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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. I'm puzzled. How did you turn "Possible evidence of human ability to detect Earth's magnetic field found" into "Possible evidence of cellphones affecting human brain found"? Not only that article has nothing to do with your thread's title, but magnetic field of Earth is one thing, and nonionizing electromagnetic radiation is something else. You do understand what those two are, don't you?
  2. I don't know if that was a joke, but if it's not, a clarification - iodide tablets are not "against radiation" or ionizing radiation in general. They're taken before exposure to radioisotopes of iodine to curb their accumulation in the thyroid gland where they would bombard the gland with ionizing rays. They're useless for anything other than that, except for preventing goitre.
  3. You might want to look into ant engine - stock plume is now a lot more realistic than RealPlume one. It's basically the same plume as in RCS thrusters. Squad did it really well.
  4. It's nothing surprising. Iovian planets' satellites are mostly icy and water will turn into liquid in their depths, due to pressure and elevated temperature. I think the only surprised people are oblivious journalists.
  5. Um, it was a joke, mocking the people who do that. Hence the asterisks and "petty" and the smiley. Three clues. Anyway, thanks for the update!
  6. I'd like to say that I've replaced the stock engines with Porkjet's naked ones. I don't use the old ones anymore. His new designs have the right KSP feeling to them. Sadly, we probably won't get them in the actual game.
  7. Thank you, and let's hope one day this will become a part of KSP because watching stock plumes became ridiculous. \o/
  8. I've noticed that, in vacuum, sound appears when the camera clips into the vessel which is great. Was that intentional?
  9. @Nertea If I had any decision making authorities at Squad, I'd hire you immediately. You are one of the rare modders that made a significant contribution to the game. There, it had to be said. This idea you're working on will make realistic designs (putting fission engines on basically long sticks away from the important payload) possible. Now, on topic. Have you considered simulating skyshine in atmospheres? Your raycast model works fine in vacuum, but it's almost completely unrealistic in atmosphere. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pooping on your work, this is just constructive criticism. Skyshine would pose incredible problems to activating nuclear engines and power producing reactors in vicinity of radiation sinks such as Kerbals, probes and instruments. It would effectively destroy the chances of manned flight of fission powered atmospheric vehicles, unless we're talking about those insane big and heavy aeroplane designs of the 50s and 60s. (here's an idea for nutty designs with superheavy payloads) It can be reasonably simplified by ignoring the radiation shielding of anything and just using the inverse square law from the point of origin to the sink. Actually it is less complicated because of this. It could be modified by following the atmospheric pressure - the lower the pressure, the greater the bubble of skyshine. Outside the atmosphere, modelling switches from unobstructed raycast to raycast with shadows. (IMO, distinction between neutron, gamma, beta and bremsstrahlung is unnecessary and overly complicated.)
  10. Yes, but now we have an option in KSP settings that makes this useful mod obsolete.
  11. I hope Oinker's skybox will function. I can't stand the horrible stock one, it induces vomiting.
  12. Thank you so much for this. Inline 1.25 m parachute, this is the main reason I'm using this mod.
  13. Will do. Also, why this? "Fixed Radish and Spud heat shield patches to stop them from turning black when ablated." They're supposed to turn nasty. Even the stock shields lose their yellowish color after reentry.
  14. Again, why am I not surprised? Squad should really pay more attention to tiny realistic mods.
  15. But we don't have a 1st person view. Granted, if we did, audible RCS would be applicable to such situation, but we don't.
  16. This mod has one of my favorite capsules ever - the Spud. However, that thing has 50 ablator units only and, no matter how gentle you fall into Kerbin's atmosphere, it's consumed way before the deadly heating has ceased. Is it a remnant of the old, first version of stock heat damage? I've edited the CFG file and set it to 100 units (still haven't actually tried it out).
  17. Isn't this stock behaviour now?
  18. It's ok because you can hear it inside the pod. It makes the gameplay very realistic. I don't mind the silence. It makes me alert upon landing on atmospheric bodies. I need to check how this affects Duna, though. Would it be possible to make the Kerbals' jets audible? After all, it's a Kerbal itself and engines are attached to their bodies.
  19. It does not work fine in v1.2. Parts you jettison and are burning next to you, still have the reentry trail after they explode. There's just the trail following you, even when you splash down.
  20. I see you've made the sound go to complete silence. Old Muffler didn't. That's ok, even better now. But the music when you get to orbit, it starts suddenly and ... RIP, headphone users. LOL
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