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Everything posted by RocketscientistV

  1. Hoping to go to Jool, I just need to equip it with landers.
  2. It appears that Stanley is becoming more and more intelligent and 'human like' the closer they get to Jool.
  3. Bugged out the game during a landing on the mun, now Herely Kerman is stuck with a 2/3 of a rover and a grey rugged landscape. A rescue mission is not planned.
  4. Magnum Mini Classic ice cream. Dang, I was looking forward to that!
  5. The thing is, in the OP I was looking at the helicopter and not Kim, But I still think its a nice idea to mod female kerbals like that, And my arachnophobia was re-triggered by this thread.
  6. I was planning on sending a rover to the mun right now, once I find out how to land it and the crew I know where it is going.
  7. I got the update late because I was on holiday, all I have to say is. This is INCREDIBLE!!! I have all graphics settings at max setting! NO LAG!!!:confused::confused::confused:
  8. you guys are so lucky, i haven't got .24 yet.
  9. I saw this and tried to read it three times but stopped to stop myself from breaking down with grandparents in the room.
  10. Fall unconscious from freefall and when I wake up I find my way to the Med-bay. I did fall unconscious from a roller coaster before.
  11. Go Duna, Get the science and do a rescue mission for Jeb.
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_effect_vehicle I forgot what it was then remembered before google loaded.
  13. Enter Elysium did a Video on it. I like the look of it and am tempted to get it but my accessibility to steam is preventing me.
  14. Its Ok, you saw that it could get into orbit before. I updated the album with Me landing on the runway.
  15. Try again. This time Ronrigh is staying in the astronaut complex EDIT: I'll actualy take gate crasher and prize.
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