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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. If you did Laythe I could possibly use it in my up and coming movie...
  2. o_O I'm not sure what the issue is then. Sorry.
  3. Awesome! I just finished listening to your full album. You love the synth indeed . A lot of elements in your songs remind me of the album "Galaxy" by the artist Jahzzar. I suggest you give it a listen . Again, very well done and an enjoyable listen.
  4. This happens if you convert the cloud textures to .dds because the image files have different "settings" with transparency. Did you manually convert them to .dds?
  5. DOH! I totally did. Sorry I couldn't update that sooner, I was on a 5 day packrafting trip. I mentioned you in the change notes. Thanks!
  6. Remember guys that Rbray has probably seen all these issues already and they are all just the early stepping stones of an awesome WIP eve. Please correct me if I ever say anything wrong though. ^-^
  7. Sadly no . His channel was amazing. I still hop on there and watch his trick shots every once in a while.
  8. Yo! I'm not sure if you responded yet . And sorry for the terrible typo in the header. I shall go back to mobile texting school .
  9. I think the ocean is classified as liquid explodium and not water xD. The pool has cool water, but you can't float in it. I'd basically up the drag and float values and than replace the entire ocean with it.
  10. Oh! I actually asked for just this thing before 1.0 dropped and Claw wrote a quick mod for this. I tested it and it still works in 1.0.4. Just make sure not to hover over your craft on launch pad as it starts calculating physics or the part will stay highlighted. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116075-Shader-glow-remover-Toggle-the-hover-over-green-glow-while-in-EVA-flight-mode
  11. I already have one on the front page. ^-^ Look just below the primary download link.
  12. You... you sir... just... wow. If there ever was an artist in the group it'd be you Proot . Tylo is beautiful and if the waters on Eve will use Scatterer for wave "volume" my jaw just might fall off. It's already wide open!
  13. Hmm... Just curious, could it possibly be because of drag occlusion checking? I'm wondering if the cargo bays and fuselages have the same lag issues. All hypothetical thinking though. Also, if it isn't because of occlusion checking (it probably isn't), I wonder what else could be causing the fairings to lag.
  14. Doh! I read that too fast. I mean Kraisins as in real life counterpart craisins. They're a thing. And quite good in trail mix too! Also I missed that suggestions are closed now. These are really entertaining to read though
  15. Has anyone said Kraisins yet? One thing that I wanted to mention looks a bit odd, is when you list the same food multiple times with a variation next to it each time. Instead of: Wok, [variant 1] Wok, [variant 2] Wok, [variant 3] ... I suggest: Wok, [variant 1], [variant 2], [variant 3], ... Same goes for oatmeal xD it looks wierd to say it like 3 times I suggest generalizing or condensing. ^-^
  16. Yeah I would agree. Pedanticism for the win
  17. "Spiderkerb... Spiderkerb... does whatever a spiderkerbal does..."
  18. Take into note before replying or answering the poll that this is unrelated to how you think the lag in KSP should be, and please only answer if you are using the same graphical settings for comparing pre-release and post-release lag. I want accurate and opinionated data. Again, please leave all of your post release opinions out. I have been noticing considerably more lag after the 1.0 release and I am curious as to what features it is tied to and more specifically, if it is related to heat calculations. Is anyone else noticing lag or speculating that it may be related to heat generation? Please discuss below. And I would be very much grateful if a dev graced us with his presence. Rep to he who does!
  19. I guess it would be project Inquiry. Have a video! Daily Kerbal - Project Inquiry
  20. I put a little note about that on the front. I've had no noticeable change in lag. ^-^
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