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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Yeah the largest thing I've sent was a portion of my first space station. Now that ARM has come out though...
  2. If you do something with an asteroid that's crazy and just plain out of the box, post images here and I may deem you the craziest asteroid challenger! The larger the asteroid/s the better. Later.
  3. Yeah me too xD and yes boom except Also if it was a mile long (and it probably would) it wouldn't be anywhere near as good as a rocket.
  4. xD I mean after the hydrogen is burned but still we all know why plain oxygen is dangerous.
  5. Okay that's what I've been thinking recently. Go volunteers go!
  6. Sweet. I'll look into this. Another reason why it probably wouldn't work is it would take too much time and energy to compress the hydrogen back into a liquid for propulsion. Yeah I literally just thought of this last night with no prior look into. You all rock. Later!
  7. Hello Avera9eJoe here I suggest updating the wiki's part list sooner as I find myself checking the list of parts often when an update comes out and find the list and statistics updated as much as a week after the update comes out. Anyone else agree?
  8. I've always thought that rockets are inefficient because they are launched from low in the atmosphere. Also rockets use hydrogen and a LOT of it. So do blimps (some of them). The reason why rockets don't "float like balloons" is 1 they have far too much weight and 2 the hydrogen stored is in a liquid state (denser than air). I think I can get around both of these. What if the hydrogen was stored in a giant balloon (and when I mean giant I mean giant) which would lift the balloon high into the atmosphere. When the hydrogen starts to expand too much, it can be compressed and then used as a propellant. Also you could even use the balloon as living space (if enough oxygen is present) and possibly even a parachute (maybe). What are your theories on why or why not this would work?
  9. Come join me! - I'll be updating this occasionally for my streams. I hope to see a few of you there! Avera9eJoe - Twitch Later guys.
  10. Sounds good you 2. I'll be making 2 videos definitely and then working from there if people really like them.
  11. It would be cool if after like 5 hours of EVA a kerbal would drop off radar so you would need to actually search for him... Same could go for spacecraft if they run out of battery or lack radar. That'd be a cool mod! My Jeb has just recently returned from my new career mode Mun landing and is now happily testing planes like usual.
  12. How do you KSP - My sister! I'm thinking of starting a KSP series teaching my KSP-clueless sister how to make planes, make orbit, and land on the Mun (and maybe go to another planet idk!) Would you watch some of it?
  13. Well that mun landing didn't work as planned xD That video proves that I don't have the computer to stream. I'll just stick with my movies . Which you can watch in my signature now if you like . Happy flying!
  14. - Stream was fun - I'll stick to watching people with better computers though . My 32 bit records fine, but can't stream without enough bumps to make it worthwhile. See you all around the VAB. Later.
  15. I go mainly stock. Only other mod I use now is Hyperedit for editing movies. Yes I agree with you that KSP gets boring if you've done something already. A good way to have fun is utilize the challenges thread more as a first suggestion . I think KSP could use more direction in future updates. That would solve the "creativity syndrome". I joined there was basically a moon to fly to, 2 engines, a fuel tank, a wing, a pod, and some SAS. a good learning environment, although once you've landed once there isn't... much... else to do... This is where you are at from what I see (although you've exhausted all parts in KSP rather than 20). There needs to be a list of tasks to do rather than a science archive to fill out and they are adding a list in the next update! Makes me happy Again, well said
  16. Talk about why Jets are much more efficient than rockets. - I.E. Jets carry fuel to burn and push the air present through themselves and Rockets carry both fuel AND all the air!
  17. I think there should be a grappling hook maybe 50-100m long that doesn't transfer fuel but allows you to hook onto an object. That way I can make a jet ski. xD No really though it would be very useful for hooking onto objects without the need to fly in close. Thoughts?
  18. Yes that would be awesome. Especially now that the fuel levels can be tweaked in editor.
  19. I agree with you ten fold. More science parts would be amazing. And I agree with our list completely too. Keep posting!
  20. NOTE: The poll only includes 10 options max I would've put in more. I've fallen into the creativity syndrome as of recently even with the .24 and ARM updates impending. A great deal of the KSP fan base has been playing for a while and probably is if not already is getting bored with rocket launching and data gathering. I'm putting up this post so I can see what people want in KSP. Polls are uneven as only the ones who like the title will post in it so the poll is just an overview. Please post a list of features you would like to see in KSP in aspects of parts and gameplay. Here's my list: I think KSP should have: Stronger RCS systems and more tanks, deadly reentry, science for modular building, satellites as a need to transmit data, science for EVA reporting within 50m of anomalies, a bigger SAS and battery and maybe capsule, more interesting reports, possibly unlocking burn estimate after using specific engine enough, upgrades to engines if used more (like if you use the rapier a ton you could make it slightly more efficient), unlocking nodes after a few launches, getting money for delivering parts/landing at different places at Kerbin, more EVA options (like getting more science for sampling specific places), integration of chatterer mod, blimp and low powered propeller parts, and more modules/science tools. That's all I have at the moment. What do you want in KSP's final release/soon? Later.
  21. I agree with the grindy and wasy aspect but mainly because I've done everything already. Although the greater portion of the fan base has had KSP for while and has already done the majority of things in the game. More difficult features do need to be added like stock deadly reentry and stock communications satellites. Or even more celestial bodies. Something more that's required to advance so you aren't always doing repetitive missions. Missions to space with satellite missions and Kerbin exploration missions in between. Oh and science and money for modular building too I'd love to see that.
  22. True. Very true. That will add a lot more difficulty to career.
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