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Everything posted by jlcarneiro

  1. 3, save it and start ksp. Enjoy. ill be posting this in the RT thread too. Thanks! Hey, freakneek, it looks like Module Manager code, can I use it on my zz_mytweaks folder intead of RT's? I prefer to keep my MM tweaks all together (so it's easier when a new version comes out)...
  2. I understand. But I think we may have some slack here: IIRC, kerbals are about 1/3 of a person's height and kerbal plants don't necessarily behave like plants on Earth. They are alien, aren't they? I've been thinking about the greenhouse... It doesn't need to sustain the crew: if I build a base (or station) with some IFILS tanks and send missions for the duration of the tanks, I could wait to send the next crew when the greenhouse fills the tanks again. IFILS greenhouses work like this? What do you think?
  3. This mod is fantastic, Stavell, thank you! I'd like your opinion on a subject: I've been looking for a solution to deal with RT2's signal delay on distant bodies (like Duna) and as I've been reading "The Martian" (by Andy Weir) I think I have a solution - I'll put a remote command center in orbit of Duna and control my probes from there. Problem is now I'll have to deal with life support (your IFILS). I'm thinking of using a greenhouse (probably changing its .cfg). Question is: in your opinion how many greenhouses would be necessary to meet a kerbal's needs? I intend on installing as many greenhouses as necessary to mantain the six kerbals needed for a command center. What do you think?
  4. Maybe this might have a clue on the cause of this no-timewarp glitch?
  5. Great! I'm using these parts until 1.0 comes out. Will you make mk3 equivalents?
  6. One "side-effect" to version 1.0, is that the game mechanics will be more mature, so shouldn't change so much on following versions allowing mods (and savegames) to be used across versions, to those like me who don't play that much (nor that fast) it means not having to restart again...
  7. As far as I can tell, it limits non-physics timewarp when SAS is NOT "directionaly activated" (SAS is NOT set to prograde, retrograde, normal, anti-normal, etc.). If I set SAS to one of these directions, I can warp just fine. Another thing I've noticed: actually, it limits non-physics timewarp to 10x (what sometimes still is too slow). If I CLICK on the second arrow (on the top left panel) most of the times it will work. BUT if you use the keyboard shortcut ("."), it will go back to 1x when I get to 2x (what gives me the impression of 2x limiting). Did I make myself clear? Sometimes I don't translate complex sentences (like in debug reports) from Portuguese to English correctly...
  8. Great mod, thanks! I think there's one side-effect, though: now I can't warp faster than 2x due to the craft being "under acceleration". How do I deal with this?
  9. Hehehe! I may have not understand correctly what you meant by "painful" (sometimes I don't get the punchlines in English), though I agree it was a shame...
  10. I'm having problems with spaceplanes using NEAR and DRE. I'm trying to desing three space planes, each using one set of parts (Mk1, Mk2 or Mk3). I've done that on 0.25 (at the time with exactly THIS Mk1 - stock I think), but on 0.90 I just can't make it. The space in between the two fuselage cilinders is intended (and on 0.25 was used) to hold cargo. Can you help me debug it? EDIT: It goes quite fine (it's a bit hard to control, keeps rolling) until 25km, then it starts craving for air. I go back to 10 degrees to get speed (preparing for the final run) but it really burns in the atmosphere... I start loosing the RCS (that I'd need later on space), then struts, and so on... EDIT2: It seems my problem has something to do with DREC 6.5.3 beta. I downgraded to 6.4 and although I still have trouble, I've finally got into orbit. Any help would be appreciated, though...
  11. Thanks to you both! Hey, magico13, can you please send me these scripts you use (or at least show me the way to the tutorial you used)?
  12. Thanks guys! I understand why he did (I'm almost doing the same, maybe not for the same reasons). I'm about to exit Kerbin SOI and I wanted to see how experienced players deal with signal delay (Flight Computer falls short and kOS is too hard for someone who has little free time to play). So, how do YOU deal with signal delay?
  13. He doesn't seem to have problems controlling unmanned crafts on Moho... I'd like to see how he deals with signal delay, but I didn't find anything about it on his first ten descriptions...
  14. Stavell, IF POSSIBLE, could you code that flag to disable IFILS on some saves?
  15. Thanks! KSP TOT seems great (but too complex for my current level), I'll try it later... The other tips can be used by me now. I've downloaded kOS, I'll try it. Wish control with signal delay was implemented in a simpler way...
  16. What about routine missions to stations outside Kerbal's SOI? Are they possible (now or in the future)?
  17. Hello, guys! Due to 1.0 longer develop time, I've finally finished my tech tree and built a communication network on Kerbin+Mun+Minmus in my career save (I use RT2). Now I'm finishing some contracts to save some money to an interplanetary mission (I'm thinking about Duna). Due to life support (I use IFILS), I was planning on setting a longer commsat network and launching an unmanned mission. Problem is, using RT2, signal delay makes this impossible (at least for me). I'm used to use RT2's flight computer to execute maneuver nodes. But what if I need to execute more than one in a row? Or for a precision landing? And for other tasks like docking, for example? How do you deal with this problem? Using the flight computer provided on RT2? Using MechJeb? Using kOS? Disabling delay signal? What is the best way (easy but not immersion breaking)?
  18. I'm not sure if I'll do it on all GameData folder (it deletes the original textures and it's a HUGE backup to do), but I'll try it on my custom textures from Texture Replacer... Thanks!
  19. Sorry to post twice in a row, but I'm having problems with my textures: kerbanauts' uniforms have some dark areas. I've tried using mip maps and without them. But I've isolated the problems in the normal maps: when I use them in PNG format (without conversion) the uniforms show up correctly. What have I done wrong?
  20. Thanks! I'll try that! --- EDIT --- One more question: should I generate mip maps?
  21. Hello, guys! First, thanks for this great little tool, Lilleman! Unfortunately, I can't rely on it to optimize my install because it depends on Windows (and I use Linux). After some searching, I've found a Gimp plugin (also with Windows binaries) and an online tool but, in both cases, my doubts remain the same: what settings should I use for my PNG files? And for normal (*NRM.png) files?
  22. Hey, I've noticed some lag too! Don't know if it's only when the mouse is over an inventory, though... Great mod! Had it installed today and I'm not familiar with all of it yet...
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