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Everything posted by jlcarneiro

  1. Thanks! I've just downloaded it. I'll try it right now. But, first, I'd like to offer two MM patches I made to get some additional radial life support containers. I thought of short-term missions, (like deploying a satellite network on Mun or Minmus), so they only have 5 and 10 units (with simmetry I end up with 10 or 20 units, plus three from the command pod...). Since I don't know how to make textures (and have some RAM issues), I used the radial monopropellant tank and the Universal Storage O2 radial container (BTW, what is it for?). Small container (10 units - US O2 radial container) +PART[US_Radial_Oxygen]:HAS[!MODULE[IFILifeSupport]] { @name = LSTankRadialSmall @title = IFI Small Life Support Tank @description = Scientists concluded heavy life support tanks are dangerous to short-term missions and created a smaller one. @author = jlcarneiro @category = Utility @TechRequired = survivability @entryCost = 350 @Cost = 100 !RESOURCE[Oxygen] {} RESOURCE { name = LifeSupport amount = 10 maxAmount = 10 } } Tiny container (5 units - monoprop radial tank) +PART[radialRCSTank]:HAS[!MODULE[IFILifeSupport]] { @name = LSTankRadialTiny @title = IFI Tiny Life Support Tank @description = Scientists concluded heavy life support tanks are dangerous to short-term missions, so they created tiny tanks for VERY short-term missions. @author = jlcarneiro @category = Utility @TechRequired = survivability @entryCost = 400 @cost = 120 @mass = 0.015 @rescaleFactor = 0.5 !RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] {} RESOURCE { name = LifeSupport amount = 5 maxAmount = 5 } } Any suggestions or corrections (including balance)?
  2. NICE! Unfortunately, I don't think I'll use them (memory problems), but they're very nice!
  3. Nice! I have a question, though: I don't use RSS, so I haven't been interested in KSPRC (although I think its gorgeus!). Will these config show clouds on Tekto in my computer?
  4. Thanks! But I tried RShift+N and it did nothing... I'm starting to think I'm doing something wrong here...
  5. Thanks, CaptRobau! Since my computer has little memory, I think that I'll have to satisfy myself only by following the thread until something changes (I get more memory or KSP turns out more memory efficient)...
  6. Sorry to bring this back, guys, but what is the keystroke to bring up the GUI on EVE's last version? I use 64-bit Linux and ALT+N, ALT+E, CTRL+ALT+E, CTRL+ALT+N don't work...
  7. Hello again, guys! My computer had some memory problems and I had to uninstall OPM, but the last versions were so compelling I HAD to try it again. I reinstalled today and, to my dismay, the clouds were missing (I don't use AVP, only EVE). Then I tried this suggestion and the clouds were back. But Tekto had no visible clouds (at least seen from the observatory). So, I tried the GUI (Alt+N) but now GUI showed up... I'm using 64-bit Linux, even tried RShift+N and... nothing! What else can I do? Or Tekto's clouds only show under AVP?
  8. Oh, what a shame... I'll be waiting anxiously for the new version when its due, though!
  9. PHEW! I'm glad to know it! I've tested it again: at first my Final Frontier data disappeared (again) but... when I reloaded the last quicksave, everything seemed to return to normal. I'm ashamed to say it, but doesn't it show a button or some kind of interface? How do I test it? EDIT1: Oops! I've quitted and entered the game again and the stock toolbar showd a new icon (a person silluette). I'll try it... EDIT2: The MOD seems to work just fine in the VAB. So, I assume it works on Sandbox Mode. But on my career save, using KTC, on launch, the crew wasn't changed (even selecting "Remove default crews" and "Automatically select crew"). Without random selection, the first kerbanauts are always selected, and with random selection, nothing matters, the selection is... random! How should be a mission to "trigger" CrewQ?
  10. Any news about this mod? Its premise is very interesting, but I think its thread is too quiet: does it work? is it abandoned?
  11. Even deleting the folder as oriented, my whole station vanished because of the digital camera, the radio and the radiation sensor. Luckily, I had a recent save! Can you help me? I don't know how to create this MM patch...
  12. Oh yes, I did! But sometimes I need only a few extra days of life support, and US gives me at least four containers... I put some batteries on one to balance, but batteries are massless...
  13. I think this would be interesting and, if possible, one with something like 10 days for missions like Minmus flyby...
  14. Sorry, didn't see you message until now. I've played last night, so the persistent has changed (though I think the reason it behaved strangely should still be there). About the quicksave, I think it was the 13th. Since I'm not sure, I'm sending the probable one (after ten and before 14). http://www.filedropper.com/kspsavescrewq
  15. That's a great idea! I've downloaded it to try and have some points to observe: I used an existing save; it showed a button (with the picture of a head) on the stock bar and the menu opened fine. I didn't select to hide it permanently because I don't know how to get it back; my existing kerbals ribbons and mission count (from Final Frontier) disappeared; I reloaded a previews quicksave and the statistics came back but the button on the toolbar disappeared. Hope this helps...
  16. I normally edit the PNG on Gimp, delete the background I'm not interested and export it with transparency.
  17. Thank you very much, Ratzap! I wish mods didn't need that compiling part... I have worked with C a few times in the past but don't know C# and, I've migrated to Linux and to wrb programming a few years ago and haven't installed the programing libraries for local compiling yet. I know it's a programming friendly OS but I haven't even checked what libraries are necessary... Time is short in marriage Anyway, thanks!
  18. I've found this line. So it's confirmed I have a version problem. Is there something I can do (besides waiting)?
  19. Hi, I'm using RT 1.6.1 and even with this new DLL, Fusebox does NOT show RT's antennas consumption. Is there something I could do to fix it?
  20. Ok. I'm at home, starting the tests: deleted OPM and TR worked just fine; reinstalled OPM (there's a ".svn" folder in each body in /OPM/Ribbons - should they be there?), the RSS loader is very fast but seems to pass through all bodies, OPM didn't work, though; I quit KSP, deleted TR and started it again. RSS loader is still very fast, but SEEMED to take a little longer, OPM worked fine. - - - Updated - - - I've reinstalled "official" TR from scratch and BOTH MODS worked! Then I started reinstalling part of my custom textures (heads, suits and envmap) and OPM stopped working. I'm still testing...
  21. @Tellion, I haven't been around my notebook the last couple hours, só I couldn't teste it. But I DO use TextureReplacer (latest unofficial version) but I don't have texture replacements for these four bodies...
  22. Wait a minute! The Kerbalstuff/Curseforge files don't have the textures and I must ALSO download them? Maybe this is why my install doesn't run after upgrade! I just downloaded The mais files!
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