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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. It's been a while I hope you all enjoy~ Dropbox folder with craft and textures: Volta (Dropbox) Later guys
  2. Good to hear! Your mod is one of the few out there that I've toyed with, as I usually play stock parts only. I'm glad it's useful for us both.
  3. When I used think of shadows being created in games I would almost imagine a cone of "shadow" that would create shadow on anything that enters it. That's how it is in real life but I'm pretty certain that it isn't even vaguely similar to that when in programming.
  4. Thank you so much! I'll forward you my message shortly...
  5. Launchpad smoke will be gone when you delete the file "launch_hotrockets.cfg". The smoke is space is a bug though and I don't have a working fix .
  6. I just took a peek at your image files. Any particular reason they are .png images? I could convert them for you if you like... EDIT: WOAH! I increased pixel light count from default 8 to 12 through the in game settings tab and when I applied the settings it did this. IT LOOKS SO COOL I DON'T EVEN WANT TO CALL IT A BUG XD It vanished on game reboot. Oh and imgur told me that this is a new picture of the earth. I think it's a pretty good template of scattering and atmospheric effects: Might be useful, might not
  7. okee. So basically as long as you don't use super fast time warp nothing bad happens, right? xD If you are to maintain this in Xaiiers leave, I give you full thumbs up
  8. I seem to remember module manager having a database reload function (other then the debug menu one). Was that a thing at one point? or am I imagining things again...
  9. It's done. Dude. Honestly though you should take it out for a spin at least. It's got the craziest handling you'll ever find. Download for craft: Volta Fighter.craft (Dropbox) Volta fighter texture pack: Volta Fighter Textures.zip (Dropbox) *Note that I stretched wing textures to make textures flush, as well as added faded red and gray stripes. It might not work with other designs. Spaceplane Color Corrections thread if you want some improved textures for other uses. EDIT: If you plan on showing a lot of the bottom, I might want to add additional wing to hide the pylon on the middle. Tell me if you want to k?
  10. Yo! I'm unsure if you got my response or not Esinohio. I never thought it would be you to contact me about testing something in blender .
  11. Oh it looks as though you already have window textures! I definitely suggest you add a few more of them to the sides of the small buildings. You could probably make a rectangle with the window texture on a side and plop it all over the place. Definitely more windows ^-^. I also want to give you more cudos for the cell tower... It's beautiful. Really though! Add a gigantic warehouse! I'm envisioning a building shaped like this but huge: *totally didn't steal that from google while on mobile*
  12. I suggest adding a giant warehouse to the mix. Also if there is any way to squeeze a window texture into your 512x512 texture (OMG SO SMALL!) I definitely suggest it to liven the place up. All the launch sites that I see have an unrealistically small store house.
  13. There is always the option of designing a texture that's blurred enough that it has no jagged pixels... I've had to do that a number of times when making custom textures. Though I'm not sure how well it would work with a sun flare
  14. I'm getting mixed input as to if this works in 1.0.4... Is there an unofficial updated release?
  15. That would be quite handy if so... It sounded like the sunflare in RSS was just about the only thing that really annoyed you.
  16. Almost complete... *Sketchfab embed removed. Look two posts down* Updating embed and adding downloads for craft and textures shortly.
  17. I'll try and replace the fairings when I get back from work. Hold off for now then I guess EDIT: How does the plugin work? Does it use textures taken straight from your KSP directory? If it does it should be able to accept edited stock textures without any difficulty, right? The reason I ask is because this plane uses wing from multiple "standards" of wing textures. I haven't retextured the old 0.13 wing flap yet so it looks out of place on the below picture. The whole plane would look off if I used stock textures.
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