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Everything posted by Olympic1

  1. Go ahead. EDIT: When Hollow Asteroids comes out, there will be some new icons, but I will let you know. The .zip automatically updates when I changed/added something.
  2. I made some ARP icons for the MKS/OKS and Karbonite mods. Download from Dropbox
  3. He's now in SPACE ! No, he's is out of the game
  4. AWESOME trailer!!! I was sold immediately, gonna check it out
  5. I see it completely on my screen If you can see "They fixed KAS: 64-Bit or 32-Bit" you're seeing it completely.
  6. Why wouldn't this work? You just have to copy/paste it in the GamaData folder
  7. Tell the modders that use the same name to update them with TAC LS
  8. You must use the latest FireSpitter.dll to prevent that from happening. DL from here: https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/blob/master/For%20release/Firespitter/Plugins/Firespitter.dll?raw=true
  9. This fix will work completely: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53134%21?p=1310341&viewfull=1#post1310341 No more explosions, no problems with grabbing/storing parts, etc...
  10. That is correct, download from GitHub and delete the MKS OpenResourceSystem.dll and use the OpenResourceSystem_1_1_0.dll provided by that link. Only if you use MKS AND KSPI !!!
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