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Everything posted by Horman

  1. Hi Fellow-Kerbalnauts, can someone tell me a way to calculate the max possible payload, for rockets? Greetings and happy flying Horman
  2. What are you thinking of a mod including some Mission Control features, incl Flight Director poll and possible failures of valves, etc? (hmm, rembers me on Orion somehow?! ) Any one able to make somethink neat like this?
  3. I got this message during many downloads from curse... (recently Kerbal Construction Time and KSP-AVC)
  4. PF & KAS seems to be running as 0.25-versions now (can't wait for your offical 0.25 release )
  5. It seems that the texture maps got some problems. Even in high detail they look... just bah...
  6. Athlonic, is there a way to implement more "soundpackages"?
  7. Hi to all modding gods out here! First - I love the work, you guys are doing here! Great to see, how your work brings this game to such a high level! Second: For my gameplay, I would like to have some Kerbals working as Ground Support Crew. I already found some mods, for changing the spacesuits and let the Kerbalnauts take the helmet off - but are there any mods, that will give the Kerbals just some kind of "Jumpsuit"-like clothings? I think about something like the guys, that helped the Shuttle Crew while boarding... Is there anything like this available? Greetings Horman
  8. Are there more vehicles planned to come? Like Paramedic or Pickup or something like that?
  9. Did I get this right - you are able to let the kerbalnauts spawn at another point than the craft itself? So they are able to walk to and board the vehicle?????
  10. Is there a way, to say, that, for example, Kerbals running on Kerbin, dont use any Electricity or something like that.. I would like to have a groundcrew out without having to track them every few hours.
  11. Okay, I found the vehicles in the saved crafts folder of the SPH But I haven't found vehicleparts themself.
  12. Yeah, I also got many crashes - and I was not able to find the vehicles anywhere! Where are they supposed to be find?
  13. Hi folks, I just have downloaded the actual firespitter version to my ksp. During launching KSP tells me now, that the mod firespitter is incompatible with 0.24.2... Is this a known issue, I might have overread? Greeting, Horman
  14. It seems that there are more mods, mentioned at ksp-avc.cybutek.net, that have no version file included. I have selected a bunch of mods from that side and installed them and after launching ksp - only a few of them appeared in the version check list...
  15. Marvin, that idea sounds perfect under this cirumstances... Maybe we should suggest something like this to the mod developers?!
  16. Hi there, is there way to let the Kerbals have there spawnpoint not inside the rocket but maybe something like in front of the Astronauts Complex? I just discovered that FASA Launchtowers and was thinking, if there is an interesting way to use that right from the start. Greetings! Horman
  17. Du meinst die Sache mit "Was ist eine Kettenreaktion"? Mit den Tischtennisbällen und den Mausfallen? Ein Klassiker, mit dem ich dann ein paar Jahre später die wissberigierigen Fragen zur Wiederaufnahme der Atomversuche Frankreichs auf dem Muroroa-Atoll erklärt habe - und kurz darauf lief es wieder! Okay, einige Sachen sind nicht immer Detailreich erklärt, aber das ist auch nicht mehr so einfach wie früher (zu viele Computerschritte ) Aber sie sind noch heute immer am Puls der Zeit und ich gucke mit meinen 41 Jahren jetzt immernoch regelmäßig die Maus - jetzt mit meiner 4jährigen Tochter!
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