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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. In every autobus I've travelled with, there was this thing on the roof. It's silly that this KSP part lacks a sideways hatch.
  2. Links come and go. What the hell is this? Smells like the government wants to appear transparent, yet with as little as possible live viewers, but then again, there will be recordings, so why bother?
  3. This seems to be the stream. http://square.ys7.com/play/index?cameraId=1134804 This one has been shut down. https://youtu.be/hT6A9j6Aeac
  4. L-Clock says 14 minutes until launch. Any thoughts on this?
  5. It works. Thank you. This is one of those things we should have as a stock feature.
  6. If I increase them, they only get more... nervous. I'm talking about 1.25 m stuff, nothing heavy.
  7. Typical bumpy, plane tilting behaviour. From what I've heard, most people still do have problems with it, but not prominent as before.
  8. The wheels are still completely ruined. I doubt we're gonna get a fix soon.
  9. It's been ages since this got properly, officially updated. OCD people's nightmare, I guess. I'm glad I'm not one of them.
  10. Hurry up with that update! Chop, chop, ShotgunNinja, come on! Just kidding.
  11. If there's a working version out there, why is the thread title still at 1.1.1?
  12. https://neave.com/ Lots of different stuff here.
  13. 300 is a common value often used by many people. It seems the performance vs. maximum active particles isn't linear, and value of 300 cuts it off at a convenient spot. Of course, he can experiment with the value - nowhere did I imply he should not. I think it's obvious anyone would tweak it. I use a value of 350.
  14. If you're experiencing lag, just edit the configuration file and set the maximum particles to 300. That solves it for me.
  15. Materials used back then were way too dense. It was the isolation of magnesium, aluminium and titanium that opened the doors for spaceflight.
  16. I've managed to land at the Kerbin temple for the first time. Barely. Statue collision mesh is too big. Pyramids are 64, 42, and 21 m tall.
  17. That "display's" is triggering me. Like, for real. display's - something belonging to the display displays - more than one display
  18. No, I'm not. Again, your reasoning is incorrect. Magnetic field B is a relativistic component of the electromagnetic wave. When an electrical field E oscillates, it creates an electromagnetic wave because a magnetic component occurs. It happens with oscillating magnetic fields, too. Magnetic field of Earth is stationary (we can completely ignore its shifting here). It's a field B. Communication devices use electromagnetic waves and, cellphones in particular use ones having a frequency corresponding to microwave part of the EM spectrum. You'll learn about these things in highschool physics when the time comes.
  19. Looks nice, but all that talk and no explanation how the device "modifies air". Photons of the laser won't just scatter into our eyes. Does this device sprinkle mist in front of the laser? Some kind of powder? I'd like to see more on that. As a high power laser user, I can see an immediate danger of this prototype as it is - those lasers continue to travel and if you eye gets in the way, it won't be good. Those aren't low power laser pointers. However, it seems way less dangerous than laser plasma 3D display.
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