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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. XD Thank you so much Tygoo xD - And the creator of Porkahontas himself! The green screen is going to be shielding this thing: I need it to have gravity in order to land things on and raise and lower the lift, but I also need it in space. Edit: I just crashed my game
  2. Hello, Avera9eJoe here. I am a KSP YouTuber and Streamer, and for my next video I will need a green screen in numerous scenes my film, but there isn't a mod for one yet. I'm planning on basing it off of Cowboy Bebop if you are familiar with the show. I would love it if a mod maker could wip me up a GIGANTIC green screen. I think it should be easy to do.
  3. I agree with Katateochi in the fact that I enjoy KSP being somewhat mystical in areas, though I also agree that a lot of things should have some form of tutorial. Let me expand on that for a second: There's a fine line between the devs having too many tutorials (making the game too easy), and the devs adding too much bonus content/mystery (making the game more entertaining, but far more difficult). I'm sure this line is something the KSP devs have in mind when thinking about adding extra monoliths as well as tutorials. - That bring said, I still wish there where more stock easter eggs. Special locations are always interesting to me .
  4. -Regretting nothing -Mining potatoroids -Forgetting RCS
  5. I watched this on FleetAdmiralJ's YouTube channel and I thought it was so awesome I asked for permission to post it here. It's so awesome just watch! Later!
  6. I made this video about a month ago for my interplanetary mission to Duna. It may have what you're looking for .
  7. The fairing textures look amazing! I'm already picturing them mounted around my ships . NO BARN?!?! But what about #bringbackthebarn! I wanna see a barn... lol lemme call up Ronin Pawn...
  8. I'd have to agree with you Red Iron Crown. The computer that I bought and built over Christmas is a vast improvement over the old computer I had been using. You can get something that will run all you need for ~$700. Like I did ^-^
  9. Wow I've been cleaning a car all day and just got back to this page xD. 4 PAGES! One thing I never learned properly was how to manually re size imgur Albums. Would a mod please explain?
  10. Refresh if it says Javascript is disabled. It looks like they've reformatted the imgur embed. Anyone else seeing this?!
  11. Well this thing is stock for the time being The part count is somewhere in the 700s and unbelievably laggy... I haven't even added the moving doors and lift yet... They'll be infernal robotics though so I'm not too worried. And when I actually use this in filming I'll probably break it down into subsections of the craft. So big... EDIT: What is up with Imgur...
  12. If you need any other OBS help feel free to PM me. I've been using it for ~2 years now (It's been that long?!).
  13. Hahaha the first two comments are hilarious XD. My name is Joe, and I approve this post. *puts on philosophical Joe hat* Well said and as the golden rule says, treat others how you wish to be treated . The bigger man is the one who refrains from harsh words, rather then relying on them. *takes off hat* ^-^
  14. I'm thinking of adding a super tiny image of the badge to my sig if I can find the room xD it's so pretty! And I have a few techniques to post.
  15. Don't give the boulder a ticket. - I almost want to post some Chuck Norris-magic boulder spoof jokes... Lol.
  16. OMG THIS IS THE MOD I'VE ALWAYS WANTED!!! Awesome job man. Downloading when I next can.
  17. Happy Easter to you too! I gotta go and hang with the gran parents now . Eat a tasty dinner!
  18. Well if there isn't a mongrel war loving nation yet (that the majority of flame would be pointed at), I'd volunteer. o/ Wait are you giving up the whole nation, or some of it?
  19. Does every nation have a member, or are there nations with no one in them yet? I will do .
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