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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. I don't have any problems with it, just make sure you use the latest version!!! Especially now that 0.24 has come out, every modder is busy with updating.
  2. I'm waiting for all the mods to be updated to 0.24 (half are already updated), so I can play with my base on Duna. EDIT: It's almost a self-sufficient base. Which planet/moon should I colonize next?
  3. It works for me with the 0.9 pre-release #2 But expect an update for the recover vessel credits
  4. Now that you mentioned it, I get that error too. And I'm using Windows 64 bit version.
  5. I'd like the options: Repeat every [X] days Repeat every [X] SOI Repeat every [X] orbits
  6. I was making icons for the MKS mod and I wanted to read the forums for a bit, and I had the same thing happening to me.
  7. How did you get that code to work. If I add it via a MM config to a part, it doesn't work and I can't see any RMB menu's anymore till I remove it.
  8. Are the old DEMV's coming back, or are they deprecated?
  9. Some nice buildings/launchpads. I really like them, because I can't model (but I'm learning).
  10. I use it, it's very handy for building long crafts. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65747-0-23-5-Hangar-Extender-v1-1
  11. That's exactly what he want, but someone have to write it.
  12. I'm almost ready with updating my mod, but I only need 1 more thing. I already have it working to active/deactive the struts via RMB while flying your craft, but now I want to add that function ALSO for EVA. #region Actions [KSPAction("Toggle")] public void ToggleStrut(KSPActionParam param) { IsEnabled = !IsEnabled; CheckHit(); } [KSPAction("Activate")] public void ActivateStrut(KSPActionParam param) { this.ActivateStrut(); } [KSPAction("Deactivate")] public void DeactivateStrut(KSPActionParam param) { this.DeactivateStrut(); } #endregion #region Events [KSPEvent(guiActive = true, guiName = "Activate", active = true, guiActiveUnfocused = true, unfocusedRange = 2f)] public void ActivateStrut() { IsEnabled = true; CheckHit(); this.Events["ActivateStrut"].guiActiveEditor = false; this.Events["DeactivateStrut"].guiActiveEditor = true; } [KSPEvent(guiActive = true, guiName = "Deactivate", active = false, guiActiveUnfocused = true, unfocusedRange = 2f)] public void DeactivateStrut() { IsEnabled = false; CheckHit(); this.Events["ActivateStrut"].guiActiveEditor = true; this.Events["DeactivateStrut"].guiActiveEditor = false; } #endregion Do I need to add 'externalToEVAOnly = true' to do that or something else?
  13. I want to use the 'unlocking tech', like in MJCore, to use it in a part.cfg. But I can't find out how to make that work.
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