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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Amazing! I shall check it out now . The site that hosted my gif must have expired. I'll put a note . I look forwards to starting my hardcore career stream
  2. I've always wished that the StageRecovery toolbar square opened when you hovered over it like Kerbal Construction time's square does. It would make things slightly more useful, but infinitely cooler. It's really hard to see in this gif (sorry) but you can see that most of the other square on the toolbar open briefly when you hover over them but StageRecovery does not (the square second from the left). - EDIT Gif doesn't work - the text above is probably clear enough XD Would this be something you would like to add possibly Magico?
  3. OMG! I just realized I'm at four bars now! Time to rise on the listings I suppose. Thumbs up to you Endermens, the thread is well within good hands!
  4. It's definitely acceptable in my eyes, if you want to disguise the repetition more then you could add additional cross streets. The really big street going diagonal and the one branch off of it These: Are on the repetetive side but the only really way I would fix it is by adding additional streets to make those less present... but the texture is already very busy... GUR! xD If only there was a way to tile the texture and rotate it at a random 90 degree angle... that's how I would break the repetition. This reminds me a ton of when I edited textures in Minecraft while attempting to keep them well tile-able. ... In all honesty though It's probably fine. Big cities have repetition like that in them.
  5. I would use it, but it adds edditional parts, sorry :/. I read around and that's quite the set of mods you have there though .
  6. Je ne parle pas français , mais cela vaut la peine de poster une traduction . Travail incroyable ! Simple mais efficace. Et jolie !
  7. Well I don't have a Github account and wasn't planning on starting one... and I also don't care if I'm accredited to this or not... so if you want to download it and add it yourself as your own I would be happy with that . I didn't post it with a licence either so I couldn't possibly do anything about credit if I wanted.
  8. You have no idea how glad I am I started this...
  9. Just curious as to what creatures besides kerbals the rest of you all have lying around the house. This is Lucy. I would have named her Vall but my sister thought against that...
  10. XD the administration on this forum is just too great... I've practically learned to start laughing as soon as I see your avatar pop up...
  11. Is there a way to slow down engine gimbal even more? I've always been annoyed at the way the exhaust plume rapidly jumps around when moving around controls and I would love for the engines to pivot much slower. I.E. around the speed that wing flaps pivot. This would be a really awesome tweak in StockPlus if you have the time (or incline) to do so.
  12. I want these effects in stock KSP!!! GURRHLKLCLKAHLK lol. Seriously though I would love for those clouds to be included in my upcoming film (I forget if I sent you a PM on that or not... if I didn't please tell me PingoPete xD)!
  13. GD reminds me a lot of imgur where everyone is fighting for a slot at the top . I agree that it would be nice for people to visit the other pages too. I actually rarely visit general discussion, I spend most of my time in fanworks actually. It's a fun place. I just took a closer look at your signature too. I'm curious as how you fit all the text into it XD There's a character cap on it and I had to turn my gray line of text into an image to allow room for the rest . That's quite the handy signature.
  14. That didn't work but for some reason running with Windows 8 compatibility mode it works fine. Odd... Thanks for moving the Aerospike thread too . It got the attention it needed in general discussion and will now retire in a relaxed stay in science labs ^-^
  15. I've been finding that my KSP crashes with opengl when it hits an error in resolution. Here is what it says: Does anyone have a fix without having to change my screen resolution? EDIT: It appears as though if I run in compatibility mode for Windows 8 it works...
  16. From reading above, PlanetShine works in 1.0.4, but you have to remove MiniAVC to get it to stop yelling at you that it doesn't work, Yes?
  17. Is this working in v1.0.4? I'm thinking of using it in my career stream...
  18. I'm interested in rebooting my career mode stream on Twitch.tv and I'm curious as to what game-changing career mods I should use? I have plenty of visual mods (plenty) but I don't know about which mods I should use to change the game. -No part mods only stock parts- If you have any mods that change gameplay that also don't add any parts (I want viewers to be able to do what I'm doing in vanilla), please post them below and I'll consider it. Mods being considered: *Snacks Current list of visual/enhancement mods *Old EVE + Avg's Cloud Pack + Custom fx *TextureReplacer + WindowShine + Custom Skybox + SPPCC + Custom KSPRC textures *RealPlume + Custom configs (Only 1) *Chatterer *PortraitStats *RcsSounds *Wheelsounds *StockBugFixModules + StockPlus *StockClamshellFairings *PlanetShine -Suggested- Engine Lighting - Avera9eJoe
  19. Posting this on the BTSM page as well. I just finished adding engine plumes to the BTSM engines. If you are including compatible mod packs somewhere, feel free to put this there too Download: RealPlume-BTSM (Dropbox) Enjoy~
  20. Those are beautiful! Did you have any concept to start from?
  21. Thanks for moving it Sal xD It's job was done. I'm glad it got the views that it did
  22. I wanted to let you know that BTSM works compatibly with RealPlumes, but the five engines that he added don't have effects. They use custom models transformed from stock parts and stock textures (This is probably irrelevant data). I tried adding custom configs for his engines without any luck. If I list the name of the engine and the name of the plume I suggest it goes with, could you quickly make the config files/tell me where they should go? It should be straight forwards but I'm having no luck with my own efforts. BTSMSolidRocket1 --> SolidBooster plume (Medium SRB) BTSMSolidRocket2 --> SolidBooster_sm plume (Flee SRB) BTSMLiquidEngine1 --> liquidEngine3 plume (LV-909) BTSMLiquidEngine1-2 --> engineLargeSkipper plume BTSMLiquidEngine3 --> liquidEngine2-2 plume (Poodle) If you can get the effects showing up in-game, I can edit the properties until they're acceptable.[/color] Updated: I've gotten the configs to work. I'll have a BTSM compatibility pack up some time soon
  23. Before I saw this I had a general idea of why it works but this video makes my previous knowledge trivial
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