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Everything posted by jlcarneiro

  1. Sorry! Forgot to delete one part. Could you please try this craft file? I'm really curious, I just can't make it get speed fast enough. Maybe it's just me, but could be a mistake, when you replicated the craft you inadvertently correct it... - - - Updated - - - Hmmm! Interesting, I tried to keep its wings small (due to the high speed)... I'll try this idea, thanks!
  2. First of all. Gratz on making it to orbit. Well done! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to load the craft, with those mods installed... (So I can't prove whether you are right ) But I am a lousy pilot. I like the designing part of KSP more, so I let MechJeb Smart A.S.S fly my crafts. The only part of the flying I do, is to tell MechJeb what pitch angle to hold. Makes it much easier to make consistent, reproducible ascents. Once above 10 km and 1000 m/s, how much dV you end up with in orbit is highly dependent on drag (craft's base drag and control inputs), the speed you achieve while airbreathing and your pitch-to-ascent-angle ratio (I just made that term up. Is there an official term for it?) Well, to get that ratio low I initiate the pitch up from 10 km, because down there, the air is thick enough, that prograde marker will follow craft pitch changes very swiftly. The wings produce more lift and the air-breathing engines are still close to maximum thrust. Doing the pitch up at higher altitudes causes more drag losses, because it takes longer to change the direction of the craft. It's going faster, has less lift from wings and less thrust from engines. At least in my experience. The exact pitch angle I choose is dependant on TWR in the phase after air-breathing. I use 10o on most my designs, 15o on a few, and 20o on a couple of high TWR designs. But the lower the angle, the better in my opinion. Thanks for all these advices! About the cyan arrow, why both crafts, created differently had this asimmetric body lift? Something about the design? Do you have any idea what it might be? About the craft, here it is without lights and without mk1cargobay. I used an almost empty tank to simulate its weigth, though. I think the main difference is that the tank is a "bit" longer than the two cargo bays... About mechjeb, thanks, I'll try it (until now I've only used the node executor and the precise landing assistant)... EDIT: Hey, Val, I've tried MechJeb and got a worse result (210m/s), removed two of the intakes and it got even worse (no orbit). I think my (space)plane takes too long to get to 300m/s. If you have time, can you please fly its stock version (above)?
  3. Great idea! Do you know how to implement through ModuleManager? This way, future updates on the parts won't overwrite this change... I tried, my MM knowledge is a bit limited, and the values are inside a module and to worsen things, on the 4way light, there are FOUR of these modules, differentiated by the name...
  4. Thanks! Seems simple enough to be used by me! About this specific craft, thanks to you all (and with a little help from Pilot Assistant), I managed to achieve orbit! Unfortunately, I ended with only 500m/s... (I must be a really lousy pilot! ) And the craft file... (I used Mk1 Cargo Bay, Aviation Lights and Surface Lights): Epsilon craft.
  5. First, and above all, thank you, Val! Sorry, didn't think of it, should have uploaded the craft file. The parts you see are two units of Mk1 Cargo Bay to put the payload (a microsat, for example). Thanks! A compliment from someone like you worths a lot! LOL! So I'm basically a good designer and a lousy pilot! I'll try this ascent profile and will let you know the results (this weekend, maybe tomorrow), thanks! BTW, do you have any rule to help me plan such a profile, since they change from craft to craft? EDIT: AH! Did your Epsilon also get that cyan arrow pointing up from the right rocket tank?
  6. Hi! I'm having trouble with spaceplanes on 1.04 (I've succeeded on 0.90 and yes, I took a long time to get to spaceplanes on career, have little time to play) and tried this tip from Slashy but I'm still having problems. I did make to 50km but went out of fuel. My plane took ages to get to 10km and 300m/s. Can you help me? Another question: why I always get that cyan arrow on that right tank on Aerodynamic Overlay (F12)?
  7. Great job Kuzzter! Too bad I still can't rep you... BTW, what does ETA mean (aside from Estimated Time of Arrival)? You used it sometimes replying to people...
  8. Nice idea! I think I'll try it too. I stopped using Steam (I run KSP directly) to save some RAM...
  9. Great mod! I've just tested it under 1.0.4, it works just fine! I have a question, though: I've some mentions to resizing the thin glow strip. How do I accomplish this, only by using tweakscale? EDIT: Nevermind, I've just found that if I use KSPAPIExtensions 0.75, the dimensions options will show up in VAB context-menu.
  10. This one? http://fantasynamegenerators.com/
  11. I don't remember removing any mods recently, just updating them (oh, how I would like something like apt-get dist-upgrade!) I reloaded the last save where this contract was up, it was only a day ago (in game time). And as soon as it fails again, I'll send you the log. Ah, thanks! For your attention and for your hard (and great) work! Update: : Sorry, guys! I think I've lost the latest save with this contract still valid. The first one before it is too long ago: about on hundred days (in game time)... Thanks anyway!
  12. Sorry?! We have to click the little green check boxes? I don't get it, are you joking?
  13. This contrack pack is promising! I'm having some problem with an Eve mission, though: I get a contract to set a relay sat on Eve's orbit but, before I complete it (I havent left Kerbin SOI yet), if I reload a game there's a chance the contract will fail... Am I doing something wrong?
  14. What about this electrical generation somebody talked about? I had the same problem and turned the ship prior to takeoff to solve it but, in flight, when I turned the sides away from sunlight (during a simple turn), EC levels dropped too much and the engine turned off...
  15. Make these my words too. Especially the "loving this mod" part!
  16. Try this pack: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/113399-Kerbalized-Flags-and-Space-Agencies
  17. Sorry, my bad! Since the only hatch was on the top, I assumed, I would not be able to dock to its back. I'll make a test! Thanks!
  18. I agree it is not strictly necessary, but if used as a base cuppola, the only way to access it is through EVA? I thought about some kind of docking port...
  19. I don't know its name because I've never used it... It was a docking node you used on the side of the craft to put a docking port on it, I guess... I think it disappeared after 1.0, I could not find it now... Here a screenshot I got from the forums. The said part is marked in red.
  20. I narrowed it down to the battery (I've tried the Z-100 and the Z-200), they are exploding due to overheating... Here is the .craft file: http://www.filedropper.com/testcraft BTW, I've changed the name of the mesh in the part file and the inline storage still doesn't show its textures...
  21. Nope! Stock Bug Fixes did not work... Still exploding...
  22. What? I'm using them (and I think they're updated)! Anyway, I'm going to download them again, thanks!
  23. I've tried and it looks great! I have one issue: when the kerbal goes on EVA, it starts to slide and then keeps "nodding" on the edge of the pod... I'd also like to make a suggestion: what about changing that top round window/door for a flatter one (or putting one of those OLD docking nodes on the back)? I know it will break some of the effect but it would allow us to connect it to a station like an early cuppola as passinglurker said. And I think it might solve the jumping kerbal problem...
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