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Everything posted by jlcarneiro

  1. Hi, I think I've noticed the same: you're pressing "Z" and "X", aren't you? AR blocks incremental changes ("Shift" and "Ctrl") but I it missed the full-throttle and zero-throttle hotkeys...
  2. Try Alt+RShift+N. I use Linux and had a lot of trouble to find out how to show the GUI. After a lot of help this was the only keystroke combination that worked...
  3. Hmmm! Nice idea! I'll do it (but I'll take a screenshot of the graphics settings first)... EDIT: Hey! It did work! Thanks!
  4. I'm using 1.0.4 right now and had a problem with this second attach node a couple days ago: my craft seemed nice but during reentry I just could NOT decouple it (I was using K2 command pod but I'd tested it on Kerbin first). Anyway, my craft could not maintain its position during reentry (kept pointing prograde) and although it did not explode, it was too fast to deploy chutes (they were obliterated). The only option I had was to eject both kerbalnauts, and make them fall on their heads. I used one glitch to solve another...
  5. Thanks for your replies! Unfortunately, I use a notebook, so I don't have numpad plus nor a numpad minus keys. I've tried to remap to plus and minus alphanumeric keys but it does not work... I don't use Windows, I use Linux, so I try that tip either. Any other suggestions?
  6. Hi, I'm trying to fly using IVA (along with RPM) but the zoom (using scroll) is too fast: I either get too far from the panel (can't read what's written on the MFDs) or get too close to it (the letters on the MFD get easy to read but I can't even see the whole MFD)... I've tried reducing mouse sensitivity (in settings menu > Game) but didn't notice any change. Can you help me?
  7. Hey, De. Jet! How did you fix this? I'm having the same issue...
  8. Great pack! Looks great although it puts my computer on its knees. To reduce the load, I tried resizing some textures (those bigger than 2048x1024) to 2048x1024 and suddenly um layer of black clouds appeared! Obviously I have to change the layer parameters (e.g. speed) do match another layer that originally had different resolution (probably to reduce RAM usage, great idea!). Can you please (I know I've already asked for too much help on PMs) create a "lite pack" like EVE has done? (For now I'll eliminate this layer...) Another thing, why didn't you convert all textures to .dds? Oh! Another thing: aren't Duna's sandstoms a bit high? I'd like to simulate Andy Weir's mishappen...
  9. I googled it and you have a point. But, I still think those clamp sounds are a bit too loud... Anyway, thanks for this mod (and for accepting my suggestion!
  10. I confirm Editor Extensions is acting weird, specially the angles © and mirrors (X).
  11. So, 1.0.3 is out, great! Unfortunately, we're (at least I am) back at the mod upgrade routine. When I fired up KSP, some "incorrect version" messages came up. I ran to the forums to look for a compatibility list post but, since I couldn't find one, I'd like to ask: will it be enough to change each mod's .version file? And those without it? Despite the message, are they compatible? As far as I can remember, there were messages at least for these mods: Firespitter and KSPAPI (as usual) Blizzy's Toolbar [x]Science PlanetShine SmartParts KIS KAS Contract Configurator (and ScanSat Lite Contract Pack) DeepFreeze PreciseNode EDIT: BTW, don't get me wrong, I liked 1.0.3 very much but, they perfected many things but forgot Valentina's visor on the opening scene?
  12. This mod is getting great! I have a suggestions to the docking sound, though... I think it should be more muffled and it should have some pneumatic hisses (much like the undocking sound), but it should not have so much of those clamp sounds (the docking port doesn't seem to have them...). So, I made some editing and I am using this new one. I don't expect you to use it, but I think you could get an idea of what I mean, so here it is: docking sound suggestion.
  13. It SURELY helps! If all mods that worked on quite the same niche (like OSP and ScanSat) had the same on the first posts, many questions would be avoided! Thanks for your trouble writing such a complete comparison! Same to you, DMagic! You've been very understanding with my questions, even on another thread. Thanks! I think I'll have to drill more resources for my computer because, although OSP looks great, I does not replace ScanSat multipurpose features well. Maybe if I get lucky, I'll keep them both... Thanks, guys!
  14. Thanks, Wheffle, and once again: GREAT MOD! The reason I ask is simple: I am/was an user of both RT2 and ScanSat. They are great mods and make this game much more enjoyable (being able to search the terrain for a landing site based on slopes is fantastic!) but they take a lot of resources. Unfortunately, the number of good mods is rising and my computer specs aren't... So, I've recently switched RT2 for AntennaRange and am considering switching ScanSat by OSP. Before I do it, can you please give me a small review of the differences between the gameplay offered by both of them. Tell me if they can coexist (if so, is it worth to keep both simultaneasly)?
  15. Thanks for your answer! I meant: is this mod a kind of "ScanSat Lite" like AntennaRange is a kind of "RT2 Lite"?
  16. Does this mod relate to ScanSat the same way AntennaRange relates to RemoteTech2?
  17. Hello, folks! I've been using RT for some time now and I like it very much. Unfortunately, my computer disagrees with me... Until I buy a new computer, I'll have to improvise. Problem is: I'm used to RT's Flight Computer (even "limited" as it is). I know it's a long shot but is it possible to "detach" from RT and use it separately? If not, is there any alternative besides kOS (too complicated for someone with 6 to 8 hours a week to play) and MJ (AFAIK it doesn't execute action groups)? Now a "longer" shot: do you intend to separate it from RT?
  18. Great idea! I have a question, though: aren't the sound frequencies too low? I mean, on official Squad videos and on Chatterer, kerbal voices are a bit higher, aren't they?
  19. Hi, unfortunately, I've met this same issue: since the last version (, the plugin seems to work fine, it's just the icon (on stock toolbar) that keeps replicating itself each time we fly (I was using simulations from KCT). Maybe it's interesting to note that although it seems to be compatible with Blizzy's toolbar, it does not show its enabling option there. Maybe it's related to Blizzy compatibility code, I dunno... Is there anything else I can do to help you nail it?
  20. Sorry to ask this again, but I can't find a way to slow down my mouse scroll during IVA: when I try to zoom in, it goes from VERY far (enough to be unintelligible) to VERY near (enough to not being able to see a full display). Can you help me? How do I zoom in more slowly to get a reasonable zoom level?
  21. No problem! After vacation we get better ideas! Have you seen UniversalStorage radial tank for IFILS? It looks nice! Maybe you should save some time by profiting on it...
  22. Thanks! Problem is: I've tried to create new cloud layers and felt overwhelmed by the settings shown on the GUI. Is there any tutorial I can use?
  23. Hello, folks! This is one of the best immersion mods. I've installed it and it works just fine but I'd like to profit from some additional clouds addons... Can you help me install Duna's and Eve's extra clouds without installing the whole packs (AverageJoe's Eve, for example, has more than 50mb!)?
  24. This plugin seems to be awesome, thanks! Maybe I didn't quite get what you said, but this way I would end with some struts pointing out of the fairings? Why would I need that?
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