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Everything posted by jlcarneiro

  1. Great idea! I'm having some issues, though: 1. the inline storage does not show its textures; 2. the transponder keeps exploding due to overheat on launchpad (sandbox game, lots of mods but not heat one). About the textures, I believe it's due to its part.cfg: mesh = Transponder.mu while the .mu file is named "InlineStorage.mu"...
  2. I'm having this same problem and, unfortunately, I can't get the part to be available by double clicking on it... Can you help me until a definite fix doesn't come out?
  3. GREAT! Thanks, Albert! EDIT: Sorry, but I received this error message: "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Albert VDS again."
  4. Great idea, thanks! Downloading it now! EDIT: Works like a charm! Valentina thanks you!
  5. C'mon, Albert! This looks great! You're mean for teasing us so much and keeping us waiting...
  6. Hey, Ratzap, maybe I'm just making a wrong assumption like my friend here but I think I'm getting wrong calculations on my antennas consumption: I'm using AntennaRange now and my antennas are sucking too much juice! I've recently quit using RemoteTech and I think maybe this is the reason: maybe, for some reason, Fusebox is treating my antennas as RemoteTech and not AntennaRange ones. Can you help me? Where do I fix this?
  7. Thanks! Maybe it's a mix of your health state at this moment (hope you get better!) and English not being my first language. Some expressions don't get translated quite well... I've corrected it by changing starting values, now it works fine! I've created a new profile with just these changes and set it to this save. Now I must not change it to another profile, right? Anyway, if something like this happens again I'll tell you so we can identify the cause... (BTW, maybe it's my fault, but I think they are not well identified - there are simply three comma-separated values...)
  8. It's a career save. Not it this save (actually, not in 1.0.4, so it was in a different save, now long deleted). No custom tech trees, I'm already using way too much mods... I've restarted KSP and it did not change. Didn't quite get what you meant by "at least the save"... Anyway, I'll try changing the starting points... Thank you very much for your work and your prompt attention!
  9. Hey, magico13, this new version looks great, I think the profiles will be very useful (as soon as I learn how to use them correctly). Thanks! I have a question, though: is it possible to have negative upgrade points? I used this new version on an existing save a couple days ago, afraid of any problem, but it seemed to work fine. Today I've noticed my upgrade points are negative. Actually it was -3 now it is -1 but i doesn't seem to get back on the positive side... How come?
  10. It's getting great! About the text, what about divided in the four corners like IRL? With larger font size, preferably...
  11. Great idea, thanks! I think the MM config file has a typo, an "s" after the ModuleDeployableSolarPanel closing curly bracket, doesn't it? @PART[*]:NEEDS[AutoSmartParts]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDeployableSolarPanel]] { MODULE { name = AutoDeploy }[COLOR="#FF0000"]s[/COLOR] }
  12. Great idea! And I'm pretty sure you came with it first, congrats! I have a question, though: what are the differences between this mod and Claw's ModuleParachuteFix? I mean, aside from changing colors only when in atmospheres...
  13. Great idea! Have you seen this playlist from Bob Fitch? It has a similar premise (Kerbals are from another dimension)...
  14. Thanks! And how do I make this sound "higher", I mean with with a higher pitch? If I understood your explanation well, it is not possible, I'd have to use another sound file. Am I right? EDIT - Nervermind, I've solved it!
  15. Hi, uraa! First, great (and simple) mod! Second, where is the documentation on those parameters you used? How do I get a higher pitch on the sound? I've found a microIonDrive and used your mmpatch to give it some effects. But, since it is smaller, I think it should have a higher pitch sound, don't you?
  16. Like MaverickSawyer , I also liked the concept very much! I copied Sound and particle FX for stock Ion drive and altered it to add effects to Squiggsy's ion drive too: @PART[microIon]:AFTER[Squad] { EFFECTS { running { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = ClankerTech/Sounds/sound_scifiengine volume = 0.0 0.0 volume = 0.75 0.45 volume = 0.75 1.5 pitch = 0.0 0.0 pitch = 3.0 3.0 loop = true } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = Squad/FX/shockExhaust_blue_small transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 0.05 emission = 0.5 0.05 speed = 0.0 1.5 speed = 0.5 3.0 } } } @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @name = ModuleEnginesFX } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { @PROPELLANT[ElectricCharge] { DrawGauge = True } @PROPELLANT[XenonGas] { DrawGauge = True } } } And I have a question to Squiggsy, what about adding compatibility to JDiminishingRTG to your microRTG? Maybe something like this: @PART[micrortg]:FOR[JDiminishingRTG] { !MODULE[ModuleGenerator] {} MODULE { name = ModuleDiminishingRTG volume = 15 efficiency = 0.07 } } @PART[micrortg]:NEEDS[RealisticRTG]:FINAL { !MODULE[ModuleGeneratorRTG] }
  17. Hello, again! I think I managed to find the correct dimensions for the navball. At least the screens on the desk work fine. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the Map Monitor (the large screen on the wall), obviously because of its different size. I suspect I'll have to duplicate the text file (JSI/RPMPodPatches/BasicMFD/pa_PFD.txt) to use the second one file on the Map Monitor. I must confess I've not been able to understand the text file structure. So, for now, the Map Monitor shows the data in the wrong positions. Since it works fine on the desk screens, I don't mind... Anyway, here are the links to my files. Download them on the correct folders overwriting the original ones (making a backup would be wise)... GameData/ProbeControlRoom/Props/DeskScreen/DeskScreen.cfg; GameData/ProbeControlRoom/Props/MapMonitor/MapMonitor.cfg. --- EDIT --- Ah! I've just remembered: the resources info screen really has some glitches, but the SECOND resources info screen seems fine to me. You can access it pressing "B", "1" and, then, "0". It's the one shown on my Probe Control Room: --- EDIT2 --- I thought those four camera monitors would replicate the desk ones. So I did not edit them. Here are they with the fixed version of the FlightNavigator screen. Just unzip them on the correct folder (GameData/ProbeControlRoom/Props/CameraMonitor) overwriting the original ones. I still recommend making a backup...
  18. I use the mod Waypoint Manager, once the mission is accepted, it shows its location (from space) and direction (in flight) without spoilers...
  19. Hi, I've had the same problem and after playing with the config files, I got some good results editing DeskScreen.cfg and MapMonitor.cfg. Basically, I replaced the flightDisplay definition with RPM default one and made some adjustments. My GameData/ProbeControlRoom/Props/DeskScreen/DeskScreen.cfg ended like this and worked fine. Since MapMonitor is bigger, I'm having trouble finding the correct dimensions and sizes for my GameData/ProbeControlRoom/Props/MapMonitor/MapMonitor.cfg...
  20. Thanks! After upgrading some mods, I think I'm ready to try again. Unfortunately, I can't have a save BEFORE orbit right now, so I think I'll have to tell the result of the test later...
  21. Poor Bill... I'm glad you had a nice vacation Kuzzter, welcome back!
  22. Thank you, Sharpy! Sorry to keep bothering you, but I still have some doubts: I got both situations you described. But, just to check, that disregard for the direction applies only in space and not to the car example, right? For example, let's take the 2nd situation: if I'm moving at 100m/s and throw the REVERSE gear in, flooring it for one second, it will have a lesser effect, right? I think I got what you meant on your other post, when you said "Mun's speed is high enough to Oberth effect become insignificant": you meant Oberth effect on LKO, right?
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