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Everything posted by SeventhArchitect

  1. Is there any chance that Bac9 will ever add in actual ships as B9 stock for launch instead of SSTOs that launch from the runway? I'm a fanatic for massive vessels that are space-worthy. I may not have built it, but my heart resides in flying them, not building them. As such, I also want to encourage people to either post here or send me craft files for awesome large vessels and/or smaller vessels that are still fun to fly, made of B9 and such, as well as smaller vessels for large ship-to-ship transfers in orbit for purposes like transporting cargo or people.
  2. So you just completely ignored what bac9 said about FAR, you have some kind of beef with the large wings being asymmetrical (doesn't make sense to me), and you think that you're entitled to any of the parts being fixed so that you can have a better time in KSP your way. Look. Shut up, take what you get, because the people making these mods have spent hours upon days upon weeks, TYPING. Do you know how tedious and boring typing code is? I'm a literary artist, my usual daily output for typing is about 5,000 words per day, and I could easily go over that many times. I enjoy what I do, but I can easily imagine that if that were me typing code, continuously checking flags and functions, spending hours rebooting and killing KSP to make it work, I'd get tired of it quick. Especially with the things that go on in B9 Aerospace. B9 aerospace has the most complicated (yet refined and perfectly working) look to it. It's not just aesthetic, you've got real working buttons and stuff that no other mod has, and parts that are the biggest known in the KSP universe, currently. as far as anyone else is concerned, everything works fine. So if you have a REAL problem, then explain. Otherwise, you're just trying to get someone to do some long, time-consuming event that will give you that tiny tweak to your game.
  3. Struts are your firend. I HAD that problem, but I found out that it's a better idea to strut those parts that are connected to the sides of other parts, rather than on the hardpoints. Also, if you use the massive parts and the big parts (big parts can fit one massive engine, massive parts can fit four), strut the big parts, but leave the massive aprts as is, or use those as anchors for strutting properly. I hated how my ship freaked out. This was the method I used to fix it. Struts.
  4. Are there any mods already made that makes the hangars massive, or allows one to zoom out even further within the hangars? I ask, and I know that there have been mods already made, but I don't know what to search. Really need these. I recently made a small sized ship in comparison to how big I want to build them, and that small ship filled up the hangar. I'm not building rockets anymore. I'm building ships. Big ships. With large hangars inside for docking. That are too big for the VAB
  5. can we please have those massive (shiver) wonderful space fairing vessels? Please?
  6. Well, I have to agree. But that doesn't mean you couldn't just make something that works. I mean, the bigger parts were made with space stations in mind. Big space stations. It is a shame that there are no large cockpits, but ye gods, if there were, they'd nay be cockpits, they'd be bridges. They will be bulky, they will be big. Most, I won't be able to do single-stage launches for.
  7. Kerbantis. To be honest, it was just me putting together a bunch of random stalks of command pods with tanks, But! In order for it to look worthy, fly, and actually meet what I wanted it to look like in requirements, it needed to be set up to where it had usable antimatter drives, a usable warp drive, and it even needed to be set up to where it wouldn't gather too much waste heat and shut down. So a lot mroe work went into this than I had originally anticipated. http://imgur.com/a/y47RE#6
  8. So...recently I rediscovered B9 Aerospace. I love the newer parts. The massive, bulky, non-cylindrical, non-spherical parts that are meant to be used for making humongous vessels. So, here I am, ready to release the Goliath series. Not to be confused with Goliath Industries' parts, which are possibly going to be used, but may not since B9 provides awesomer massive parts. This ships will have the goliath logo. I will not release any vessel that cannot make it to orbit or beyond, and I will definitely make sure to release any ship files, should people start asking. The architect out. Lets light up some engines. Goliath 1 (pictures pending, already built) with exception to the flight-worthy rule. 'Tis the prototype. First fairing vessel. The one before was to test the engines, and that was just a dummy shuttle, not worthy of the goliath name. http://imgur.com/a/URpZl
  9. I launch a massive colony ship in the name of a dead kerbal. Because none of my kerbals die. Ever. And if one does, I freak out, it becomes a big thing. then I feel sad and launch a massive colony ship. Which doesn't lose a single kerbal. The dead kerbal gets a supposed ghost pod. This ghost pod has no body, nor is it supposed to have one. It's a monument to the kerbal. Because the body of the dead kerbal is in a fiery crash somewhere in space. I'd give you a picture...But I haven't had a single kerbal die for, like, three versions now.
  10. Bruh. I saw that B9 had something new up JUST right above KSP Interstellar, and the first thing that came to mind was, hey, someone might have updated B9 to today's standards so that we can finally use those parts again! Yeah! NOPE! I saw that picture of that awesome space station and shat myself a little. I can finally get my confidence up enough to make my massive ships again, because I have parts now that allow that to happen without looking boring. TO THE VAB!!!
  11. A troll finds satisfaction in people gettign hurt by the statements he/she makes. This is not for satisfaction. I'm truly angry.
  12. Can we convince you to actually make a super OP Wormhole drive, Fractal? I mean, yeah, you'd not be all like, "huh, durr, just plug ti in and it works, durrrrr.", thats obvious. You'd amke it a challenge. But I'm saying this because we need yet another new, super-high-tech looking part to add to our vessel that is much more of a pain to get into space than an alcubierre is, and much more of a pain to get working. And, if I remember physics working correctly with a wormhole drive, moving from one orbit to another, you would probably maintain your current velocity. Can this be a thing, if you make this? It'd be more fun than just *boop* orbiting Laythe. It'd be more like *zap* above Laythe, and accelerating in a very oblong arc downwards. Please? Can you make this? We ened this part. Not jsut want, need, because we are definitely people that must demand stuff from you without a care that it's your choice on doing this. Sarcasm aside, please?
  13. I have tried getting the file from Sapceport, but it does not allow me to get the full file, or it corrupts immediately upon download completion. I got the pre-release from this thread, which I'm guessing is the very much latest release that has been given out, and might not work while others will. I would like some assistance with this, and I don't exactly want to ask for this solution to be dealt in a specific way, but the one way I think could fix this problem is by making a mirror link for the download. Mediafire is cool. And free. This has given me problems since two versions of KSP ago.
  14. How about instead of thinking of everything as needing Reentry cones, protective reentry covers, and reentry safe parachutes, ya get to making parts that can survive reentry at a specific angle, like the shuttles Nasa has launched did. I say this because it jsut looks like you want to add in actual reentry worries, but don't give a care to make it realistic. You just want it there. ~Truth~
  15. Global warming doesn't exist. Scientists legitimately disproved the theory, and instead, proved that global cooling exists. Anyone and everyone who still believes in global warming is a stubborn idiot for denying straight facts.
  16. It displeases me that no one even tries anymore.........
  17. Everyone can contribute something, and there will always be tricks that even the pros never thought of.
  18. I think he tried that but Wesley came in and screwed it all up. Looks like we'll have to call the Traveler. HMGUGFRG!!!!! Star Trek References! My childhood!
  19. Definitely gonna get back into attempting coding again, only, this time, I might ahve better luck. Right now, I'm going to (instead of commanding minions who don't want to do the work) code a mod that I want to see in KSP, myself. This mod is actually already pretty large in the planning phase, and I might have to actually wait for someone else to reverse engineer the asteroid spawning system for KSP, because of laws that prevent us from using Squad's coding. Anyway, I have no idea what I'm doing, coding-wise. Like, I wouldn't know where to begin except through using the C# program to write the code. If anyone has any tips, pointers, instructions even (which I would be most thankful for), then I'd appreciate it if you'd post them here. And no tutorials. Despite how well a tutorial can work to provide proper information to someone, explaining how, and teaching the person how to do something, I will not read through/watch a tutorial. Tutorials don't help me as much as simple (or complicated) instructions.
  20. You're makign me angry. I don't know why your sat isn't transmitting, but even with those 16 gigantors, mine transmitted all energy outwards to wherever. I even received power at an amazing rate from a nearby relay sat! How else would I be able to power an alcubierre attached to that relay, then plow it into the star which was less than 1 milllion meters away? Anyway, the arms ARE strutted, and I'm trying to figure out why they are still wobbling....
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