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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. You say what now? After alls this time it's happening.
  2. It came out 2 hours ago, not everyone lives in the same timezones or are on vacation
  3. Hmm, maybe read the previous posts And yes, I can confirm this problem of you
  4. RoverDude is almost done with coding for a first release, but this will be a very early alpha.
  5. Finally it's added. More at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content/297-0-24-1-Revision-Patch-Available
  6. If you're in Career Mode you first have to unlock it. If you're not in Career Mode try a clean-install
  7. That's right. Karbonite will mostly be extracted out of the surface as a solid, and will also be extracted as a liquid (oceans of Eve), besides that there will be atmospheric scoops for collecting Karbonite when in an atmospere. After that you extracted Karbonite, you can convert it into Liquid Fuel, Oxidizer and RCS. Later, it will maybe be used as a sellable resource.
  8. It will be in different natural forms of the same element.
  9. USI Kolonization Systems has included a outdated version. Download the recent version from the OP and delete the outdated one and replace it with TS 1.29.
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