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Everything posted by sebi.zzr

  1. I'm not in position to comment on that.There was already debate about his other mod.
  2. The author is @SPACETECH ,but unfortunately he is not active anymore.
  3. Unfortunately not,you can only resize whole model.
  4. @berkekrkn,you can check this mod Look at the last page for working .cfgs.
  5. @elpollodiablo,you might check LH_Icarus from Lionhead Aerospace Inc..Maybe it would need some *.cfg tweaks,but in basics work in KSP 1.1.3 Video:http://sendvid.com/1ztlghd0
  6. I just installed KAX on my game to check it out,it appears everything is working as it should. Extract the KAX folder, Firespitter folder, and ModuleManager.dll into your Gamedata folder. Be sure to properly extract the Firespitter/Resources folder or you will have FScoolant errors. If you already have Firespitter and/or Module Manager, use the latest versions of their .dll plugins.
  7. @Core,probably,you need to update Firespitter.dll.You can get updated version here. Download plugin only,since all "propeller parts" depend on that.
  8. The CSS is updated to 1.1 on SpaceDock,but the most recent version should be this
  9. @ZooNamedGames,are you looking for this?
  10. Welcome to the forums.Maybe this will help you start: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Module#ModuleEnginesFX
  11. I wanted to suggest,that you delete Physics.cfg and PartDatabase.cfg from yours Ksp_win folder and restart the game.But i was misled by the fact that parachute aren't deployed at propre altitude.
  12. The parachute should be fully deployed at around 400m,so my next question is,how did you setup your parachute(min.presure,altitude)? Do you use any mods,like ModuleManager or Stock Bug Fix Modules?
  13. @Yahnyx,from looking at your picture,i can see that the parachute is not fully deployed yet.So i'm guessing that you didn't stage your parachute soon enough,since the parachute need some time to fully deploy. My question is,at what altitude did you actually staged your parachute?
  14. the link is not broken,but is Mediafire link You'll have to be inventive,and link will still work.
  15. Maybe adding these line to engines .cfg will solve your problem. heatConductivity = 0.06 //lower the number,less heat get transferred to neighbour part radiatorMax = 0.5 //how much can part be cooled emissiveConstant = 0.85 //how much heat is radiated from part iself
  16. @Gaiiden,I don't know if this is still relevant,but you can try with TextureReplacer,it'll allow you to replace almost every texture. If you have "the texture"(it can be .dds,.jpg or .png),put it in KSP_win\GameData\TextureReplacer\Default,and rename it to same name that is in asset file,just like you would replace skybox or the teran for planets.
  17. @manudu77600,this is similar problem to yours: You can't mix "ModuleEngines" and "ModuleEnginesFX".
  18. i know,you're experient user!https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9508397/PimpMyKerbals-1.1%2Bfix.zip:it has a really nice skybox. !but then again!
  19. Maybe you can try: there are links to 15 different skyboxes in the OP,i'm sure you'll find one that you like.
  20. That's why it's recommended to read at least OP from mod you want to install.
  21. Put the mouse cursor on a portrait,then click on the button.
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