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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. This mod will never become stock. I know that, because nothing I love gets into the game. I'm sorry I love your mod.
  2. Well at least you could've explained the rules properly and actually reply to my question. Maybe I'd participate, then.
  3. So now we're gonna pull out the mod card? If we're gonna talk about KSP, we're gonna talk about the stock game. It's not the same if you find something on a pole or on an island in the middle of an ocean. For something to become "a thing", it needs to have fixed properties; inside games, the best way to do it is not to move it around and connect it to a well known spot. I'm spending my words here. If you don't understand it, you don't understand it. 1) If an easter egg is randomly positioned on a planet, chances of encountering it are next to nothing. I remember people flying around in planes, looking down, trying to find something. If one person found something, the news would spread around. That's one of the great things with games like KSP. If you scatter them randomly for each savegame, you completely lose that opportunity. 2) It's your opinion, and mine, and plenty of other people think it's not like that. 3) I'm talking about easter eggs in general. What would happen if all of them got randomized in locations. I thought I was very clear on that. 4) I can't comment on that because I have no experience with that game whatsoever, just like I don't with thousands of other games out there.
  4. Well you sure sound like that, as if you don't understand how lore is generated.
  5. You seem to be new to KSP. Do you have any idea how difficult it was to search for those back in the day when they were first released? Planets, even small as Kerbal ones, are enormous places. Even with huge number of players landing on various different spots, chances of encountering one are very small. If those things shifted around at random every time new game is started, chances of ever finding them would be virtually zero.
  6. Yes. Exactly that. Those rocks don't exist (yet) and would be equivalent to Super Mario coins, only rarer. The idea was to collect them in a museum or something like Lunar Sample Laboratory Facility NASA has for lunar samples where you could see them, the amount, perhaps perform some experiments with them, etc. Easter eggs are something completely different. Those are existing famous sites for visiting with unique coordinates. I don't understand why you don't understand the distinction.
  7. I don't like this "random appearance" of stuff in new KSP versions. It ruined the magic boulder and now it ruins the monoliths. What's next, procedurally generated Krakens? It's a really good way to ruin lore when you don't give the players fixed concepts around which ideas can revolve. One thing that should be random and procedurally generated are somewhat rare rocks Kerbals could pick up. Unfortunately, someone is really ignoring this old idea many people suggested so far.
  8. I don't suppose digital photo editing counts, right? We need an actual Kerbal (cutout or whatever) placed somewhere and a photo taken? Can we use plasticine to model them? Also, is it enough to post the image here? You haven't clarified the rules well enough.
  9. They haven't been touched yet. But I forgot, what were their targets? I've got 4 probes and I forgot who made them and where they need to go, and I'm too lazy to find out.
  10. It was his egg, presumably. Time for more screenshots. Jebediah planting the first flag on Karen. Karen is very cold and the crew needed to work fast to get useful science data. Here's Bill, trying to power the grid using a silly solar array. Obviously, whoever packed it was oblivious of the distance between Plockian system and Kerbol. It's perfectly useless, but neat looking, so Bill mounted it anyway. (Also, Bob was too amazed with standing on a piece of apparatus for a comment.) The team discovered a large amount of solid ices on Karen, covered with radioactive particles that got there somehow from the interstellar space. In the image below, you can even see Jool in the distance. That's how distant the mission is. Several pieces of equipment were lost as they mysteriously detonated, so the away team decided to pack what's left and return to Kron 6. In total, they've spent a whole Karen day on the surface and have consumed all of their food supplies, reaching the mothership in a very hungry state.
  11. Why don't you like it? It's fully customizable. It's not like there would be one button that clogs the CPU with thousands of parts. Space weather is about solar wind... I don't see the connection.
  12. has made a color image of Ceres. I honestly don't know if it's realistic, because this is not the first time Cereses color image has been released and each time it was different. I'm also thinking about the illumination. Can't be correct, knowing how low its albedo is and how distant from the Sun it is.
  13. I just watched cartoon classics and I regret nothing. That's really sad. At least recognizing ("Yeah, I've heard that one!") belongs to the basic knowledge of the modern culture. One can listen to completely different music, but there are some staples of our culture that are universal and part of the globalization. I guess he lived under a rock all these years.
  14. My childhood was spend watching classical cartoons. Tom and Jerry, Blue Racer, Wile E. Coyote and The Road Runner, Tijuana Toads, etc.
  15. And they're incredibly stupid and badly done. When animation became easy to produce, overproduction started and the average quality of it fell down tremendously. I'm an 80s child and I can't stand watching that crap. It's not inventive, it's inane, badly animated, with grotesque, bad art. One more thing that really makes me sad - the quality of music nowdays, and I'm not talking about the art, but the actual sound. Most younger people nowdays don't even know the sound of proper high fidelity music. They mainly use YouTube playing stuff at 360p which usually has even less than 128 kbps, highly compressed audio. Whole generations oblivious of what good sound sounds like. How tragic. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a nutty audiophile, but the quality of sound raising the appreciation of music for new generations is appaling.
  16. Ring sample return? No, just no. At best, we'll see another orbiter in the next 30 years. I'd like to see a Titan orbiter and a better lander, but I sincerely doubt that will happen during my lifetime.
  17. The team picked a spot for landing on Karen and Knugen lander separated from the mothership. Four retro burns were done to position Knugen on a proper trajectory at one of the smaller craters in Karen's highlands. Picked crater turned out to be rich in surface rocks, with diverse terrain. Touchdown occured at 3.5 m/s. Lots of stuff to see here. The crew will be busy. I think I'll be able to squeeze one more landing in, possibly three.
  18. Hey, you people who put probes on Kron 6, come in.
  19. This is the kind of creativity I was pointing towards. It would be troublesome, but fun. (I'd keep KSC )
  20. That would go out of control quickly so I would advise against it. My idea was simply "I want 400 debris pieces at 200 km, 15°, CLICK" and there they are, random bits of structural parts, tanks, etc.
  21. Currently, I have almost 500 debris particles orbiting Kerbin at 170 km equatorial orbit and I still haven't had a single piece come closer than 2.5 km. With Distant Object Enhancement I can see them as a ring of tiny specs. In order to make them go on and off rails you'd need an enormous number of debris. My idea was to make it tweakable. You could define the number of debris, orbital layer... Yes, that was the idea. You could lever know what you'd find if you go on a mission to visit one. You might grab something useful like a battery (hardly worth any mission, but still a cool idea) or just rendezvous with a silly girder. With Persistent Rotation in synergy, the debris could be tumbling as you approach it. Good luck managing that. Maybe, but you'd have a hard time positioning yourself to actually see it. But it could work with Reentry Particle Effect mod. (meteroids - particles, meteors - light streaks, meteorites - rocks that fell down) The general idea is to add something you could discover, as I've explained to Benji13. Actual danger would be difficult to recreate, but that's hardly what this mod would perform.
  22. Have you ever wanted to make a debris field around Kerbin and you had to make a cumbersome "Kessler bomb" craft which didn't work as planned? Or it was just a collection of separators that didn't present enough challenge or hazard? Too much hassle building a serious debris layer? Grinding with Hyper Edit? Imagine having a mod that would allow you to put a wanted number of random debris at a defined orbital height and inclination? Plates, girders, tanks, separators, etc., all floating around, making a mess? Tell me what you think about this idea.
  23. As the ship was preparing to accelerate to get away from Plock, this is the sight Kerbals could see through their windows. Karen and Beros in conjunction. Meanwhile, Geiger counter detected radioactive gas in the system's barycenter. As of now, the phenomenon is unexplained. Orbit coincides with current Karen's terminator and has been adjusted to skid in and out the tenuous magnetosphere surrounding this weird satellite. Orbital insertion went well and was very precise. Plock and Kyx looming over southern regions of Karen. After the procedure, Bob noticed distant Kerbin in the glare of Kerbol. However, nobody was prepared for the next sight. As the ship was passing over the northern polar area, an incredible, massive pole pyramid appeared. It seems to dwarf anything previously seen in the system and will have to be investigated.
  24. No, it's still safe on my disk. I just had too much work IRL and a certain lack of will, plus the whole v1.2 saga annoyed me. Yesterday, I've returned back to the mission and decided to visit Karen because there isn't much oxidizer left on the ship to make the lander land and return from Plock and still visit other bodies. From one polar orbit to another - Kron 6 is now going towards Karen.
  25. Magnetic force is a relativistic consequence of an accelerating source of electric field.
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