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Everything posted by Horman

  1. Still not working for me Neither in Chrome nor in FF tried both ways, drag & drop and using the form...
  2. Hmm, tried with firefox.. also nothing happend... Might be a typical available-IE-only problem... :/
  3. Is Peabody coming with a giant spacesnail? Looks cool with these caves
  4. Is this expandable, i.e. using more/other scientific instruments? (like ScanSat, some Telescopes, DMagics Science Pack) I love this idea, already tried to do this by Pen & Paper Have the same problem here!
  5. MacTee, I just retried to install some: First: I am doing a new installation, so no updates or so. Now I had this not with all mods, but some... here a few examples: Kerbal Joint Reinforcment Kerbal Contruction Time Chatterer the SCANSat+Toolbar-Update DMagic Orbital Science... those are making me having an issue at the moment EDIT: MacTee, forget everything I wrote... I just discovered, that all those zip-files were corrupted... Sorry for making trouble!
  6. Yes, I am aware of this - but is there a quicker way to check the version then by starting the game with all my mods? I am a non-Steam-user
  7. Hey MacTee, I am getting, while installing Mods, the Error Message Error while reading Mod Zip-File ""Error message: Cannot determine compressed stream type This seems to happen, when I am installing Mods with soundfiles... Is this intended?
  8. Hi there, I might be somekind of blind, but is there somekind of version tracker on the ksp website or in the forum, where non-steam-users might find, if they need to update ksp? I read that the ARM was already updated again, but I don't know for sure, if I got mine before or after that update. Right now, I am running Thx for opening my eyes
  9. Hey Athlonic, is it possible to add more soundclips, to have a bigger variaty of chattering on mission?
  10. Hey Makrond, is it even possible to make an extra folder for all modulemanager cfgs (of course as long as it is inside the GameData folder)?
  11. How about letting the Kerbalnauts spawn at the astronaut complex, so they might be driven to the launch tower by astro van?
  12. Are there any more soundpacks to extend the number of sounds?
  13. That is what I am expecting, but I was surprised, that it seems to be possible due to the options window (where you can read, how much of each body is done already) @Podafarr: Yes, I am aware of this. My question was just about Kerbol as a special case. So, the question is still up - has anyone done some Kerbol scanning without changing the cfg. ?
  14. During gaining more and more experience in the game, I also gain more parts in my tech tree - but also some more questions are coming up: 1) Are the anomalies, shown in the map equivalent to the "easter-eggs"? I just finished my first run with the BTDT-Scanner at the KSC - and as you all know, it shows me the KSC-Astronautskomplex. But if I get close to the monolith close to the shore, nothing happens. 2) When I opened the options window, I discovered, that Kerbol is also scanable. With this in mind, I am planning my first Kerbol-Probe. But now I am not sure, in what orbit I shall send it, to get the best scan-results. I guess, I might not be able to use the low-res-scanner, because of the max-altitude? Any suggestions in this case? Thx for your help!
  15. Hey Blizzy78, since the last update, I always have the "Update-available Button" in the toolbar. Even after de- and reinstalling this happens! Keep you work up - you have done a really helpfull tool here!
  16. I got the base-builder achievement for dropping a thermometer and grab it again
  17. Hmm, since the update, Fusebox won't appear in the toolbar anymore. At least in mine, of course.
  18. I am planning my first unkerbaled mission to Moho, launch in about 7 days. It will be an automated probe, doing some scansat- and kethane work and some science in orbit. I am also thinking about bringing a science rover and maybe even a small 4-sat-com-network down there. Now I am not sure about the angle covered by the dishes. What dish would you suggest to me, to use for my Moho-Mission for communication with kerbin?
  19. How can I see, when the last entries where made, so I should update my list?
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