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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. sory for sounding a n00b, but what is the Semi Major Axis
  2. ATM is more problematic than TR, that's the reason I switched over to TR
  3. That depends on TriggerAu. If he want's to include it he may, but because some icons can change, I should wait.
  4. I updated my icons with some new ones for Asteroidal Resources. Same link as before, just updated zip. Download from Dropbox Now these icons are also available on GitHub. Download from GitHub
  5. I updated my icons with some new ones for Asteroidal Resources. Same link as before, just updated zip. Download from Dropbox Now these icons are also available on GitHub. Download from GitHub
  6. Damn you squad! Because of this, I made a MM config for a docking port to attach them on asteroids for refueling the tanks of passing ships. Mineable Asteroids
  7. People like RoverDude and codepoet could use it in their mods. Like: too far from Kerbin, no friend to "talk" to brings their sanity higher.
  8. Is it on purpose that you called the Crewhatch: CrewHatch.cfg_ or a mistake
  9. never install a new release on top of a older one, because things could be changed
  10. TaranisElsu, are you going to update your other mods too after this is updated
  11. Sounds like a challenge for modellers to make a garage for the Tesla.
  12. I am running 36 mods (TAC included) without any problems on 64-bit
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