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Everything posted by jlcarneiro

  1. What a shame... I tested the parts and I think they are AWESOME! But I have a doubt: I noticed a thougher RCS module (there are two outputs on each direction). But the common one has been doubled, each with an unique name but sharing the SAME specs? I thought I could just delete the folders of the parts I wasn't interested in. But is it possible? In many cases, different parts share the same .cfg. How do I circumvent this? Only by editing each of the .cfg files?
  2. I think I'm already (I'm on Linux), specially because my video card is a GeForce... But thanks, anyway! BTW, do you know something about the issue I mentioned:
  3. Believe it or not, I only found this mod today! I don't think I'll have enough RAM for it in its full glory. How could I install only parts of it? In order of importance (to me): 1. Iluminated pods and science lab (must-have); 2. Docking ports with lights; 3. Structural Panels (angled panel included); 4. I-beams; 5. More Cubic Struts; 6. New Station Hub; 7. New batteries; 8. Retexturized science instruments; 9. New lights. Can you help me? --- EDIT --- Nevermind my first question, I hadn't finished downloading the package: it doesn't overwrite anything. But I have ANOTHER question: when select some of these parts in the VAB, I can't select (neither click on) them anymore... How can I fix this?
  4. Thanks! I've seen it and answered it. Didn't come back here because I was running some tests (wanted to make use of the installation ASAP). Thanks to you all (specially Shaw for his patience!)!
  5. Well, I've just tested this newest version (4.1.3) and the problem persists (from 73 fps to 13 fps), when I board the pod everything gets back to normal, even with the flag still planted. Do you remember in what version did you fix this problem the last time it showed up? I could use THAT version until a new one comes out... @SwGustav, Thanks! --- EDIT --- Well, version 4.1.0a (ShipManifest.90.0_4.1.0a_02182015.zip) gets a smaller drop (from 70 to 40). YAY! Version 4.0.2 (ShipManifest.90.0_4.0.2_02132015.zip) is the latest one without any FPS issue I could detect! @SwGustav, that might interest you!
  6. I was using version 4.1.2 (ShipManifest.90.0_4.1.2_02242015.zip). After my message, I had just started a new sequence of tests, trying your latest versions one by one. Versions 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 worked fine and when I went to GitHub to get a new couple to test, I saw a version from today(?!), when I came here, you had answered my message and just released a new one. Thanks! I'll try this one and will give you feedback.
  7. Hello Papa_Joe, I think I've found an issue with ShipManifest... A few days ago, I landed on Mun and, during an EVA (with everthing running normally), when I planted a flag, the FPS dropped from something about 65 to something about 10. I barely could get back to the capsule to took off. The game ran normally from that point on. I thought that HAD to do with TextureReplacer and other beautification mods I use (PlanetShine and EVE) so I started asking shaw (TextureReplacer's modder) for help. After some tests (just EVAing from a mk1 pod on the Launchpad and planting a flag), I had to agree with him his mod apparently had nothing to do with the issue. So, I accepted his suggestion (start with a vanilla install). When I did these tests, I got surprised, the issue got back as soon as I added ShipManifest. So I did an extreme test: I reinstalled all mods EXCEPT ShipManifest and everything worked fine (there was a FPS drop, but more reasonable, from 70 to 65). When I installed ShipManifest (newly downloaded from GitHub), the issue got back (from 70 to 10). The links to my posts on this matter on TextureReplacer thread are: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107471-0-90-TextureReplacer-2-2-6-%2810-3-2015%29?p=1766608&viewfull=1#post1766608 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107471-0-90-TextureReplacer-2-2-6-%2810-3-2015%29?p=1776508&viewfull=1#post1776508 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107471-0-90-TextureReplacer-2-2-6-%2810-3-2015%29?p=1777556&viewfull=1#post1777556 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107471-0-90-TextureReplacer-2-2-6-%2810-3-2015%29?p=1777813&viewfull=1#post1777813 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107471-0-90-TextureReplacer-2-2-6-%2810-3-2015%29?p=1781012&viewfull=1#post1781012 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107471-0-90-TextureReplacer-2-2-6-%2810-3-2015%29?p=1782430&viewfull=1#post1782430 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107471-0-90-TextureReplacer-2-2-6-%2810-3-2015%29?p=1783522&viewfull=1#post1783522 Do you have any idea why would ShipManifest affect FPS, specially due to flag planting? --- EDIT --- Here's the log (I forgot do add it): KSP.log Could you please help me?
  8. Well, after testing with a vanilla install and adding mods one by one, I have good and bad news. The good news are: as you suspected, TR appears do have nothing to do with this FPS drop... (As don't have PlanetShine, EVE and any other beautification mod - YAY!) The bad news are: believe it or not, ShipManifest seems to be the culprit. When I installed I got the FPS drop (about 70 to about 18). So, I reinstalled ALL my mods EXCEPT ShipManifest and the drop was smaller (about 70 to about 65). Since you're the modder more experienced with FPS (due to TR's nature), why would ShipManifest affect FPS, specially due to flag planting?
  9. Well, thanks once again and I'm very sorry I don't quite know how to "read" a log. About your questions: - Reflections are static. Can I consider them disabled? If not, how do I disable them? - NO! I can't say TR is causing this but I assumed it was TR because of the nature of the mod: as soon as the flag is planted (one more object to be renderized) the FPS drops... - I didn't test with just TR installed (there should be a way to disable mods without restarting the game!), I'm afraid of loosing vessels (or any other side-effect) because of missing mods... But since it will help you help me, I have no other way! As soon as I test it again, I'll let you know. Ok? --- EDIT --- I updated all mods you said (LTech, Regolith and Firespitter) and tried again with a simple pod (the lander was not available because of ltech). FPS dropped from 70 to 17 when I planted the flag and did not go up again when took it down. But they got up to 70 again when I entered the capsule! I tested it again and even with the flag planted, if I board the capsule again, the FPS get back up. And once it gets up after going down, I can EVA again (with the flag still there) and it doesn't drop. It only drops IF I plant a flag... Here is the new log: KSP.log Any ideas?
  10. Hey, shaw! I've just tested planting a flag with TR 2.2.6. I basically did the same thing (launched a lander, flew a few meters to get off the launch pad, EVA'd and planted a flag a few steps away from the capsule). BEFORE planting the flag I had 40 FPS. Right after planting, FPS dropped to 10 FPS and then to 7 FPS. I took down the flag and the FPS rose to 10 again (but not to 40, unfortunately). After I finally got to the capsule, I reverted to VAB and quit through the menus... Here are my log (and prefs) files: KSP.log Player.log Prefs Any ideas? Can you help me?
  11. Interesting, @Gaiiden! Unfortunately, I still don't have two ships at the same time on KSC (pad and runway) nor any flags on Kerbin (two on Mun, though). Can't say it is not related, but I can't confirm right now...
  12. Thanks for your attention! I think reflections are already disabled (I've selected static reflections). The flag was planted around that time (after I got on the ship and recovered it), I got back to the main menu and quit. Any other ideas? Do you want any specific test?
  13. Thanks! I understand the logs should be of a session with low FPS, right? So, I'll land on the Mun again to get them. What logs do you need? Only KSP.log on KSP directory? If not, where is/are the other/s you need? EDIT: I launched from the pad and landed the module on KSC's grass. Everything was fine until I planted a flag: then the same kind of lag I felt on the Mun I felt again. Here are the logs I could find (didn't find output_log.txt...): KSP.log Player.log
  14. Thank you all, folks! Your will to help others is very laudable! Based on AML225's suggestion (that unfortunately did not work), I tried LAlt+LShift+N and - FINALLY - it worked! Thank you very much!
  15. If you don't mind using a solution that you don't exactly know the source (can't remember where it was either), here what Starwaster gave me: //------------------------ Animation Fix for Habitat Pack @PART[centrifuge1] { @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric],0 { @name = ModuleLayeredAnimator layer = 0 } } @PART[centrifuge1] { @MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric],1 { @name = ModuleLayeredAnimator layer = 1 } } ----- UPDATE ---- I think I got it here...
  16. Hi, again! I'm having low FPS problems when EVAing landed on Mun, specially after planting a flag. I get less than 1 FPS! I've lowered my graphic settings and it got a little better but yet I'm struggling to plant a flag! I'm using 64-bit Linux with 6GB of RAM and a GeForce GT730M. These are my graphic settings: And these are my addons: I don't want to uninstall TR, can anybody help me?
  17. I agree, it seems that rogerwilco has confused "square of the catheti" with "square root of the catheti". What mudkest says is the rule of thumb: the minimum altitude is equal to the radius of the planet/moon. Although, I think those margin of 10% or 20% is insufficient: using a Communotron 32 at 1000km makes your network much more stable. What I DON'T KNOW is: to get the same (big) margin of error, what should be the altitude on each planet/moon? 2 times the radius? Or this would be too exagerated in some cases (Minmus, for example)?
  18. Ok, so I have the normal EVE (for what I read, Overhaul uses more RAM and CPU and my notebook is strugling with Normal EVE as it is)... Since I'm on Linux, I've tested all +N combinations I could think of (RShift+N, CTRL+N, LAlt+N, RAlt+N), and nothing works (RShift+F12 shows debug, though). Any suggestions?
  19. Err... Sorry, didn't get the reference. What could be wrong with that picture? Actually, I didn't even quite understand what is it... BTW, what is the "unintentional easter egg" on the OP? I tilted my screen up, saw something, but if the easter egg is what I think, it also appears in one of the flags. Can one "spoil" it for me? PVT, maybe?
  20. Thanks for your attention, guys! Let me see if, with your help, I can solve this! Firstly, how do I know if I have EVE or EVE Overhaul? It does not have a .version file...
  21. Left-Alt+N, Right-Alt+N and Right-Shift+N (AFAIK, "Alt" key is Right-Shift under Linux). None worked...
  22. WOW! That interface is compelling! I just can't access it on Linux (neither with RShift-N nor RShift-E, etc.). Although nothing happens when I use these keys, I thought it might be the result of some incompatibility with another mod. How do I change this key binding?
  23. Hi, Papa_Joe! I swear I clicked on Save every time. BUT... Believe it or not, when I loaded the game to to make sure I clicked Save and test Ship Manifest once again... It worked fine! I even didn't have to enter settings again, I correctly showed itself on Blizzy Toolbar! Since you are the "father", do you have ANY idea why it happened this way (simply working after a restart)?
  24. Thanks, Papa_Joe, that was very thorough! I've just fixed the xml and will test it soon. About Blizzy's toolbar, sorry! I didn't mean to make you explain all that! Ship Manifest has worked with it flawlessly and I indeed didn't see its icon this time but I think it was due to the xml problems and exceptions. I'll try it again and I'm pretty sure it will show itself on Blizzy's toolbar as usual. Once again, thanks! --- UPDATE --- GREAT! With those xml fixes, it worked just fine! Thanks! --- OTHER UPDATE --- Hi, again! Sorry to inform that Ship Manifest works fine with one exception: when I check "Enable Blizzy Toolbar" on the settings, it disappears form stock toolbar and shows in Blizzy's toolbar. But, when I change scenes, it gets back on stock toolbar again...
  25. Hi, Papa_Joe! First, thanks for all your effort on this great plugin! Second, I've clicked on both buttons on stock toolbar but nothing happens. I also couldn't find it on Blizzy's toolbar. Is this intended behavior? What am I doing wrong? --- UPDATE --- Well, I've managed to READ your post (sorry!) and delete the config.xml. Nevertheless, I've had many exceptions and could not open settings window do disable showing them. Again, what am I doing wrong?
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