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Everything posted by Horman

  1. When I use the Infernal Robotics Button nothing happens. But I guess, that is something to ask in the Infernal Robotics thread
  2. /worship Nereid This is exactly what I was looking for! Will be added first, when I am home again!
  3. Great table! Thanks for this explaination. But why is my small mapping window not updated, but my big map is?
  4. I might be doing something wrong, but I am not sure what it is: I am flying aroung mun in an 100kmx100km polar orbit using the Scan Multispectral Sensor, the SCAN MapTraq and the SCAN BTDT. I am getting no updates on my small map window, just in the big one. The percentage coverage is increasing. BIO and ANOM are blinking yellow/orange and BTDT is permanently orange. Any one, who may explain this to me?
  5. Hey Papa_Joe, yeah, I already had a look on the notepad by agises. Its nice to look up some stuff, or make up your blog about the current flight. I imagined somekind of editable list, that you could actively check up, when preparing for some essential steps. From the look something like the Werner Checker by Magion. It shall just be somekind of "realism" for the normal proceedures, and of course, it might not have to be used, to let you start the next step... It just a dream
  6. Hey Papa_Joe! I am glad, you liked my idea - just came across when doing stupid things after my first landing on minmus - without having my game saved.. poor guy... I am curious, what you will bring up here
  7. Hi, I would like to request another flag for my sandbox-research unit, called "Hangar 42". Mysterious unit, doing secret not existing, always denied stuff - somehow like Area 51 Maybe really something with a plane hangar on it or so?
  8. When entering the Spaceport URL (by copy&paste), I get the message, that the URL has a wrong format. The autocheck for KSP Mod Admin wants to "update" to 1.3.11 When hitting check for Mod Updates I get an Error (sorry, just in German: (StartIndex darf nicht kleiner Null sein. ParameterName:startIndex")
  9. Will the created nodes be somehow saved when I switch to another vehicle?
  10. How about adding a checklist for inflight operations too? (Have I lowered my landing gear? Did I saved the game before initiating the final decent?)
  11. Because of loading a wrong savefile, I have to redo this landing anyway - lets see, if it works better the next time
  12. I have an issue with the "deep impact" achievement: I landed inside the Northwest Crater at about N 11° 3' 12'' and 22° 37' 59'' and this achievement did not trigger. Or this not one of Mun's big craters?
  13. Well explained, thank you! So, I will have to use dishes a bit longer, till I have the Communotron 32, the C16 has not enough range now... okay, so about 300 more science points to go... thank you
  14. Can someone tell me please, how many antennas/dishes do I need for my relay sats? Do I need one for every connection? Or do I link my relay sats via "active vessel"?
  15. This is the same problem I had, mulit-stage-rocket, autoasparagus activated - and then I had to restart the game, because nothing was working anymore
  16. Thank you for your help! I will give it a try How do I change the title to "answered"?
  17. Ah, okay, so I have to do it manualy. Thank you for the info!
  18. Hey there, I just got my solar panels today and while I was building my next spacecraft I was wondering, if there is any tool/mod/etc. that would tell me how much electric charge I use or generate? thx for help!
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