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Everything posted by jlcarneiro

  1. What says on the title... Sorry if this is answered somewhere... Couldn't find it on the wiki or by searching (even with Google! Maybe these aren't called indicators...)
  2. Haven't played 0.25 yet, still trying to update lots of mods... My main request goes to modders instead of Squad: please, adopt AVC or any other compatibility and version checking tool! At least for me, every playing session begins with 30min of browsing add-on releases forum! When there is an upgrade, things get even worse!
  3. Hello, Ratzap! First of all, thank you for this mod, it's a wonderful tool during construction! Second, is it possible to set up some third-part parts like DMagic scientific parts? If you are too busy, how do I do that?
  4. Looks promising! Sorry if this is a silly question, but how to use it? As I saw above, I just "click come kerbals". Who? The "leader" or the followers? And how to I set a patrol route?
  5. Ok, then. I also thought varying feeding frequency based on kerbal stats would need more processing (and programming effort). What about stripping the "stats part" and just make all of them eat at the same "6 plus/minus something" time? BTW, I think eating frequency is fine as it is right now. But, since people (including you) are think about tweaking it, I thought about adding my 2 cents...
  6. I don't use Mechjeb (maybe later, I still have a LOT to learn) but I couldn't agree more! The only real complain I have about KSP has to do with mods: while we don't have an effective way of notifying us of mod upgrades (and due to mod constant changing nature), we spend a lot of time just checking for new mod versions...
  7. What about adding/subtracting a random smaller number to/from the 6 hours period? I mean, one kerbal would eat every 6 hours plus (or minus) a random number between zero and, say, 120 minutes, depending on the kerbal stats...
  8. Whyren, don't get me wrong, I think this completes Snacks very well (and also looks very cool), but I liked one idea for Snacks about needing contact with soil to generate food... What do you think?
  9. Hi, I've seen some of your videos and one or two posts on the Snacks! mod. So, I'd like your opinion: I liked Snacks! very muchbut I'm not sure I should drop TAC Life Support for it...

    I mean, I've installed NEAR, Deadly Reentry Continued and Remote Tech 2 to get more realism and challenge. Wouldn't TACLS make more sense?

    ON THE OTHER HAND... Since I'm using so many realism oriented mods, shouldn't I take it easy and relax at least on life support matter?

    What do you think? Do you use any of these 3 other mods I mentioned?

  10. That's true: I use NEAR. In this case, what should I do? There is no way to get Terminal Velocity in KER (at least on current version)?
  11. I think I'm doing something wrong, but I'm using KER 1.0.5 and the Terminal Velocity shown on Surface Tab reads 0.00 m/s all the time! Is it supposed to show only under certain circunstances? If not, what should I do to correct it?
  12. It's tempting, passinglurker, but I think it would make thinks overcomplicated...
  13. No problem! I can live with the concept of a mod's mod! I'll give biohazard15's a try... The same can be said about setting the number os snacks per meal (although I think a GUI option would be better). About the next version, what a shame! I'd really like to test the supply window...
  14. tgruetzm, this is really a great mod! I agree with those who say it should be stock. The supply window looks great! But I also have some suggestions: I agree with those that say it should have an specific part instead of hitchiker... What do you think of having a small amount of snacks preloaded on command pods (kind of what happens with monopropellant) but additional reserves coming in specific parts? About the number of snacks per day, I too think it should be one. Maybe half a snack every three hours as doctors tell us to eat (one small meal every 3 hours). About penalties, I agree "disabling" kerbals would be like killing them... Better to take a hit on reputation and MAYBE a 33% chance of occurring some delay (1 or 2 seconds should suffice). BTW, when is next version due? (Sorry, couldn't resist!)
  15. Hey! I liked this premise a lot: simples enough and, more importantly, KERBAL enough!
  16. SirDagon, Thanks! About 2.5m part, I think it shouldn't be under General Construction: I think it should be under a node related to science...
  17. SirDargon, Since it seems you're about to release a new version, have you seen my suggestions a few posts above this one?
  18. Great idea! A few suggestions, though: 1. why don't you use another probe core (like OKTO, OKTO2, HECS or QBE) as a model to your "probe container"? Let me explain: aside from automatic collecting science from multiple experiments, I think it is intended to be used as detachable probe to send science home at certain (dangerous?) points of the mission. To better accomplish this, I think the probe should be as small as possible and a round probe core makes it a little harder to do (e.g. it doesn't allow to attach a parachute)... 2. I think that some nodes are more suited to your parts... For example: I think the Science Tech node would be better suited to the Science Container Probe. The same can be said about General Construction and 2.5m Science Container.
  19. Sorry, Sirine! I was so excited about all these tips and suggestions I did not notice your request about the mods... I use many mods but the only ones with parts I currently use are: L-Tech and DMagic (science devices) and Universal Containers (the grey and black containers)... BTW, this Cruzan AK on Youtube also has many good tips and tutorials, thank you! Well, using all your tips I managed to land for the first time, Yay! Thanks!
  20. Great, guys! Very detailed explanations! I'll implement these suggestions, thank you very much!
  21. Hi, I have hard times trying to pilot my planes... These are from 0.24 and, except from L-Tech, DMagic and Universal Containers are pretty much stock. They tend to swerve during takeoff - when they are faster than 60m/s I have to take off quickly or they swerve and crash. Although I've structured and checked the back wheels... They oscillate (like little stalls) when I pitch (up/down) or turn (pitching after a roll to turn left or right)... They tend to point down their noses when I'm about to land and very frequently I hit the ground too fast. They don't keep pointing up even with SAS or trim... When I get a reasonable touchdown, I can't brake or they swerve (or raise one side) and crash... Here the screenshots and .craft files of the planes (KP-1C, KP-2, KP-3, KP-4 and KP-5): Screenshots: http://imgur.com/gallery/Ztk1k .craft files: http://www.filedropper.com/crafts
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