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Everything posted by jlcarneiro

  1. How are you people dealing with rescue missions since 1.0.2? Stavell, will you have time to update this mod?
  2. Thanks, Proot! It's a PS process as I suspected. I'm trying to achieve these kind of results using Gimp (actually, I was trying to get something like WSJ hedcuts but an engraving like yours would be great!) can you put me in the direction of a good tutorial?
  3. Oh, no! Again? Try LAlt+LShift+N, it had worked for me before...
  4. Thanks! Going to dev thread... EDIT: Sorry, how do I get to the dev thread?
  5. Since you'll be tinkering with the code, can you please check why the GUI keeps showing up on flight start even when I'd hidden it in a previous flight?
  6. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I can't find a way to slow down my mouse scroll during IVA: when I try to zoom in, it goes from far (enough to be unintelligible) to VERY near (enough to not being able to see a full display). Can you help me?
  7. Personally, I consider tourists stats to be Courage and Richness, instead of Courage and Intelligence. I think it brings more fun to tourism contracts...
  8. Sorry! I can't even remember how did I get to it... I always wondered how a "necro" found these posts. Today it happened to me! Sorry!
  9. Sorry, couldn't download it, just got a blank page. Don't you have some pictures?
  10. That makes three of us, Linux 64-bit. The visor differentiates no reflections, from static and real ones. But all three have a white background. I think it looks quite cool, but I'd like to see the kerbal faces...
  11. Thanks for your fast response! Based on it, I went for another approach, though: I removed the "Final" clause from Vascar's MM patch; I added the following patch (with the same "Final" clause), to undo what the previous patch had just done, returning the Sounding Rockets to what RoverDude had designed. @PART[SR_ProbeCore]:Final { !MODULE[ModuleSPU] {} !MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive] {} } It's quite BLUNT (maybe even stupid), I know. But I can't see another option. If you do, can you point me in the right direction? Isn't there a way to just exclude SR_ProbeCore from Vascar's patch?
  12. Vascar, great patch! It works like a charm with ONE exception: for some reason, it breaks RoverDude's Sounding Rockets connection at the first stages of a career save rendering them useless (they work on Sandbox mode, don't know why). I've tried to exclude every part named "SR_*", changing the selection rule to: @PART[ *]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#minimumCrew[0],!name[sR_*]],!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:Final @PART[ *]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#minimumCrew[0],!#name[sR_*]],!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:Final @PART[!SR_*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#minimumCrew[0]],!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:Final @PART[ *]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#minimumCrew[0]],!MODULE[ModuleSPU]],!PART[sR_*]:Final @PART[ *]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#minimumCrew[0]],!MODULE[ModuleSPU]],!HAS[#name[sR_*]]:Final But I was not successful. Can you help me?
  13. No problem! I just wanted it to get a better roleplaying. I'll wait patiently. After all, unless I'm mistaken, you have a life, don't you?
  14. Hey, magico13, what is the status on KCT and CrewQ compatibility? Is KCT 1.1.6 ready to use with CrewQ? To me, looks like, at the launch window, KCT is still offering to assign kerbonauts who should be on leave...
  15. Hmmm, downgrading to 323... EDIT: Nope, problem persists on 323. I think it's related to compatibility issues between Probodobodyne RoveMate and RemoteTech...
  16. Thanks for the prompt response! I renamed model001.dds to xmodel001.dds and the camera showed only a gray image. Then, I renamed both files (model000.dds and model001.dds) and besides the gray image, the camera loaded without its texture... EDIT: nevermid, saw Albert VDS' message right now... EDIT2: Works fine, thanks!
  17. I've installed build 325 and although it seems to be working, I got a doubt: I've launched a rover (to test Hullcam VDS) and it responds fine, but says "Local control". Shouldn't it say it just when manned?
  18. Hello! I may be doing something wrong here, but I think my navcam isn't working: when I activate it, I get only static. I'm using KSP 1.0 and a few other mods but none related to cameras... Can anybody help me?
  19. Thank you! I'll send you a PM asking for some explanation, ok? I hope this time I'll finally understand this to stop nagging people...
  20. Thanks! KSP is loading now, I'll let you know if it worked... EDIT: I'm sorry to say something is still missing - it did not work. Any other suggestion?
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