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Everything posted by SeventhArchitect

  1. And I retire for the night directly after telling you all that I fit 98 gigantor solar arrays on a single vessel that would never overheat, and I placed it near the star! Unfortunately, it wants to be the space kraken because it has 14, 16, and 26 arms that the gigantors sit at the end of. Literally. It starts wobbling in a fluid-like motion and doesn't stop until it breaks the connection between parts due to bending too far, or continues wobbling. I just gave up for the night. I'll put on more struts tomorrow and tell you all how much energy it's putting out. (I predict a 4,767,210 energy unit net gain from the solar panels)
  2. So, now I know why exactly you're not allowed to activate the alcubierre drive within atmosphere...It's much akin to hitting the planet itself. anyway. I'm currently trying to make a solar power relay of satllites, beginning with decent sized solar sats in low Kerbol orbit. Now, I ahve one out so far, and it's the pic below. There are 16 solar panels, gigantor solar panels. On the Power Flower (name), it his a thermal receiver, and an electric generator, with a collapsible alcubierre behind it before another computer core. One transmitter, and it transmits normally. Though, I'm having trouble understanding how much energy is being produced adn transmitted. For instance, it says it has an energy flow of 48645 units. There are 16 solar panels. 778,335 unts of energy in all. I wanna convert that to killowatts, but it says that thats the heat production already.
  3. Word of very friendly, insightful, and useful advice, It is a lot harder to make a rocket that can make a return trip to the mun than it is to make a rocket that can make a return trip to Minmus.
  4. I do so much prefer this version of the alcubierre. I think Fractal should add it, so that we may have alternate Alcubierre models. But when read that you were using Collapsible Alcubierres, the first thing that popped into my mind was literally an alcubierre drive that folded inwards around the center part's perimeter. Like, really worhtwhile collapsibility. I didn't not expect this.
  5. I'm gonna go ahead and try this out..... I'm gonna check your problem out and see if I discover anything.
  6. Shut up! You're pro! BTW, collapsible Alcubierre? I dont' see this at all in my game....
  7. Noobish beginners: "Yeah, I'm gonna play KSP with these awesome Lightspeed warp drives! I'm gonna make antimmater bombs! I'm gonna make an antimatter engine push a heavy payload!" KSP Interstellar: "Nope."
  8. You have problems playing Kerbal Space Program? In a joking sense, you'd ahve o be stupid to have a ahrd time playing KSP. In a real, true-sounding response, KSP is not for the weaker-minded, weakly-influence, or those with short attention spans. I learned from teh beginning that making big rockets is NOT where you start, yet I did. This is LITERALY rocket science. If you don't have at least a simple understanding of Rocket science, you will for sure have ahard time playing KSP.
  9. So, I set up a vessel that was supposed to meet with an asteroid out near Kerbin, and...I attached, everything with smooth, but...the rock didn't move. I had four 1.25m antimatter LFO drives firing off at MAX power, and I burned up all the fuel. Know what happened? Absolutely nothing. The rock didn't budge even a centimeter. I have no idea how to respond to that, being that those four thrusters were 1.25m antimatter LFO drives. Thats powerful enough to lift a heavy payload from Kerbin's surface to orbit with a decent amount of fuel. How on earth would that NOT redirect an asteroid? Well, I guess that since it's a large asteroid, being about class C, or D, it would be a bit hard to move, but this is an antimatter drive. Not a simple LFO rocket, and ANTIMATTER DRIVE! I can't rant about this enough.
  10. I already know that you can find Unknown Objects within the tracking station, BUT, I have no idea how to identify one of these in order to figure out it's orbit path. I've had a total of one asteroid come clsoe enough to Kerbin (it hit the planet, and I was depressed), but could not even figure out how to label it as an asteroid to plot it's course.
  11. You can use the (+) and (-) buttons to zoom in and out within the hangars. Or, use Shift+scroll. This can be used to help make large vessels.
  12. Amp up the engines. 120 kn thrust, ISP to be made the msot efficient of all parts ingame without it actually being OP, and make a vessel that way. It'd have to be big, with lots of panels. Multiparts here I come.
  13. I'm gonna use Kethane for the first time in forever. I'm going to simply not bother Majiir like some petty child who wants something from his parents, find and asteroid, attach a damned tank to it via a claw, and use it that way. Anyone else have a problem with this? Does this make you happier, Majiir, knowing that someone does this for fun instead of asking for asteroid tanks?
  14. Lazor systems, set an altitude, go after the plane, AND ACTIVATE DOCKING.
  15. I'll be honest, this isn't common knowledge, matey. This 'ere be somethin' I ne'er knew of! I'm not saying that it's uncommon knowledge because I didn't discover it, but after I've played the game for several years, thats gotta at least say something. Anyway. The game has it set to an alternate key use. This means that it would only be known if someone extensively explored key combinations. The game has no part in the tutorial that explains this function, if I remember correctly.
  16. People still need to know of this. I used to struggle to make large vessels, of which the main reason was because I couldn't build too well, and when it came to needing more parts for a wider rocket, it became very hard to move the screen around. I discovered it in the past, then completely forgot about it. Discovered it again, and I was like, freak yeah! I built Kerbantis shortly after. People REALLY need to know about this.
  17. The title says it all. Did you know that the (-) and (+) keys do this?! I discovered it recently, and I feel that nto very many people know this....... Spread the word!!!!!! And I think it can only be done so with a numpad so far. I can't use either the (-) or (+) keys next to the backspace key, but the (-) and (+) keys on the numpad work.
  18. Someone should make a mod that gives you some OP amount of science for Bringing an asteroid back to Kerbin, and landing with it, safely. Oh my god, I'm putting this is the suggestions thread.
  19. I discovered 0.23.5, updated, attempted the asteroid redirect scenario, saw many flaws in the pre-built vessel, discarded the scenario, tried the second asteroid scenario, then went on to check out the new 3.5m parts, and eh uhm heppeh. So, now the question no longer involves Mainsails, as mainsails are no longer the most powerful thruster. Now the big question of big payloads, is "How many Clusters did it take?" Or Engine clusters, S3's. KS-25x4's, or for the noobs who wanna use the full name, S3 KS-25x4 Engine Clusters.
  20. OMG, I saw that there was no ocean lag, and I paused, even moved the camera around, straight down, to the side. Lag minimalized. I er suh heppeh
  21. excuse my crude imgur psoting. I have no idea how to post it like you guys.......
  22. Here is a little something I've always wanted to build, a flying city. And I've wanted to do it within KSP for a long time. I call it Kerbantis. 429 parts, 109 crew max capacity. That is 109 Kerbals on one vessel, guys. It flies, it has enough DeltaV to make it to orbit, it has uber-heavy landing gear, an alcubierre drive, runs off of an antimatter drive, and so on. I think I will make exceptions for certain vessels on certain otherwise unauthorized debugs. For example, Kerbantis is 429 parts. Even when using an overclocker on my computer, it's very heavy on my FPS. I don't have two hours to put a ship like this in orbit of Kerbin. But, everything checks out on the "Is it possible?", side. It has enough DeltaV, fuel, thrust, whatever, to make it to Kerbin's orbit. I will leave it in orbit, though, and maybe spend a few hours some other time launching Kerbantis. For now, it is only qualified. Purpose of putting it into orbit is for picture purposes. No, it's not a replica. There is such a thing as a city, named Atlantis, which can fly through space like a massive ship, but I'm not modeling it after that, only using the concept. this is what I meant when I told everyone that if they make their own "versions" of something, they can qualify their creation. I don't think I'd ever see a concept version of a Millennium Falcon, though..... Anyways! First pic: Antimatter drive at work, bottom side of Kerbantis. Second pic: A mishap...I have no idea what happened. Only that Kerbantis suddenly began falling apart in atmosphere...I couldn't even find out where it started coming apart, the log was filled. Third pic: A shot of Kerbantis Fourth pic: A good shot of Kerbantis during the "day". Fifth pic: Kerbantis from above. Sixth pic: Kerbantis at night Seventh pic: Another day shot, but with lights on.
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