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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Hmm... Actually, that should work fine. I think the only compatibility issue would be between KSPRC and ven's revamp. Though I don't actually know if that would be an issue.
  2. Ah... I thought that was the case. XD I fiddled with the parameters too and again, I have no clue what does what. It will probably be simpler in the future. Hopefully.
  3. Aww... I was going to rep this comment but I gave rep to you too recently to do so . It was a good suggestion! There is a chance I'll end up using the tag later and if I do I'll definitely give you a shout out in the change log.
  4. I didn't add it though. I ended up using another method to get Ven's revamp to work. The :Final tag is one of the listed features of Module Manager too. Many thanks for the suggestion though! I shall use it in the future if it becomes a necessity in compatability.
  5. Any way to tone down the atmosphere glow or are you waiting for more complete releases of EVE? Beautiful planets btw - I also see that you have multiple cloud layers! Nice!
  6. True fact. Sadly :/ It looks so beautiful though! - I could make a version which reflects light yellow. That could be interesting...
  7. If you go into WindowShine.cfg (located in TextureReplacer) and replace the code with this it should work: @PART[solarPanels1] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 2 %meshes = basepanel panel1 panel2 panel3 panel4 panel5 } } @PART[solarPanels2] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 2 %meshes = panel3 panel04 panel05 panel06 panel07 panel08 } } @PART[solarPanels3] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 2 %meshes = basepanel panel1 panel2 panel3 panel4 panel5 } } @PART[solarPanels4] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 2 %meshes = solarPanel4panels panel2 panel3 panel4 pane5 panel6 } } @PART[solarPanels5] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.2 0.2 0.2 %interval = 2 %meshes = panel } } @PART[largeSolarPanel] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 2 %meshes = panel } } I just removed the code for the other textures. Same thing as deleting all code below the LargeSolarPanel module. - I just added a Ven's Stock Revamp pack.
  8. That's with the Github config? It's so beautiful! - As to the transparent flag issue, the way around that is to list all the part meshes while excluding the flag mesh in each part reflection module cfg. One of the more annoying features with the TRReflection module is how it decides which meshes it puts reflections on. If you don't list any meshes then it decides to put reflections on every mesh in that piece, including the flag mesh (If flags have reflectiveness applied to them it removes/replaces transparency with a black texture). To fix that you have to list which meshes you want reflections on and exclude the flag mesh - meaning you have to run a ksp.log mesh tracker and find all of the stock meshes. In the majority of cases the parts only have two meshes, one for the flag and one for the part texture, so it would be much less of a hassle if you listed which meshes you don't want reflections on as the flag mesh is usually the same name for every part while the part meshes have extremely varied names. I'm not sure if any of that made sense, but it's the best explanation I can give for the time being. - Oh and Ven I just found your TR reflection plugin. Trying the github version with pruners right now. - - - updated - - - I just did a test run of WindowShine + your revamp and the WindowShine config breaks reflections on all the parts you revamped. It's probably because of the duplicate reflection modules in your config and mine. I can fix this by making a "Ven's Stock Revamp pack" for WindowShine that has a new config for only the parts you haven't revamped, which I was already planning on doing. - - - double updated! - - - Ven I got it working! I added a Ven's Stock Revamp pack to the main page of WindowShine. - I wanted to note a few things to you (which you probably have already noticed). The Cupola and Mk2LanderCan don't have reflective windows... I'm not sure why but it's on your end of the configs as they weren't there even before I started messing with things. It's probably a cfg error or something idk. - also a little personal note which you don't need to change but is a little annoying to me is that your redone windows have a different hue than the stock spaceplane windows. I've been using the mk2/mk3 windows as the baseline for window colors. If I really cared that much about it I could shift the hue of your windows manually.
  9. Hmm... I might have to take a look from your cloud configs if tweakable sizes work well. I could add that to my cloud pack!
  10. You need to install TextureReplacer too before WindowShine. Was that possibly the issue? I but an insert above the download.
  11. Try installing just texturereplacer and adding the KSPRC texturereplacer files in. That should work.
  12. o-O How would I do that? And just a guess, does that make it be the last patch applied to that part? - Oh and I just added a Near Future Propulsion compatibility pack. ^-^
  13. I'll be trying to do just that in a second, actually . - Doesn't work for some reason. Don't know how get Ven's revamp working. - Just released a hotfix for the 1x6 non-retractable solar panel. Something was strange in its config and it wasn't reflecting. Fixed. - I also added a KSPRC compatability pack!
  14. I don't know how often you get it Sarbian but I just wanted to say thanks for being awesome and running such a core and depended upon mod. Transitioning from a user to a modder whose mod is dependent on this mod teaches one the full use of Module Manager. Thank you
  15. Under popular demand I'm going to attempt to make Stock Part Revamp compatible with WindowShine. Ven did you end up renaming any of the part meshes? If you used the default part meshes it would make the WindowShine config straight compatible. If not I would need a list of the new meshes . EDIT: It appears as though the textures are already set up for window reflection. Lemme do some fiddling... EDIT EDIT: I'm not sure how TR's reflections work with your textures/patches Ven. I'm unable for the time being to get your windows to reflect. :/
  16. My computer is named Vall. - I was first naming it after the planet and not the kerbal xD. But I guess it works both ways. She will remember Logan forever... He never gave up! He stood for what is right all up until the end! Today marks the passing of a being. A friend. A brother. RIPIECES Oh if you want a list of what my current PC uses. I bought everything for ~$700 and it does all that a video editor and gamer needs.
  17. Hello! MatoroIgnika suggested I make WindowShine Compatible with KSPRC (And I was already wanting to), so I did it. Installation: 1. Install KSPRC 2. Install WindowShine 3. Overwrite TextureReplacer with this: KSPRC+WindowShine (Dropbox) - Edit: Proot, also note that there are a few textures that are still .dds in parts. I think the Gigantor is one of them.
  18. Reminds me of that one interstellar scene... but with LOCKERS!
  19. Wait a minute... are you the guy on the KSP facebook page that's been redoing all of Halo's vehicles?!? If you are, I'm the enthusiastic guy named Joe who suggested importing the Scarab's model for aesthetic. I don't know if you'd remember me. I would love to help you out. In a nutshell, reflections on parts are controlled by alpha channel transparency and a TR module. The less visible the texture, the less it reflects. I can get your part textures set up for reflections and send them to you if you want (Convert them from .mbm to .dds, messing with Alpha channel and flipping vertically). I'd also be happy getting a module manager config set up for you.
  20. This could be a save related bug. I've had it happen to me in stock games (or games with other mods in it too).
  21. Dude... do you have a Skylines mod out for this?!?! Amazing!
  22. He has returned! Amazing. Downloading now Oh and just curious, what does zAtmo_hotrockets.cfg do? I deleted it last update and had nothing change.
  23. Already added. Coming out in the next release EDIT: Just released v6. Sorry for the double release within three days... I'm going to be pretty busy for the next three weeks so don't anticipate another release within the month unless Unity 5 comes out.
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