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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. I found 2 images, hope this helps you. From NASA website From Wikipedia
  2. that would be a nice feature, but haven't played KSP since 0.25 came out because of school. Tomorrow last day
  3. Any Ideas? Try to change your % into a @, see if that works
  4. This little program converts all textures automatically to .dds without using external programs: DDS Converter
  5. ludsoe hasn't been on the foums since 1st October 2014
  6. glad it's back with a new management, and I almost got all the science reports in the document Question: Does the moderators of the previous document get some sort of moderation on GitHub (if it's possible on GitHub)?
  7. A very good job on the new Ribbon Generator, if I had less schoolwork I would've helped you with it, but good job though. And welcome back khyperia, glad you came back to pick up you're old work Ezriilc with HyperEdit.
  8. Will you stay to stock "weapons/bombs" or will you use the new weapons mod from BahamutoD: BDArmory?
  9. DaedalusYoung was working for a config to variate the logs, but he didn't comment since 29th July.
  10. ARP Icons for MKS - Version 7 I updated my icons with a new one for Karbonite Plus. Also moved EnrichedSoil and ScoopedAir to a LEGACY pack. Download from Dropbox or Download from GitHub
  11. I have some time now to review the icons, because I was 5 days to France by bike (my ass hurts as hell ). I will post a link when something changed or not to the GitHub repo.
  12. Link to the new thread for Astronomer's Visual Pack: Edge of Oblivion http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/89138
  13. It would be better if you can just select the antenna/dish you want, so that don't have to look for the comm's range and EC consumption. It's just an idea that makes it handier PS: I will look into the code, and if I understand it, I will try to help
  14. There is an unofficial fix made by taniwha: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/23979?p=1313690&viewfull=1#post1313690
  15. I have not much time last time, so I will try to get my plot ready for the second release
  16. You can just rename the original sciencedefs to "ScienceDefs.cfg_" and leave it in the folder but it won't load. I always do this without any problems with science reports.
  17. Weird, it should work with the KAS pipes (for me though). Let me check.
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