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Everything posted by RocketscientistV

  1. The HMS Party has completed tests and is ready for production.
  2. Space Ship 2, My white knight replica is not strong enough to carry this at the moment.
  3. So because of this crash I made a replica of SS2.
  4. I'm doing orbits and space in physics at the moment so this would be very appropriate for me.
  5. From images of crash site we see a part of the tail all in one area so it looks like a mid flight break up, but i have not seen all of debris.
  6. This is a terrible day for private spaceflight. My thoughts go out to family and friends.
  7. I remember the time in KSP when you could count the amount of parts on your fingers. I lost track of it after 0.10 but after a couple of school friends saw it and liked it they found it and I bought it in 0.19, so i had a 9 version gap. I went from no moon to having all the planets in the game at the moment.
  8. Wow. Remind me not to park in your spot at the administration facility.
  9. It's time for me to build a ship that can carry 100+ missiles. No more missed shots! (à ¸‡'Ì€-'ÃŒÂ)à ¸‡
  10. Zekes... I missed(pause for dramatic effect) and that was my final ship. You won. Ahhh, Why didn't I go into the cockpit. Would Raster Prop monitor be cheating?
  11. I just realized why I missed the HMS Revenge. I placed the I beam decoupler on the Small missile group and Vice Versa. This made it un balanced and I missed because of it, So Dreks will pay for my mistake! HMS Celeste is going down!
  12. No, You did not! Reaction= (°Ãâ€Ã‚°)
  13. http://www./download/ph38d1g6j640tu4/persistent.sfs Took us long enough, not sure what happened on page 111.
  14. South-East huh. Why do I have to be on school holiday! I could have heard it at my boarding school!
  15. Zekes, it was on page 98. EDIT: Blame. the. lag. First off, I set up an intercept with the HMS Revenge. Didn't know about the lag at the time. This was difficult, Areospikes do not do well with Pol's gravity. Blame the lag. Persist: http://www./download/ph...persistent.sfs
  16. Have I gone too far? No, no I have not.
  17. Zekes, This is going to take a while because that carrier IS LAG! my laptop is trying to kill me at the moment, but the HMS Revenge is going down. EDIT: Blame. the. lag. First off, I set up an intercept with the HMS Revenge. Didn't know about the lag at the time. This was difficult, Areospikes do not do well with Pol's gravity. Blame the lag! Persist: http://www./download/ph38d1g6j640tu4/persistent.sfs
  18. But in the rules it also states that the ship must be capable of operating independently of the weapons or other ships.
  19. Ok. More struts and RCS. I did test it in LKO, but that was me firing missiles at it.
  20. That's what my carrier, "Frigate", is doing, which is good because I forgot to put RCS on it.
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