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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. scottpaladin is not responding so I guess it's ok, but keep in mind he could return anytime.
  2. That was Kubrick's huge mistake and one of the rare things that this movie crapped up. Radiators can be formed so that in no way they resemble wings or any aerodynamic function.
  3. Ignoring the misty/dusty sky near horizon, Venus has a fairly low oscillation of magnitude and it's slow. It's a question of months. ISS varies greatly in magnitude. It can reach just over -3.3 m. I see Wikipedia mentions -6. I suppose those are sudden flashes of its solar panels, similar to Iridium flashes. It will never be that bright on its own. If Venus is really low on a dusty horizon, and ISS is passing around zenith, the station might very well be apparently brighter. To accurately determine the apparent magnitude, you need a device.
  4. Nuclear lightbulb is a hypothetical technology and Ministry uses realistic and developed propulsion at all cost. Oh, those? Those are just for looks, bought at the Kerbal fair.
  5. Budget cuts from the Ministry of No Better Things To Do has forced Kerbal Space Center to turn back to stasis as preferred mode of long distance travel. DeepFreeze module is being retrofitted and SETI Greenhouse team is put on hold. Here is Wernher von Braun examining the resistance to micrometeorite impacts simulated by firing a harpoon into it. It's a fairly expensive test. Safety is disregarded, as usual.
  6. Yes, pollen shape is partially dependant on the pollinator (wind, insects, birds). It's one of the evolutionary adaptations. For example, pines have vesiculate ones which increase surface area so that they're easier to carry by wind. And wind is the primary, dominant pollinator of pines.
  7. Aj možeš li skenirati ili barem slikati u višoj rezoluciji da svi vidimo?
  8. And I've managed to jump from 2 to 4 light green bar group.
  9. So when this tiny thing gets fixed, TAC+DeepFreeze will be a fully functioning system?
  10. Well you can't get better than that. WalEye it is. Thanks.
  11. I need a name for the automated robotic lander that will investigate the area on Wal where something bright was spotted. Suggestions, please.
  12. Updates: - Kerbal engineers forgot that nuclear thermal rockets don't use oxidizer. Several hours of hairpulling adjustments were made useless when news from SuperTech LLC came about the apparently common fact. Kron 4 now has almost exactly 13800 m/s of delta v. Additional adjustments might be done to increase the initial TWR of 0.07. - Autonomous lander/rover has been added to the ship.
  13. Yup, Uranus would be the next name indeed. However, because of unfortunate English language, we could use its ancient Roman equivalent - Caelus. Now that's a nice name.
  14. OK, radically new approach. I can't go smaller than this. Also, good news. DeepFreeze has been forked. That means the whole greenhouse module will probably get either removed or reduced to a minimum of one greenhouse.
  15. JPLRepo, thanks so much for this! NFE has solved this problem very well and has several excellent radiator parts, indeed. That is cryopreservation of tissues and (gullible) dead people. Nothing is returning from that state and such preservation requires a lot of energy unless the thing is in a permanently shaded crater somewhere. That's why people who want their corpse to be preserved in such way, pay lots of money because decades of liquid nitrogen boiloff is expensive. What you want is stasis and we could say 10 °C would be sufficient for it.
  16. It will all happen very fast, and images will be pouring slowly. JDiminishingRTG is what I use for RTG decay, it's quite nice. Yes, it's a bit tall, but it's quite difficult to design it to follow the needs and still keep a reasonable part count.
  17. You don't need sunglasses there. Saturn is far away. Enceladus is comparable to a skiing resort on a very, very cloudy day. Just because something has a huge albedo doesn't mean it's bright.
  18. Kerpernicus lander has been designed and assembled. It has enough delta v for a careful and planned ascent into low orbits of all Urlum's satellites.
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