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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Proot I would quote your message if I wasn't mobile. I agree, and feel you 100% of the way. I started the mod "WindowShine" based on the fact that I can edit textures, and not that I can code/mod. WindowShine runs completely dependent on TextureReplacer's reflection plugins. All I did was edit the parts config and texture files. The coding behind it is credited entirely to Shaw. And same with my cloud pack! I based it off of old-EVE and Better Atmospheres. I also feel that the hot-topic modders get a lot of complaints if their work is still in WIP state. Before my "mod" threads sank, I got around a 1-3 ratio of complements to complaints. Though I'm no where near all of you guys (and for the most part don't wish to be), I still have experienced a fraction of the conversations and arguments fought in my threads. It's truly astonishing how few people actually read the FAQ/known issues before posting... I'm guessing that's why the old-EVE thread has known issues and FAQ as the first thing on the page. Smart to have done that. Well, it's 5:47AM and I just got back from our post-graduation party. I'm going to catch some sleep. See you all later.
  2. I have to agree with you Felbourn. . Your video was quite inspiring to me. Especially when I started up my channel! I'd give you an award in a heartbeat if I could. ^-^
  3. Sounds lke a glitch. I don't use ATM currently but it should only lag on load. Not afterwards. Not sure what the problem is, sorry.
  4. It's about time I updated my Signature . I may or may not have had to convert the line of text on the bottom to an image to save characters... and shorten [almost] all of the links...
  5. Vanamonde, congrats man . Very well deserved. You've been here through the highs and the lows and have the experience to show it. Thanks for being awesome man!
  6. Yeah that happens... it sadly can't really be helped though. Thanks for the kind words! I also made a Reddit post of this and I'm curious as to if it would make a nice weekly challenge!
  7. Hello and thankyou! It did take a while to place those haha. Sadly if you speed up and slow down time enough the platforms slowly meander off their ledges so I wasn't able to add more. I'm putting you down as around 1:00:00. I hope it was fun!
  8. I just finished my most recent video on kerbal-parkour (I'll have to come up with an easier way to say that like Kerbal-kour or something ). Now that climbing was introduced in 1.0 you can now climb the KSC satellite dishes! I'm not sure if it was possible before hand. Enjoy~
  9. Good luck to you too! I'm happy I made it into the finals too . I would be honored to hold a title, and I would also be happy to congratulate a fellow gamer on gaining the title as well. When it all comes down to it we are all here because we enjoy playing an amazing game, and we all want to share our fun experiences with other people. I'll probably put a blorb in my sig linking the winner of best up and coming channel regardless of who wins. This was such a great idea!
  10. I vote yes, but the reality is that no one has the money to replace every single mile marker, speed limit pole, road sign, ruler, instruction booklet, Ikea product (worth it's own category), and all the other things in America that use Imperial. *shudders*
  11. OMG I made it into the finals!!! My eyes are focused here now that High School is over. Excuse me while I spin out another video...
  12. Let me see... A space elevator, a parkour city, an aircraft carrier, a stock supersized hover carrier, a replica of the bebop from Bebop, a replica cube station from Elite: Dangerous, and a domino course the size of gilly (not really but someone would). Seriously though, I would probably do a realistic long term colony mission to Laythe. Balancing for radiation shielding and full sized rockets to return from the surface. It would be like Avatar (blue people movie) in a nutshell. I would also make an entire video series based on it.
  13. Thank you! I love the Assassin's creed series and I was sort of inspired by the games to make this video. I at least gained a good library of obstacles I could use in the future from playing through. BTW I put the map in a challenge post. If you look in the video description on YouTube I added a link. You might have some fun trying yourself.
  14. Ah! That's the same bug Iv'e had a few times, but with other various mods. I think something (possibly related to Scatterer) is causing the save to crash. I'm just totally guessing at this though. Just to be safe, did that glitch/bug happen when only scatterer and ModularFuelTanks and scatterer were installed? And only those two mods? Anyhoo, someone posted this picture in EJ_SA's stream showing off an amazing effect that was created by Better Atmospheres in Astronomers pack. I was curious if the scatterer effects on other planets will look similar to this from orbit? I'm just curious. In foreseight, THIS IS NOT WHAT SCATTERER LOOKS LIKE - This is an old, old image of Duna with AVP and better atmospheres.
  15. One stupid thing you can do to avert some problems is using Whack-a-Kerbal to break off/separate bugged things... I may or may not have used that before... But where's the fun in that?!?
  16. Does this make me the Kerbal parkour master? Anyone willing to challenge the title? Step right up!
  17. You all know that with the 1.0 release kerbals where given the ability to climb objects and dismount ladders, but you may not have realized yet that is that this effectively makes all kerbals parkour masters. Introducing... Kerbal Parkour Program Brought to you by HafCo. The KSC administration doesn't want Jeb to get his hands on the new Volta fighter, so they parked it on the roof of the VAB. Good thing he knows parkour. Map download: Kerbal Parkour Program - VAB fighter dash Your goal is to scale the VAB via the platforms and ladders given, and activate the rocket engine on the mid-level roof. The timer runs from the moment you reload the quicksave "Course Set" (via Alt+F9) to the moment you activate the "Thud" engine on the mid-level roof (by entering the seat and activating stage). To record your entry take a screenshot of the moment you activate the engine and post it. - Entry time will be based off universal game time. Note that you are allowed to use quicksaves, as well as phys-warp 4. All times will be based off of the "Course Set" quicksave so phys-warp and additional quick saves will not decrease total time (They might even have a negative impact). The Leaderboard: (note that entry time is based on game time. A run takes ~5 minutes) 57:58 Avera9eJoe ~1:00:00 LavaCake
  18. The next release is switching to a different mod for Jool's ring support from what I understand, so the bugs/issues with them will probably be fixed in the next update. Don't quote me though xD
  19. Imma say you left that as -38... and now I'm going to set it to -37.
  20. Oinker actually just released an almost black skybox. You might like a peek . LINK
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