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  1. I'm not backseat driving and I am not going to gnash and wail about this change (much) - honestly I don't even play KSP any more, and I handed over full control to you so I don't get a say. So this is not criticism, but more... a perspective of the original author which you can (and probably should) ignore as you wish With that said - I always felt UseItOrLoseIt was Monthly Budgets/Bureaucracies USP. Back in the Monthly Budgets days I absolutely refused to even add the ability to disable it right up until the end because I felt it went against the entire vision of the mod. My attitude was very much "if you want that go and use another budget mod, there's plenty to choose from". Admittedly the vision for Bureaucracy was very much expanded, but it's still strange to me to not see that as the default experience. Again, not a criticism, just a POV. I will shut up now
  2. If it actually words it like that then that's also a typo. If your budget doesn't cover your maintenance costs then the VAB (or maybe the launchpad? I don't remember) gets "closed" and you're limited to two launches a month. Make more money basically.
  3. ShowKCTWarning is deprecated. The mod now reads KCT's settings file. If you're getting the warning then your settings are wrong. Either disable Facility Construction in KCT, or in Bureuacracy.
  4. Just give me a prod through the usual channels if you need me to update the title if you do any further releases. Otherwise, she's all yours
  5. Take it up with your Planet Pack author. E+ uses the same progression as the stock contracts. It decides this based on the Science Multiplier. So if you're getting the wrong body next then the Science Multiplier for that body is off.
  6. Where Can I Go 2.2 Released Added ability to automatically recalculate for rescaled systems (if we already support that system) - see Original Post on forum for more details
  7. Actually those contracts (the stock progression contracts) are the only ones that will still probably work. The very simplified version of what's happening is that Contract Interceptor listens for the game announcing "I just made a new contract", then goes into that contract and manually changes the values. Stock progression contracts aren't "offered" in the traditional sense so we patch them in the game files instead, so they will continue to work whether Contract Interceptor is running or not. The reason we do it this way is so we can handle mod contracts too (we don't care where the contract is from, we just care about it when it gets offered). What's happening here is that upon returning to the Main Menu something is causing that "I just offered a contract" announcement to be made, and Contract Interceptor is running into a problem. (If I were to take a guess, I'd say its because it's trying to access Bureaucracys settings but as the main mod isn't running right now that causes it to fall over). Once the Interceptor has fallen over, it stops running (and therefore listening for the new contract announcement) which means why subsequent contracts don't get changed. As you observed, any contracts created while Contract Interceptor isn't running get saved with the funds still in tact and will be reloaded with your game. Usually we change the values before the game saved and KSP never knows any different because it saves the changed values. There has never been a need to go back and change values retroactively before because we changed them "at source" which is why once it breaks it stays broken. I will say, all this means "I know what the problem is" not "I'm going to fix it". It is a relatively simple fix, but I really did mean it when I said "this will be the last release of Bureaucracy" and I'd have to set up my KSP/ mod dev environment again. On the other hand I don't like leaving mods "broken" (even if the workaround is quite easy: "don't switch saves halfway through a play session you psychopaths" (/s if that wasn't obvious)). Which is a very long winded way of saying "I might fix it, I might not but it would be an easy fix for someone who wanted to fork Bureaucracy, and as I'm no longer actively modding I would not be hostile to forks like I was before".
  8. BepinEx needs a little tweaking in winecfg before it will work: https://docs.bepinex.dev/articles/advanced/proton_wine.html
  9. The game is not fun right now. It's that simple. It's nothing to do with you guys, I just don't want to mod a game I'm not playing.
  10. There's your issue. Bureaucracy only fires the budget advancement events every 1 in-game day, and that timer is reset on a scene-change - you don't lose out as it does catch up from the last time the event fired. Technically this is working as intended. There are probably things I can do to make that a bit friendlier though, like exposing the polling interval in the settings, or catch up on a scene change. (If memory serves there is a reason it's not doing it on the scene change but I don't remember what it is). Raised #28
  11. Are you by any chance changing scenes before a full in-game day has passed? Same question @Pippin (Also side note: Gaming on Noveau drivers and pushing it with Visual mods? You're very brave!) No, but it might come in future. I prefer KAC myself, so you may find next time I get motivated to play I decide to change it back. No promises obviously.
  12. Nah, I'm pretty much retired from KSP1 modding at this time. I did glance at it and decided I hated the way it was written and wanted to re-write it, but motivation fell away when I stopped playing KSP
  13. I've just pushed the changes to Github. Basically - because the funding allocations are stored as floats - which isn't very UI friendly, I was storing the UI allocation settings separately in an int then updating the managers. The default allocations in UIController were overriding the settings. It was a bit of a stupid/convoluted way to do it anyway (as allocations were being held in two places) - so I changed it to pull the allocations out of the Managers themselves, but round it instead.
  14. Can you put the log in a file rather than pasting it as a quote - it messes up the forum for mobile users and makes it easier for me to search for what I'm looking for in my text editor. You can upload the log to DropBox/Google Drive etc and send me the link.
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