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Everything posted by Kurld

  1. You may have figured this out already but the size of the text boxes in the inspector pane do weird things when you drag it way out like that. I was seeing the same thing until I made that panel more narrow.
  2. Confirmed this mod is working in 1.2.1. Updated Spacedock to indicate compatibility. No changes have been made to the mod at all.
  3. I'd rate it about a 2/10 for me. The Docking Port Alignment mod makes it very easy. I don't even bother with lights any more. There was a docking port camera mod that I used a long time ago which was also helpful. Doing it stock has always been a huge PITA for me. Having a reasonably maneuverable ship and little relative rotation/translation between the two ships is also really important.
  4. I don't use those parts. It doesn't look like it's been updated for a while. Your best option is to move the CoM offset forward by a half-meter or so and see if it helps. Add a line to pebkac_mk1_LES.cfg like: CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.5, 0.0 You will want to tweak that second value (0.5) until you get the stability you want. Increasing its value will move the CoM forward, decreasing it will move it aft. Good luck!
  5. I included an example craft in the download that includes a heat-shield and parachute. No idea what it's mass is relative to just the pod itself or to the one you're flying. I'm not sure how KIS/KAS are impacting anything. Do you carry other stuff in the kerbals inventory that adds a lot of weight? Anyway, most flight instability has to do with relationships between the CoM and CoP of the escaping capsule. You might try adjusting the CoM offset in the part config file to see if things settle down again. You can load the example craft and look at where it's CoM is located. You want the CoM of your escaping capsule to be in a similiar location. Let me know how it goes. If you can post a craft file somewhere I will play with it if you want.
  6. There shouldn't be any difference for the Mk1 except it might throw errors or something. I'll admit I didn't think about anyone being able to choose one or the other... it's supposed to all be automatic. Not at my PC, Is it showing up in the context menu or something? Thank you very much.
  7. These are all good questions. I'd be interested to know the answers.
  8. The mod also now up on SpaceDock. Enjoy!
  9. Hmmm, OK, I'll let it spin for a while then maybe it will eventually connect. In the meanwhile, here is the plugin on Dropbox.
  10. Sorry for the tease in the top-post... Spacedock seems to be down at the moment. I'll try to get the update posted later today or early tomorrow.
  11. Well, I somehow managed to delete the configs I had created while working on the parts during the 1.2 pre-release. So I'm having to redo them from scratch... it will be a few more days until I get a block of time, but the new version should be up some time this weeked.
  12. Yeah that was about the time I went off on a hiatus. I've used Precise Node a LOT. It's one of my "must have" mods!
  13. I've been playing this game off and on for three years and never realized you could right-click the maneuver nodes to get +orbit and -orbit. Wow!
  14. I do like the way smoke looks when you zoom in close. Zoom out and it just looks wrong a lot of the time. The particles just do weird things that usually never line up with the plume once you get moving much. I'm interested to see what you did because the real-world LES put out lots and lots of smoke!
  15. It doesn't seem to. I scaled the plume way down and the slag was still the same. The smoke effects are still so odd looking I don't see any reason to not just stick with stock. I haven't had a chance to look at what @Jso and company came up with for the BDB LES yet, though.
  16. I am happy to report that this does in fact work! In my plugin code I added a class named ModulePebkacLiftingSurface and included the code provided by @blowfish pretty much as-is. Then I added a child game object to the top-level "part tools" game object for my part in Unity editor and set its local rotation to be -90 degrees around the Y axis. This causes the blue arrow for that child to point in the direction of the expected lift. I named the child transform "PebkacLiftingSurfaceTransform" and then in the part config I added a node for the new module: MODULE { name = ModulePebkacLiftingSurface transformName = PebkacLiftingSurfaceTransform useInternalDragModel = false deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 } Finally, I rotated my model in Unity so that it is oriented as one would naturally expect it to line up with the command pod... the "front" of the LES now lines up with the front of the command pod, instead of being off by 90 degrees. Now the user can simply drop the part in place: It is already oriented correctly, and finally, when the canards deploy, the pod rotates to retrograde as expected. Thanks so much!
  17. Yeah, it's for the LES. I wasn't super happy with what I came up with, any more than what I had already. Part of it, I'm sure is I've never used RealPlume before now. But also, I think the way smoke is rendered in this game or in the Unity engine (not sure who is the culprit) will never really look good. I'd almost rather have no smoke, or smoke that dissipates very quickly. But I'll take a look at what y'all came up with for sure. IIRC I derived that code from an example on the RealPlume wiki or whatever. Here is the full config: @PART[pkLES_Escape2]:FOR[RealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] { PLUME { name = Solid-Lower //pre-fabbed plume you want transformName = firePoint //which transform to attach the plume localRotation = 0,0,0 //Optional - Any rotation needed localPosition = 0,0,0 //Any offset needed fixedScale = 0.3 //Size adjustment to resize to engine energy = 1 //Adjust length of plume speed = 0.7 //Adjust speed to fit resize, generally close to 1:1 with scale. } @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { @name = ModuleEnginesFX %powerEffectName = Solid-Lower } } @PART[pkLES_Escape2]:FOR[zzRealPlume] { @EFFECTS { @Solid-Lower { @MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST[plume] { @localPosition = 0,0,0 @fixedScale = 0.7 } @MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST[smoke] { @localPosition = 0,0,0 @fixedScale = 5.0 } @MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST[slag] { @localPosition = 0,0,0 @fixedScale = 0.1 } } } }
  18. Is there a way to scale the slag from SRBs? I added @MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST[slag] { @localPosition = 0,0,0 @fixedScale = 0.3 } to the FOR[zzRealPlume] for my part and it doesn't seem to do anything.
  19. I don't think that's what he's trying to do. Or, at least I didn't read it that way. To me it sounded like he just wanted to have one part with a bunch of different part modules in it. Granted, none of what he mentioned sounded very ground-breaking, but he wants to do it, so why discourage him so harshly? Maybe he'll respond and clarify what he's trying to do if he hasn't been scared away.
  20. Glad to see you have returned! Two parts I (still) use from your original parts pack are the Large Storage Tank and the Large Inline Generator. Any plans to revisit those?
  21. @steedcrugeon What you are trying to do does not seem unreasonable. Did you try using the part with the config you wrote? You'll probably get more help if you will ask questions about how to fix specific problems.
  22. For the past few weeks, I've been working on a LES for the BDB Apollo/Saturn parts mod. That LES is all fairly squared away now, and in preliminary testing seems to work well with the 1.2 pre-release. If you haven't seen it, the BDB Apollo mod is one of the finest to come along in a while. Check it out! I am proud to have been able to make a contribution to that effort. One of the things I was able to accomplish in the course of building that LES was to merge all the functionality and performance of the PEBKAC Mk1-2 LES into a single part. The models are simplified and look cleaner and I've spent some time optimizing the textures so they aren't such ridiculous resource hogs. Most importantly, for the user, it makes life easier to drop one part in place, instead of three. With all that in mind I am going to make new versions of the PEBKAC LES as single parts for the next release of this mod. The package will still include the original 3-part versions so existing builds should continue to work. I'll try to get the next release out as soon as possible after 1.2 is officially released. Cheers!
  23. Yes there is! If you want to do this for some reason, you just need to hook up a method to the OnEditorAttach callback: private void OnEditorAttach() { if (_wasAttached == false) { _wasAttached = true; part.transform.Rotate(0, -90, 0); } } private void OnEditorDetach() { //avoid weirdness with existing craft/parts: _wasAttached = true; }
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