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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. yeah, it is already possible by KerbTown, but we're working on it
  2. I'm checking this thread after school too, so I'll stick around
  3. So his plot will be available for Devo, if Devo doesn't want the plot, it will be assigned to the first commentator
  4. I find it weird windmills because there are just two blades instead of three. or build them in the water
  5. A Kethane Power Station would be cool, but I should ask it first to Majiir if he want to make it or someone else of the team
  6. We were planning to add it to the bridge
  7. They can still show something of their progress, even if it's just a couple of buildings
  8. In just 1 week Kerbin City was already available for download, and this is almost 2 months old and there isn't a download or any sign of progress available
  9. Avast blocks downloadable content more than the normal Antivirus programs, I have Kaspersky Antivirus and Internet Security, and I have no problems with downloading
  10. This mod will become famous, because we are in the KSP Weekly !! Link: KSP Weekly August 27, 2013 and also on xPDxTVx his channel !!
  11. This mod will become famous, because we are in the KSP Weekly !! Link: KSP Weekly August 27, 2013 and also on xPDxTVx his channel !!
  12. Because Tw1 is trying to make a train mod, but we don't know the width of the tracks
  13. Yeah thats it. I love the 3 storeys of train tracks in Antwerp Central, and when you come outside there's everywhere jewelry shops.
  14. I have it with the moon sometimes, I see my moon base but when i usually hit the ground it explodes spontaneously
  15. It's in Belgium, but don't know the city where it stands
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