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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. If you use Chrome on another CP too with all the same book marks, you can use "advanced sync settings" and "sync all" to get everything back. Make an easy pass phrase if you want to make sure something is happening. My Chrome browser does that every once in a while for no apparent reason. I just use advance sync to import the bookmarks from one of the laptops. Hope this helps! I take it you just searched that up too... Later.
  2. Just finished my launch. Baberbot it's all yours. Yeah I spammed a good amount of pics. Ship is 204 parts and I probably get 15 ish FPS so please stay around there. More would be just painful .
  3. It seemed as though people wanted to put everything in parking orbits and then one person launch them all in staggered orbits. Is this a major problem? :/
  4. Sweet! Did you jumpstart the save file? I'm totally fine if you did that although we're trying to put all ships in a 250 LKO orbit and then transferring all of them when a window comes. This is cool though. I take it your taking charge of Vall JebKerboom? Also a note on my video the quality is bad as I'd rather have frames over quality... I'll probably be doing a video of launch unless I make an album.
  5. Thats fine JebKerboom. So I just Streamed testing the contingency on the science/living quarters of the station. (I added it because it was really cool and easy to do). Please watch its pretty cool. And only 6 minutes xD. K.J.P. collab - Jool station contingency test/showcase!
  6. Me too... On another note I have a new collab in my Signature you could enter if you want . On an on topic note - What is it that you guys want to see in the SpacePort update?
  7. Wow people started actually posting... Whenever I search for parts I always google search and then find the forum post, and THEN use its link to spaceport. I use spaceport as if it where "dropbox" or another download site rather than a mod search. Nice one Rowsdower xD. And nice Avater Calc Warrior. So excited for SpacePort news!
  8. Wow people started actually posting... Whenever I search for parts I always google search and then find the forum post, and THEN use its link to spaceport. I use spaceport as if it where "dropbox" or another download site rather than a mod search. Still though... SelfiePort...
  9. Oh, Jedi if you ever need a random person with fairly low frame rate to stream you can call me.
  10. Good luck streaming! Yeah it should go in fan works but it gets more views here. Which the forum is trying to change ~
  11. Stuff. Scouting for colleges IRL, and helping out my collab in KSP.
  12. From the "Lets talk about spaceport" devnotes: Yes I just did that. I have no license on either picture in this or Nicolas cage. Who is taking the picture. Rename for 1 day please. Think of all the publicity... Feel free to comment what you'd like to see in SpacePort now or talk about random Selfie and KSP related stuff.
  13. I'm fairly certain there's a limit on surface samples though... well, if there isn't I think there should be! And a part that can add room!
  14. Twreed I think he means a storage unit in which you could store say 10 experiments instead of like 2. I agree that'd be really cool.
  15. Will be out hopefully soon. part 3 is my top priority atm .
  16. I completely agree. I think probes should have more interesting pieces and animations even if they don't generate science. Science would be even better though.
  17. Whoever it was that moved this to the space lounge thanks. Thanks for all the kind words and yes he must have taken it from before I reposted it. Has anyone else had something coppied? I'm pretty frustrated.
  18. I did a search of my KSP movie today and found this: http://www.techonce.net/threads/96549-Voyage-a-KSP-film-and-a-thank-you The user weliam copied my work and pasted it on his forum without asking, and not even with the thought to change its title. The real link is in my signature. This user also has an insane number of posts leading me to believe this user scams all the time. Could someone please send him my regards?
  19. heh. Jebkerboom you should read my "mishap on the mun..." signature link for probably the most genius recovery mission ever xD. My first mun landing did have a happy ending. A hectic, but happy ending .
  20. Last time one of My probes ran out of power in a freak accident I don't recall ALT-F12 helping out... Oh and yes keep in debug as it can be quite useful for part clipping.
  21. I kinda want to enter although I don't have the time and it's started D: This looks really cool
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