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Everything posted by Dfthu

  1. AKA But I think that I talk to feel happy sufficiente. I can speak more Spanish so most of the gringos For all of you lazy people.
  2. I've been to all of the plants and moons. I only returned from Kerbins moons and Duna.
  3. I agree. It would awesome to build stations and bases but I do think the DMP way is the best.
  4. Could they reuse the falcon heavy boosters and then make them boosters for the core or cant they do that? How about taking a side booster and making it a core on a Falcon 9? (no boosters) How hard would it be to make them cores or vice versa?
  5. So what about JCSAT 14 on April 28? Is that going to be a barge or land landing? I hope they reuse this one and make it actually work, that would be even cooler then the landing.
  6. Nothing I only play with small mods that make the game slightly better, 2 of those are in 1.1
  7. Yea, i know right? So i was testing the new heat shield and the whole time during re entry i was angled 10 degrees off prograde. I forgot the parachutes and air brakes so i had to bring down my orbital module with me for the parachutes. I can't count how many times i fell over, probably my hardest landing.
  8. I was probably the first one to discover you can make a stock wind turbine. (shameless self promo)
  9. Yes, i'm loving it too! That also means the antennas are stock now. (white ones)
  10. This is the NSS-6 satellite, launched on a Araine 5 into Geostationary orbit. Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSS-6 Craft File craft file here
  11. I think it should be Vanilla. No mods would make it easier.
  12. Sounds fun, I'll join. But I think we kinda need to know what exactly were doing though.
  13. KSP and Construct 2 were declared co-winners!!
  14. So all these people saying there is too many new parts in sandbox for new people. I bought the game a long time ago so there wasn't that many parts. Got it about 4 years ago. I played sandbox then and I still play it. I don't care about "goals". I can build without limits not caring if I overbuild the launcher or how efficient it is. I can make it efficient, I can set goals, I can choose when to do things. I just do what's fun and mess around. Just doing fun stuff with no limits. It never felt like cheating, just fun. So, sandbox is great.
  15. I mostly play Sandbox but I sometimes play Career. I have never played Science mode though.
  16. Presuming you're in LKO you could do a munar flyby, Mimnus flyby or landing, or even if your good maybe a Duna flyby. ( if your completely exploded though you're screwed )
  17. winning 75% to 25% now! Damn Finland, back at it again with the vote spam
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