessel.
  13. This was the best I could do with my 5 Mpx camera. The view with naked eye was so much better.
  14. It's for pushing around heavy stuff in space. Not even 2.5 m stuff, unless they're substantially heavier than usual. 3.75 m and above, works like a charm.
  15. Good thing to know that the reverse Spanish thing is a myth. They speak gibberish with some words resembling typical Romanic language. Source: I inverted the sound of many KSP trailers and found nothing intelligible.
  16. Let's see how many rivers are from each of your own country, that have unusual names that could be used in original (or Kerbalized) variety on Kerbin. From Croatia, I nominate: Kupa, Krka, Mura, Ombla, Gacka.
  17. Excellent landing. Better quality image, correctly white balanced.
  18. No, this is certainly not about adding more biomes. No need for that mess and it's indeed a mess. This is just about naming rivers and their systems. LOL
  19. I've added larger, detailed maps, from 1 to 8. Remember, this is abour rivers and their drainage systems (take a look at #1 - there's too many tributaries to bother about right now).
  20. Yes, Kerbin Geographical society, but it focused on everything. There is an overwhelming amount of geographical features on Kerbin. After all, it's a planet. Task of naming all of them is just incredibly difficult and people got lost in the endeavour. Thread lasted for a while and then died off, so I didn't want to bump something with a stench of forum decay. This thread is about merely 8 features. Easy to focus on, easier than the more plentiful lakes or mountains (sadly, not even the tallest ones have names, yet). Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are connected by Niagara river. #3 on the map could be named something like Kiagara or Niakara... or Kiakara. #1 could be related to the Amazon because it's truly an enormous disharge area on Earth and #1 dwarfs everything else on Kerbin. #8, the only island river on Kerbin, could be related to Australian rivers, largest of which is called Murray River. Other important rivers to consider: Nile, Yangtze, Yellow river (could be called Green river), Ob, Volga, Syr Darya, Zambezi, Danube.
  21. I've noticed there's a really small number of flowing water on Kerbin and managed to count only 8 systems and out of those, only 1 that's not flowing into the ocean. (map printed from Temporary Kerbal maps; numbers are in rough order of system size) Closeups, taken at the penultimate map enlargement. I think we should get proper, officially supported toponyms for all significant geographical features on Kerbin so that lore connection between players can occur. Kerbin is truly underappreciated planet, but offers the most. It seems to me these drainage basins are the most scarce ones so it might be a good idea to start with them. Hopefully, one day the names will get official. Any ideas? They could be kerbalized Earth's hydronyms or something you made up. Use the numbers from the map and suggest a name.
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