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Everything posted by Horman

  1. Hey there, I now have completed the 4 tutorials (is there a part 2 or later of the flight to mun tut?) So, how do I carry on? Are there "mission" to fullfill? Set my own goals and development? What about "playing together"? Stupid questions, okay, but I just opened the door and don't have the idea, where to turn next Thx and keep your Kerbals alive
  2. Hey there, while getting comfortable with the game, I just got a look at this huge list of add-ons. Are there any must-haves or highly recommended ones? greetings and happy flying Horman
  3. hallo, hier die erste Frage aus der aktuellen KSP-Astronautenklasse: Was nutzt man am besten, um schöne Videos aufzeichnen zu können? Danke
  4. Hey there, my first post, just after my first tutorial launch - this looks like fun to me! I hope, I won't bother you guys with my questions - but be sure, they will come! Greetings Horman P.S.: If there are any SWG Players from Farstar - a special HI to you guys!
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